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SSH CLI exit codes

The SSH CLI commands return exit codes.

All CLI commands that are run in an SSH client single-command environment provide exit codes to indicate their outcomes. The following table shows exit codes that are supported; other exit codes are reserved for future use.

Table 1. SSH CLI exit codes
NameValue (decimal)Description
EX_OK0Successful command execution.
EX_USAGE64Command-line usage error: syntax error, wrong command arguments or number of arguments, or invalid command target.
EX_DATAERR65Input data error: invalid configuration file or SSH key parsing error.
EX_NOINPUT66The input file does not exist or is not readable.
EX_UNAVAILABLE69The command-line interface is not available: CLI oversubscribed, CLI disabled, or the data returned by a command has an unexpected value.
EX_SOFTWARE70Internal software error. Check the CMM event log for other error indications.
EX_TEMPFAIL75The command could not perform a write operation because the device or CMM was not in the correct state. Check for conflicting tasks or conditions and try to run the command again.
CLI_ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED126Authorization error: the user does not have sufficient privileges to execute the command.
CLI_ERR_CNF127Command not found.