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Checking quorum on the SCSI blade

If you are operating in a SAN environment and you are replacing a controller module, you must verify that each controller is in a SAN quorum with other controllers in the cluster.

With the privilege level set to advanced, check that the most recent scsiblade event message for the degraded controller indicates that the scsi-blade is in quorum: event log show -node impaired-node-name -messagename scsiblade.*

You should see messages similar to the following, indicating that the SCSI-blade process is in quorum with the other controllers in the cluster:

Time Node Severity Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
9/1/2016 14:03:51 node1 INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade on this node
established quorum with the other nodes in the cluster.
9/1/2016 14:03:51 node2 INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade on this node
established quorum with the other nodes in the cluster.
9/1/2016 14:03:48 node3 INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade on this node
established quorum with the other nodes in the cluster.
9/1/2016 14:03:43 node4 INFORMATIONAL The scsi-blade on this node
established quorum with the other nodes in the cluster.

If you do not see these quorum messages, check the health of the SAN processes and resolve any issues before proceeding with the replacement.