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Defining extended ThinkServer CPlus BIOS settings

The extended ThinkServer CPlus BIOS settings are learned and dynamically created from a specific managed server. Lenovo XClarity Administrator creates these patterns when you create a server pattern from an existing ThinkServer CPlus server. You cannot manually create extended ThinkServer CPlus BIOS patterns; however, you can copy and modify the patterns that have already been created.


Complete the following steps to modify extended ThinkServer CPlus BIOS patterns.

  1. From the XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Provisioning > Patterns. The Configuration Patterns: Patterns page is displayed.
  2. Click the Category Patterns tab.
  3. Click the Extended ThinkServer CPlus BIOS Patterns vertical tab.
  4. Select the pattern to be modified, and click the Edit icon (Edit icon).
  5. Modify the appropriate fields.

    You can select the settings that you want to include in the category pattern by clicking Include/Exclude settings.

  6. Click Save to the save changes to the current category pattern, or click Save As to save changes in a new category pattern.


The modified category pattern is listed on the Extended ThinkServer CPlus BIOS Patterns tab in the Configuration Patterns: Category Patterns page:

From this page, you can also perform the following actions on a selected category pattern: