XClarity Administrator PowerShell toolkit data types
The following data types (classes) are used by the Lenovo XClarity Administrator PowerShell toolkit cmdlets.
- BackupInfo class
This data object contains information about a specific Lenovo XClarity Administrator backup. - BulletinData class
This data object contains information about a Lenovo bulletin. - LXCABackupsInfo class
This data object contains information about all Lenovo XClarity Administrator backups. - ConfigData class
This data object contains information about each switch-configuration data files. - DeviceMaintenanceStatus class
This data object contains information about maintenance Status for a device. - DriveSecureEraseResult class
This data object contains information about the status of the drives secure erase request. - FirmwarePackageData class
This data object contains information about a firmware package. - FirmwareRepositoryData class
This data object contains information about the firmware-updates repository. - IdentityManagementSystems class
This data object contains information about the identity-management systems configuration. - IdentityManagementSystemsPaths class
This data object contains a path of the identity-management system. - JobNotes class
This data object contains information about a note that is attached to a Lenovo XClarity Administrator job. - LicenseComplianceData class
This data object contains information about whether XClarity Administrator is license compliant. - LicenseComplianceStatus enum
This data object contains the license-compliance status. - LicenseWarningPeriod class
This data object contains information about the license warning period. - LXCABackupRestoreRequest class
This data object contains the operational status when a backup is being restored or imported. - LXCABackupRestoreResult class
This data object contains information about the results of a Lenovo XClarity Administrator restore or import process. - LXCABackupResult class
This data object contains information about the results of a Lenovo XClarity Administrator backup process. - LXCAConnection class
This data object contains information about the current connection to Lenovo XClarity Administrator. - LXCAFileDownloadResult class
This data object contains the full path to the file that was downloaded from Lenovo XClarity Administrator to the local system. - LXCASchedule class
This data object contains information about a scheduled job. - QuantityLicense class
This data object contains information about all installed licenses on a Lenovo XClarity Administrator server. - QuantityLicenseData class
This data object contains information about a license. - QuantityLicenseFileInstallInfo class
This data object contains information about the installation result of a license-activation key. - QuantityLicenseInstallResult class
This data object contains information about the installation result of one or more license-activation keys. - QuantityLicenseStatus enum
This data object contains the license status. - RequestResult class
This data object contains information about the result of the request. - RequestResultStatus enum
This data object contains the result of the request. - ScheduleObject class
This data object contains information about the schedule to be used for creating a XClarity Administrator scheduled job. - ScheduleRule class
This data object contains information about the scheduling rule. - ScheduleTriggerAction class
This data object contains information about update compliance for a specific resource manager. - ScheduleShowDTO class
This data object contains information about. - ServersGlobalSettings class
This data object contains global inventory-configuration settings for servers. - SingleSignOnStatus class
This data object contains information about the single sign-on status. - StoredCredentialData class
This data object contains information about the stored credentials. - StoredCredentialType enum
This data object specifies the stored-credential types. - SwitchConfigData class
This data object contains information about switch-configuration backup files. - WarrantyContractStatus enum
This data object specifies the warranty contract status. - WarrantyInfo class
This data object contains information about warranty data for a managed device.
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