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osimages remotefileservers

This command retrieves information about all remote file-server profiles, and creates and modifies a remote file-server profile.


osimages remotefileservers  -h

osimages remotefileservers [-o <settings_JSON>] [-v <filter>]


{-h | --help}
Displays the syntax and brief usage information for this command.
{-o | --osimages_dict} <settings_JSON>

Specifies the remote file-server profile settings, in JSON format.

If this parameter is not specified, information about all remote-file-server profiles is returned.

Table 1. Return information about a specific profile
ParametersRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
idRequiredStringID of the remote-file-server profile
Table 2. Delete a profile
ParametersRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
deleteidRequiredStringID of the remote-file-server profile
Table 3. Create or modify a profile
ParametersRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
putidOptionalStringID of the remote-file-server profile

If specified, the remote-file-server profile is modified.

If not specified, a remote-file-server profile is created.

addressRequiredStringIP address of the remote file server
displayNameRequiredStringUser-defined name of the remote file server
keyCommentOptionalStringKey comment
keyPassphrasOptionalStringKey passphrase
keyTypeOptionalStringType of encryption algorithm. This can be one of the following values.
  • RSA-2048

  • RSA-4096

  • ECDSA-521-secp521r1

passwordOptionalStringPassword to connect to the remote file server
portRequiredIntegerPort number
protocolRequiredStringServer protocol. This can be one of the following values.
  • HTTP


  • FTP

  • SFTP

serverIdOptionalStringProfile ID for the remote file server

If specified, the profile is modified. If not specified, a new profile is created.

usernameOptionalStringUser name to connect to the remote file server
For example,
"address" : "",
"password" : "Passw0rd",
"port" : 8081,
"protocol" : "HTTPS",
"username" : "admin"

{-v | --view} <filter>
Identifies the view to use for the returned data. If a filter is not specified, the default view is used.

You can also create custom views (see Creating custom views).


The following example returns information about all remote-file-server profiles.

connect --url --user ADMIN --noverify
osimages remotefileservers -v remotefileserver

The following example returns information about a specific remote-file-server profile.

connect --url --user ADMIN --noverify
osimages remotefileservers -o '{"id": "1"}' -v remotefileservers

The following example creates a remote file server profile for an FTP server.

connect --url --user ADMIN --noverify
oosimages remotefileservers -v remotefileservers -o '{"address": "",
"displayName": "new_ftp_207", "port": 21, "password": "password", "protocol": "FTP",
"username": "guest"}'

The following example modifies a remote-file-server profile.

connect --url --user ADMIN --noverify
oosimages remotefileservers -v result -o '{"putid": "1", "address": "",
"displayName": "new_ftp_207", "port": 21, "protocol": "FTP"}'

The following example deletes a remote-file-server profile.

connect --url --user ADMIN --noverify
osimages remotefileservers -o '{"deleteid": "1"}' -v result