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updatepolicy status

This command determines whether devices are compliant with the assigned compliance policy using the job or task ID that was returned when the compliance policy was assigned.

This command starts a job to perform the update-policy action. If successful, the job ID is returned. You can use the job ID in the tasks –j command to determine the status of the job.


updatepolicy status  -h

updatepolicy status -j <job_ID> -u <device_UUID> [-v <filter>]


{-h | --help}
Displays the syntax and brief usage information for this command.
{-j | --job} <job_ID>
Specifies the policy job ID for the assign compliance-policy operation. If specified, this command returns status information about the specified job.
{-u | --uuid} <device_UUID>
Specifies UUID of the device to which the compliance policy was assigned using the specified job ID. If the value is null or empty, compliance information is returned for all devices in the job.
{-v | --view} <filter>
Identifies the view to use for the returned data. If a filter is not specified, the default view is used.

You can also create custom views (see Creating custom views).


The following example retrieves the compliance status of a device.

connect --url --user ADMIN --noverify