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Manually initialize

This chapter is optional for the user. It shows how to manually initialize Lenovo XCC Logger Utility again after the package has been installed on the operating system according to one of the instructions above.


If the user does not encounter any problem during installation and does not want to manually alter the running environment of Lenovo XCC Logger Utility, it is unnecessary to perform a manual initialization.

Command syntax for manual initialization:

# sudo /opt/lenovo/xcclogger/xcclogger -i [-u]

The manually initialize procedure will perform the exact same operation as the installation procedure. It is generally used after the system recovered from abnormal state which has caused Lenovo XCC Logger Utility not initialized properly during the package installation or some necessary runtime files have been accidentally removed.

(Optional) If “-u” is also specified, instead of creating/updating the dedicated XCC account for reporting, Lenovo XCC Logger Utility will prompt user to input an existing XCC account/password combination. The credential will be stored encrypted.