
Tips for Operations Manager

These topics provide tips and observations for Operations Manager.

  • Objects discovered with a management pack might not display in the Operations Manager Console if the same management pack is deleted and reimported too quickly

    If you do not wait long enough before reimporting the management pack files, managed systems that were previously added to Operations Manager might not display in the Operations Manager Console.

    For details about this issue, see Microsoft Support – Discovery information is missing after you delete and then reimport a management pack in Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007.

    Refer to the "Resolution" section of this Microsoft knowledge base article.
  • Managed servers might have different health states when managed in more than one management group

    To manage servers that are in more than one Operations Manager management group, ensure that the same version of Hardware Management Pack is used for all the management groups to which these servers belong. Otherwise, there might be inconsistent health states or alerts reporting for these servers.

    Because some of the health states managed by Hardware Management Pack are updated on a timed interval basis, there can be times that a server has different health states in different management groups.

    Make sure the management packs in all the management groups are of the same version.
  • State changes can take more than a few minutes to roll up to the topmost level

    It might take the Operations Manager Console some time to reflect the final rolled-up state of the highest level object.

    Detail state
    Do manual refreshes by pressing F5 to force the Operations Manager Console to display the latest data or consult the view of the object for the latest health state.
  • Data might not display in the Operations Manager state views after scrolling left and right

    Data in the health state views might not display if you frequently scroll left and right to browse all of the columns in the state view.

    Do manual refreshes by pressing F5 to force the Operations Manager Console to display the latest data.
  • After resetting the health states through the Operations Manager Console, it can take 2 minutes or more to reflect the current health state

    After using Health Service to reset health states, it might take 2 minutes or more to roll up to the top most state view and reflect the current health state.

    Perform a manual refresh by using F5 to force the Operations Manager Console to display the latest data.
  • The value of the Path property for some Operations Manager objects might display as either empty or wrong

    The value of the Path property for some Operations Manager objects might display as either empty or wrong in the State list view.

    • Lenovo System x and x86/x64 blade servers

      The Path property for some object classes can be empty. The Path property for all of the systems in the Root Computers view has an empty value, but the Path name property of these objects is not empty. Hardware Management Pack does not explicitly override the Path property for all of the objects it creates. The Path property of an object can be empty if that object is based on a class that is empty and Hardware Management Pack does not explicitly override the value.

    • Lenovo BladeCenter chassis and Lenovo Flex System chassis

      The value of the Path property of BladeCenter Chassis is correct in the Details view of the Operations Manager Monitoring pane, but the value can be incorrect in the State view tab.

    Check the value in the Details view of the Operations Manager Console before using the value of the Path in the State list view.
  • Views and columns in the Operations Manager State views do not revert to the default settings after the Management Pack has been deleted and reimported

    The Operations Manager Console implements sticky settings for those personalized views that are remembered from session to session. Such views are remembered even if you delete Hardware Management Pack and reimport it.

    Click Revert to default when personalizing a view using Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2.
  • The "Processing backlog events taking long time error" warning alert is displayed when an Operations Manager 2007 SP1 agent is installed on a computer running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

    If an Operations Manager 2007 SP1 agent is installed on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, EventID 26017 is logged.

    After this occurs, the Processing backlog events taking long time error warning alert is displayed.

    No workaround is required. Either ignore the events or upgrade to Operations Manager 2007 R2. For more information, see Microsoft Support – Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 in System Center Operations Manager 2007 Web site.