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Setting up Lenovo XClarity Integrator for Nagios

Use these steps to setup Lenovo XClarity Integrator for Nagios.

Before you begin

Ensure that the software requirements are met (see Software requirements).

Ensure that Nagios can connect to the target Lenovo XClarity Administrator.

Ensure that ports to the SMTP server are open.

Ensure that XClarity Administrator manages one or more devices that have alerts so that you can verify the setup.

By default, XClarity Integrator for Nagios uses Python sendmail function for sending emails. You can use the default standard Nagios e-mail function or the standard email plugin that you use for all other plugins by configuring the email function in XClarity Integrator for Nagios script

When copying code snippets from this topic, pay special attention to the end-of-line characters, as they are different in Windows and Linux.


To set up XClarity Integrator for Nagios, complete the following steps.

  1. Download XClarity Integrator for Nagios ( to the /usr/local/nagios/libexec directory
    You can download XClarity Integrator for Nagios from the Nagios Exchange website or Lenovo Support website.
  2. Optional: Edit the Python script, and modify the location where you want to store the log_alerts, log_nodes, log_mail and certificate.pem files.

    By default, the script creates and saves these files in the /home/nagios/logs directory.

  3. Run the /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ generate_credentials command to set up XClarity Integrator for Nagios for each appropriate XClarity Administrator instance.
    You must run this command as the user that runs the XClarity Integrator for Nagios instance.
    When prompted, specify the following data:
    • URL for the XClarity Administrator instance (for example,

    • User name and password to use to authenticate the XClarity Administrator instance

    • Name that you want to use to identify the XClarity Administrator instance

  4. Optional: Add the certificate for an XClarity Administrator that has a certificate that is signed by a root Certificate Authority by copying the certificate file (in PEM format) to the Nagios log directory.

    Use the following format for the certificate file name: certificate.pem<XCLARITY_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME> (for example, certificate.pemLXCA_1).

  5. Update the Nagios configuration files in the /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects directory to add the new plugin.
    • commands.cfg

      1. Add the following definition to send emails.

        The options that are specified in the following definition are appended with two dashes.
        define command{
        command_name notify-by-email
        command_line $USER1$/ --notificationtype '$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$'
        --servicedesc '$SERVICEDESC$' --hostaddress '$HOSTADDRESS$' --servicestate '$SERVICESTATE$'
        --longdatetime '$LONGDATETIME$' --longserviceoutput '$LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$'
        --hostalias '$HOSTALIAS$' --contactemail '$CONTACTEMAIL$'
      2. Add the following definition to verify the target XClarity Administrator instances. Add a separate definition for each XClarity Administrator instance.

        The options that are specified in the following definition are appended with two dashes.
        define command {
        command_name <XCLARITY_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME>
        command_line $USER1$/ --lxca <XCLARITY_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME>

        Where <XCLARITY_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME> is the name of the XClarity Administrator instance that you specified in step 3.

        For example:

        define command {
        command_name LXCA_1
        command_line $USER1$/ --lxca LXCA_1
    • localhost.cfg

      Add the following definition for each XClarity Administrator instance.

      define service{
      use local-service
      host_name localhost
      service_description <XCLARITY_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME>
      notifications_enabled 1

      Where <XCLARITY_ADMINISTRATOR_NAME> is the name of the XClarity Administrator instance that you specified in step 3.

      For example:

      define service{
      use local-service
      host_name localhost
      service_description LXCA_1
      check_command LXCA_1
      notifications_enabled 1

    • contacts.cfg

      Add the following definitions to define the email address of the contact or contact group that is to receive emails notifications.

      define contact{
      use generic-contact
      contact_name <CONTACT_NAME>
      alias <CONTACT_FULL_NAME>
      email <CONTACT_EMAIL
      service_notification_commands <SERVICE_COMMAND

      • <CONTACT_NAME>. Short name for the contact

      • <CONTACT_FULL_NAME>. Full name for the contact

      • <CONTACT_EMAIL. Contact email address

      • <SERVICE_COMMAND. Command that you want to use for sending and receiving emails, To use Mailx, specify notify-by-email. To use the standard Nagios email plugin, do not specify a value.

      For example:

      define contact{
      use generic-contact
      contact_name John
      alias John Doe
      service_notification_commands notify-by-email

  6. Restart Nagios for the changes to take effect.
  7. From the Nagios portal, verify that xclarity_integrator_check is listed as a service under localhost.

  8. Click xclarity_integrator_check to display the current status, and verify the status is OK.
  9. Create an alert condition in the target XClarity Administrator. Verify that an email is sent to the specified contacts, for example:
    ***** Nagios *****

    Notification Type: PROBLEM

    Service: xclarity_integrator_check
    Host: localhost
    State: CRITICAL

    Date/Time: Wed Jul 25 08:15:54 EDT 2018

    Additional Information:

    Node: SR530 with IP:,, is in Critical state with the following alerts:
    All CPUs have failed with ERROR.