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Adding a blueprint

You can add a blueprint for the existing Orchestrator workflows as follows.


  1. Log in to vRA 8.3 server using vRA server FQDN.
  2. Enter the username and password and click Login on the Login page.
  3. On the vRealize Automation-Cloud Services Console, under My Services, click Service Broker. The vRealize Automation- Service Broker page is displayed.

  4. Click the Content & Policies tab. The Content Sources page is displayed.

  5. To create a template, click NEW > vRealize Orchestrator Workflow. The New Content Source page is displayed.

  6. Enter the name of the blueprint you want to create in the Name text box. Provide a name that would help the user further in finding and using the blueprint. For example, Add host to cluster, and so on.
  7. Enter a description in the Description field. It is recommended to add the word "Lenovo" when you add the relevant description as it helps to identify the workflow.
  8. Click ADD. The Add workflows page is displayed listing the orchestrator workflows.

  9. Search for the workflow you want to add in the Search workflow search box to list the required workflows from the Orchestrator integrations.
  10. Select the check box of the required workflow on the extreme left, and click ADD. The selected workflow is listed as follows.

  11. Click CREATE & IMPORT to create a blueprint. A notification is displayed with the name of the blueprint that is created on the top of the screen.