Web resources
You can find additional information about Lenovo XClarity Integrator Management Pack for VMware vRealize Operations Manager in the product documentation and on the Web.
Lenovo XClarity Integrator Management Pack for VMware vRealize Operations Manager website
This Web site provides the latest downloads for the LXCI Management Pack for VMware vRealize Operations Manager:
System Management with Lenovo XClarity Solutions
This Web site provides an overview of the Lenovo XClarity solutions that integrate System x and Flex System hardware to provide system management capability:
Lenovo technical support portal
This Web site can assist you in locating support for hardware and software:
ServerProven Web sites
The following Web sites provide an overview of hardware compatibility for BladeCenter, Flex System, System x, and x Series hardware:
vRealize Operations Manager website
Locate documentation in several formats to assist you with installing, using, and developing with VMware vRealize Operations Manager