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In an emergency event, e.g., a DC-level power failure forcing the DC to run on a backup power supply, you can enable ‘Emergency Power Reduction’ (EPR) to throttle the power of the devices down to an extremely low level to prolong the service time.

You may need different throttling actions for different devices. You can specify the emergency power reduction action for a device when it is added. You can also modify the EPR action by editing the device after it has been added. When a room is placed in emergency power reduction, different devices are throttled differently.

There are three EPR actions to choose from the drop-down list: ‘Minimize power consumption’ (default), ‘Shut down’ and ‘No action’. You can choose ‘No action’ for critical devices, but ‘Minimize power consumption’ or even ‘Shutdown’ for others.

Applying Emergency Power Reduction may throttle the power consumption of the devices down to an extremely low level, or even shut the devices down, which will impact the performance. Use the function only in emergencies. Please check the EPR actions carefully before applying EPR.