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Keyboard navigation

Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager Lite V2 supports navigation by using either mouse or keyboard. The following are the keys used for keyboard navigation:
  • Ctrl+Tab: Toggles between the left panel (menu) and the right panel.

  • Tab: Move forward to the next selectable item in the active panel.

  • Shift+Tab: Move backward to the previous selectable item in the active panel.

  • Space: Same as click when a button is active.

  • Up arrow: Scroll up.

  • Down arrow: Scroll down.

  • Ctrl+L: Same as click Languages button.

  • Ctrl+N: Same as click Network Settings button.

  • Ctrl+H: Same as click Help button

  • Ctrl+X: Same as click Exit button.

Only United States layout keyboard is applicable in Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager Lite V2 user interface.