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Update the asset tag

Optionally, you can update the asset tag.

There are two methods available to update the asset tag:
  • From Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager

    To update the asset tag from Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager:
    1. Start the server and press the key specified in the on-screen instructions to display the Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager interface.

    2. If the power-on Administrator password is required, enter the password.

    3. From the System Summary page, click Update VPD.

    4. Update the asset tag information.

  • From Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI

    Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI sets the asset tag in the Lenovo XClarity Controller. Select one of the following methods to access the Lenovo XClarity Controller and set the asset tag:
    • Operate from the target system, such as LAN or keyboard console style (KCS) access
    • Remote access to the target system (TCP/IP based)
    To update the asset tag from Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI:
    1. Download and install Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI.

      To download Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI, go to the following site:

      XClarity Essentials OneCLI website

    2. Copy and unpack the OneCLI package, which also includes other required files, to the server. Make sure that you unpack the OneCLI and the required files to the same directory.

    3. After you have Lenovo XClarity Essentials OneCLI in place, type the following command to set the DMI:

      onecli config set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysEncloseAssetTag <asset_tag> [access_method]
      The server asset tag number. Type aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, where aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is the asset tag number.
      The access method that you select to use from the following methods:
      • Online authenticated LAN access, type the command:

        [--bmc-username <xcc_user_id> --bmc-password <xcc_password>]
        The BMC/IMM/XCC account name (1 of 12 accounts). The default value is USERID.
        The BMC/IMM/XCC account password (1 of 12 accounts).

        Example command is as follows:

        onecli config set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysEncloseAssetTag <asset_tag> --bmc-username <xcc_user_id> --bmc-password <xcc_password>
      • Online KCS access (unauthenticated and user restricted):

        You do not need to specify a value for access_method when you use this access method.

        Example command is as follows:

        Example command is as follows:

        onecli config set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysEncloseAssetTag <asset_tag>
        The KCS access method uses the IPMI/KCS interface, which requires that the IPMI driver be installed.
      • Remote LAN access, type the command:

        [−−bmc <xcc_user_id>:<xcc_password>@<xcc_external_ip>]
        The BMC/IMM/XCC IP address. There is no default value. This parameter is required.
        The BMC/IMM/XCC account (1 of 12 accounts). The default value is USERID.
        The BMC/IMM/XCC account password (1 of 12 accounts).
        BMC, IMM, or XCC internal LAN/USB IP address, account name, and password are all valid for this command.

        Example command is as follows:

        onecli config set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysEncloseAssetTag <asset_tag> −−bmc <xcc_user_id>:<xcc_password>@<xcc_external_ip>
    4. Reset the Lenovo XClarity Controller to the factory defaults. See Resetting the BMC to Factory Default section in the XCC documentation compatible with your server at Lenovo XClarity Controller portal page.