H5Viewer browser limitations
This section describes the H5Viewer limitations of different browsers.
All browsers:
To use secure H5Viewer sessions, adding an SSL certificate to the browser is mandatory.
H5Viewer video record length (client-side video recording length set by a user) will differ from the downloaded video file duration. The recorded video duration depends on the browser, and the amount of host video update.
Keyboard LED sync will not work when the host is the Linux text console.
Clearing H5Viewer sessions will take some time when a user abruptly closes the H5Viewer window.
To use IPv6 H5Viewer sessions in the IE browser, IPv6 addresses should be mentioned in literal format.
When using the Japanese language, a user can change the language input method only using the mouse. The keyboard input method switching will not work.
If the CD media file choosing dialog is kept open, the background functionality of threads might get affected.
Google Chrome:
Upon launching, the H5Viewer window will not be resized to the client resolution.
Only the Japanese QWERTY input method will work. The Japanese hiragana or katakana input method will not work.
Keyboard LED sync will not work.
To use secure H5Viewer sessions, adding an SSL certificate to the browser is mandatory.