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PATCH – Metric Report Definition Instance


PATCH https://{{ip}}/redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReportDefinitions/{{metric_report_def_instance}}
Content-Type: application/json
  1. If the value of the ServiceEnabled attribute available under the Telemetry Service Resource (i.e./redfish/v1/TelemetryService) is true, it signifies that the Telemetry Service is in Enabled state and the PATCH Request will succeed.

  2. If it is false, it signifies that the Telemetry Service is in Disabled state and it will fail with an error message stating, the operation failed because this service is disabled can no longer take incoming requests.

  3. The properties mentioned in the below table are patchable and can be sent in the Request Body in JSON Format.



Read only





The value of this property shall be a Boolean indicating whether this MetricReportDefinition is enabled for generating new MetricReports.




  1. The value of this property shall indicate whether suppression of Metric information has been enabled or not.

  2. A value of true indicates that any Metric in the MetricReport currently be generated will be suppressed and not included in the MetricReport when the value of the Metric equals the value of the same Metric in the previously generated MetricReport.

  3. A value of false means that the suppression mechanism is not applied to the MetricReport being generated.

  4. A MetricReport may be generated with no MetricProperty array values if all Metrics had the same values as in the previously generated MetricReport. This scenario is applicable only when attribute "ReportUpdates" has a value "NewReport".




  1. This property specifies an interval to send complete MetricReport regardless of whether values have changed. It is used in addition to the ReccurranceInterval where SuppressRepeatedMetricValue is Enabled, and the Redfish client desired to be refreshed with metric data occasionally regardless of whether the data is changed or not.

  2. The property value shall be a Redfish Duration describing the time internal between generation of the unsuppressed MetricReport.

  3. It shall always be a value greater than the RecurranceInterval of a MetricReport and should only be applicable when the SuppressRepeatedMetricValue property is Enabled.

Request example

"MetricReportDefinitionEnabled": true,
"SuppressRepeatedMetricValue": true,
"MetricReportHeartbeatInterval": "PT45S"


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


The below mentioned scenarios are taken into consideration while generating Metric Reports 1. If value of attribute RecurrenceInterval is specified (say PT[x]S) and SuppressRepeatedMetricValue attribute has a value of "false", then the suppression mechanism is not applied to the MetricReport being generated and every PT[x]S, the MetricReport will be generated for all the MetricProperties.

  1. A MetricReport may be generated with no MetricProperty array values if all Metrics had the same values as in the previously generated MetricReport. This scenario is applicable only when attribute "ReportUpdates"has a value "NewReport".

  2. If value of attribute RecurrenceInterval is specified (say PT[x]S) and SuppressRepeatedMetricValue attribute has a value of "true", then the suppression mechanism is applied to the MetricReport being generated (i.e. any Metric in the MetricReport currently be generated will be suppressed and not included in the MetricReport when the value of the Metric equals the value of the same Metric in the previously generated MetricReport).

  3. If value of attribute MetricReportHeartbeatInterval is specified (say PT[y]S) and SuppressRepeatedMetricValue attribute has a value of "true", then every PT[y]S, the complete MetricReport will be generated and sent regardless of whether values have changed.

  4. If value of attribute MetricReportHeartbeatInterval is specified (say PT[y]S) and SuppressRepeatedMetricValue attribute has a value of "false", then this functionality is disabled and MetricReports will be generated at an interval specified by the RecurrenceInterval.

  5. MetricProperties only support the values defined under the Members of MetricDefinitions URI /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricDefinitions.

  6. If the "ReportUpdates" property has the value "AppendStopsWhenFull" and if the number of Metric Objects in the MetricValues array of MetricReport Instance has reached the AppendLimit, then no more Metric Objects will be appended to the MetricValues. But still the ReportSequence will get updated in each cycle specified by RecurrenceInterval or MetricReportHeartbeatInterval.

  7. The default value for the property MetricReportDefinitionEnabled is true. The MetricReportDefinition and its corresponding MetricReports will not be updated/created if the value for this property is false. The user can create a MetricReportDefinition with MetricReportDefinitionEnabled as false. In this case the MetricReports will only be generated after PATCH ing MetricReportDefinitionEnabled to true.

  8. The property Status/State will be changed to Disabled when MetricReportDefinitionEnabled is false.