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PATCH – Serial Interface Instance


PATCH https://{{ip}}/redfish/v1/Managers/{{manager_instance}}/SerialInterfaces/{{manager_serialifc_instance}}
Content-Type: application/json

Request body

  1. Please refer to the properties that are patchable in Serial Interface Properties for which Read Only is False that can be sent as Request body in JSON format.

  2. According to IPMI SPEC, Serial communication with the BMC when SOL is activated always occurs using 8bits/character, no parity, 1 stop bit, and RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control.

  3. Hence the properties Parity, DataBits, StopBits and FlowControl are not patchable when the manager_serialifc_instance is IPMI_SOL.

  4. Patch is not Supported for Serial Interface instances other than IPMI-SOL.

Request example

"BitRate": "9600",
"InterfaceEnabled": false


The response status is success with status code as 204 and no body.

For Error Responses, please refer to Error Response.