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Manager Configure CD Instance Action


  1. This ConfigureCDInstance action is used to configure the number of CD/DVD devices that are to be supported for Virtual Media redirection. If it is set to 0 , no CD instances will be displayed under Virtualmedia collection.

  2. The default value of CD instance is 4.

  3. The CDInstance values ranges from zero to four.

  4. The POST action is not allowed when any one of the CD / HD media redirection is in progress. Redirection can be initiated through WebUI/ Redfish/ KVM.


POST https://{{ip}}/redfish/v1/Managers/Self/Actions/Oem /AMIVirtualMedia.ConfigureCDInstance

Request example

" CDInstance": 4

Response body

The reponse status code should be 200 with the below message in the response.

When the CD instance is modified through Redfish, it will also be reflected in Web UI.
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_0_8.Message",
"Message": " ConfigureCDInstance action has been initiated successfully.Please allow upto 4-5 secs
and verify the value of CDInstances OEM property in /redfish/v1/Managers/Self instance",
"MessageArgs": [
"CDInstances OEM",
"MessageId": "Ami.1.0.DelayInActionCompletion",
"Resolution": "Check the property value update after 4-5 seconds",
"Severity": "OK"