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POST – Enable the Remote Media

  1. CD Media collection will be displayed under VirtualMedia only when RMedia support is enabled.

  2. This EnableRMedia action is used to Enable/Disable RMedia support.

  3. The POST action is not allowed when any one of the CD / HD media redirections is in progress.

  4. Redirection can be initiated through WebUI / Redfish/ KVM.


POST https://{{ip}}/redfish/v1/Managers/Self/Actions/Oem/AMIVirtualMedia.EnableRMedia
Content-Type: application/json

Request example

"RMediaState": "Enable"


The response status code should be 200 with the below message in the response.
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_0_8.Message",
"Message": "EnableRMedia action has been initiated successfully.
Please allow up to 4-5 secs and verify the value of RMediaStatus OEM property in /redfish/v1/Managers/Selfinstance",
"MessageArgs": [
"RMediaStatus OEM",
"MessageId": "Ami.1.0.DelayInActionCompletion",
"Resolution": "Check the property value update after 4-5 seconds",
"Severity": "OK"