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This menu offers options to change the memory settings.

Table 1. Memory
System Memory Details


Displays status of the system memory.

Total Usable Memory Capacity

yyyy GB

Displays Total Usable Memory Capacity.

Memory Speed
  • Minimal Power

  • Balanced

  • Max Performance (Default)

Selects the desired memory speed.

[Maximum Performance] maximizes performance.

[Balanced] offers a balance between performance and power.

[Minimal power] maximizes power savings.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode >Custom Mode.

Memory Power Management
  • Automatic

  • Disabled (Default)

[Disabled] maximizes performance and minimizes power savings.

[Automatic] is suitable for most applications.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode >Custom Mode.

Socket Interleave
  • NUMA (Default)

  • Non-NUMA

Sets Socket Interleave to NUMA(Non Unified Memory Architecture) or Non-NUMA.

[NUMA] means that memory is not interleaved across processors.

[Non-NUMA] means that memory is interleaved across processors.

Setting change requires a Power Good reset to take effect.
Patrol Scrub
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

Enables or disables Patrol Scrub which proactively searches the system memory to repair correctable errors.

When [Enabled] is selected, Patrol Scrub takes effect at the end of POST.

Memory Data Scrambling
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

Enables or disables Memory Data Scrambling.

ADDDC Sparing
  • Disabled

  • Enabled (Default)

Enables or disables ADDDC Sparing.

ADDDC Sparing is not supported when the server has x8 DIMM, 9x4 value DIMM or memory is set to [Mirror mode] (Full or Partial).

Page Policy
  • Adaptive (Default)

  • Closed

[Adaptive] can improve performance for applications with a highly localized memory access pattern.

[Closed] can benefit applications that access memory more randomly.

Cold Boot Fast
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

Enables or disables Cold Boot Fast.

AC Boot Fast
  • Enabled

  • Disabled (Default)

Enables or disables AC Boot Fast which is for AC boot only.

Memory Test
  • Disabled

  • Enabled (Default)

Enables or disables Memory Test during normal boot.

2x Refresh Rate
  • Disabled (Default)

  • Auto

[Disabled] sets the system with 1x refresh rate.

[Auto] sets the system with 2x refresh rate if it is supported by the system.

Setting it to [Auto] can mitigate Rowhammer issue, but that might have a performance impact.

2x refresh rate is not supported by system that has 16Gb 3DS with 4 Die DIMM.