Light path diagnostics panel
The light path diagnostics panel is located on the top of the operator information panel.
For additional information about the LEDs on the light path diagnostics panel, see Light path diagnostics LEDs.
The system service label inside the server cover also provides information about the location of the light path diagnostics LEDs.
To access the light path diagnostics panel, press the blue release latch on the operator information panel. Pull forward on the panel until the hinge of the operator information panel is free of the server chassis. Then pull down on the panel, so that you can view the light path diagnostics panel information.
Figure 1. Light path diagnostics panel exposure

The following illustration shows the LEDs and controls on the light path diagnostics panel.
Figure 2. Light path diagnostics panel

- Remind button: This button places the system-error LED on the operator information panel into Remind mode. In Remind mode, the system-error LED flashes once every 2 seconds until the problem is corrected, the server is restarted, or a new problem occurs.
By placing the system-error LED indicator in Remind mode, you acknowledge that you are aware of the last failure but will not take immediate action to correct the problem.
- Reset button: Press this button to reset the server and run the power-on self-test (POST). You might have to use a pen or the end of a straightened paper clip to press the button. The Reset button is in the lower-right corner of the light path diagnostics panel.
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