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Light path diagnostics LEDs

Use this information to diagnose possible errors that are indicated by the light path diagnostics LEDs.

The following table describes the LEDs on the light path diagnostics panel and the light path diagnostics LEDs on the system board. LEDs on the light path card are visible from the top of the compute node. See Viewing the light path diagnostics LEDs for information about lighting the LEDs.

Lit light path diagnostics LEDDescription
Light path diagnosticsThis LED lights when the light path LED card is installed
MemoryThe IMM2 lights this LED, the corresponding DIMM error LEDs on the system board and the fault LED when a memory fault has occurred.
MismatchThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when a mismatch has occurred between the processors, DIMMs, or hard disk drives within the configuration as reported by POST.
NMIThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when an nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) occurs.
SpareReserved for future use
System boardThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when a system board error has been detected.
TemperatureThe IMM lights this LED and the fault LED when an over-temperature condition has occurred that was critical enough to shut down the compute node.
Table 1. Light path LED errors
Light path diagnostics LEDDescriptionAction
NoneAn error has occurred and cannot be isolated, or the IMM2 has failed.Make sure that the light path diagnostics LED is lit to ensure that there is enough power in the compute node to light the rest of the LEDs.
Battery errorThe battery failed.
  1. Reseat the battery.
  2. Replace the battery.
  3. (Trained service technician only) Replace the base assembly.
DIMM x errorA memory error occurred.
  1. Make sure that the DIMM that is indicated by the lit LED is supported.
  2. Reseat the DIMM that is indicated by the lit LED.
  3. Replace the DIMM that is indicated by the lit LED (see Removing a DIMM, and Installing a DIMM)
Multiple DIMM LEDs do not necessarily indicate multiple DIMM failures. If more than one DIMM LED is lit, reseat or replace one DIMM at a time until the error is corrected (see Removing a DIMM, and Installing a DIMM)
Light path diagnostics LEDSystem board light path diagnostics LEDs have power.Check for error LEDs that are lit on the system board.
Microprocessor x errorThe microprocessor has failed, or overheated, or the boot microprocessor is missing.
  1. Check the CMM log for more information. Perform the appropriate action.
  2. If the log shows that a microprocessor is disabled or that a microprocessor IERR has occurred, perform the appropriate action.
  3. (Trained service technician only) Reset the microprocessor that is indicated by the lit LED.
  4. (Trained service technician only) Replace the microprocessor that is indicated by the lit LED.
Microprocessor mismatchThe microprocessors do not match.Make sure that all installed microprocessors are identical (number of cores, cache size, type, clock speed, and internal / external clock frequencies).
NMIThe system board failed.
  1. Reinsert the compute node, and then restart the compute node. Check the IMM event log for information about the error.
  2. (Trained service technician only) Replace the base assembly.
System boardThe system board failed.(Trained service technician only) Replace the base assembly.
TemperatureThe system temperature has exceeded the threshold level
  1. Check the function of the shared compute node and chassis unit resources.
  2. Make sure that the room temperature is not too high.
Hard disk driveA hard disk drive failed.Run the fixed disk or attached disk diagnostic test. If the drive passes the test but continues to have a problem replace the hard disk drive (see Removing a hot-swap hard disk drive and Installing a hot-swap hard disk drive)..
Adapter faultAn adapter failed.Run the adapter card diagnostics test. If adapter passes the test but continues to have a problem, replace the adapter.
Table 2. System board diagnostic LED information
LEDColorLED nameDescription
D9001 D9004GreenCheckpoint LEDs (MSD)These LEDs represent checkpoint display codes in binary.
D9005 D9008GreenCheckpoint LEDs (LSD)These LEDs represent checkpoint display codes in binary.
D9009GreenFPGA heartbeatThis LED will light when there is activity on the FPGA.
DVL01YellowBattery errorThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when the battery is defective.
DBL01YellowIMM faultThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when a problem has been detected with the IMM2.
DPL00YellowCPU 1 errorThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when microprocessor 1 is defective or when no processor is installed in the microprocessor 1 socket.
DPL01YellowCPU 2 errorThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when microprocessor 2 is defective.
DPL02YellowCPU 3 errorThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when microprocessor 3 is defective.
DPL03YellowCPU 4 errorThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when microprocessor 4 is defective.
DVL02YellowDC faultThe IMM2 lights this LED and the fault LED when there is a power fault on one of the power rails.
DML01 DML48YellowDIMM x errorThe IMM2 lights any of these LEDs and the fault LED when any DIMMs 1 – 48 are defective.
DLLACT10GreenEthernet 1-0 activityThis LED lights when there is Ethernet activity on port 0 of LOM controller 1.
DLLACT11GreenEthernet 1-1 activityThis LED lights when there is Ethernet activity on port 1 of LOM controller 1.
DLLACT20GreenEthernet 2-0 activityThis LED lights when there is Ethernet activity on port 0 of LOM controller 2.
DLLACT21GreenEthernet 2-1 activityThis LED lights when there is Ethernet activity on port 1 of LOM controller 2.
DLLUP10GreenEthernet 1-0 linkThis LED lights when port 0 on LOM controller 1 is connected to the network.
DLLUP11GreenEthernet 1-1 linkThis LED lights when port 1 on LOM controller 1 is connected to the network.
DLLUP20GreenEthernet 2-0 linkThis LED lights when port 0 on LOM controller 2 is connected to the network.
DLLUP21GreenEthernet 2-1 linkThis LED lights when port 1 on LOM controller 2 is connected to the network.
DLPWROK1GreenEthernet 1 power OKThis LED lights when power to LOM controller 1 is on and working properly.
DLPWROK2GreenEthernet 2 power OKThis LED lights when power to LOM controller 2 is on and working properly.
DPWRFAULTYellowPower faultThis LED lights when there is an overcurrent fault on one of the 12 V power rails.
DS862GreenRTMM heartbeatThis LED lights when there is activity on the RTMM.
DS913GreenIMM heartbeatThis LED lights when there is activity on the IMM2.
DSL01YellowSAS back plane 1 errorThe IMM lights this LED and the fault LED when there is a problem with SAS backplane 1.
DSL02YellowSAS Back Plane 2 errorThe IMM2 light this LED and the fault LED when there is a problem with SAS backplane 2.
DSAS_LF10YellowSAS 1-0 link failureThe IMM lights this LED and the fault LED when there is a fault with the link between the SAS controller and SAS Port 0 on SAS backplane 1.
DSAS_LF11YellowSAS 1-1 link failureThe IMM lights this LED and the fault LED when there is a fault with the link between the SAS controller and SAS Port 1 on SAS backplane 1.
DSAS_LF20YellowSAS 2-0 link failureThe IMM2 lights this LED when there is a fault with the link between the SAS controller and SAS port 0 on SAS backplane 2.
DSAS_LF21YellowSAS 2-1 link failureThe IMM2 lights this LED when there is a fault with the link between the SAS controller and SAS port 1 on SAS backplane 2.
DSERRORYellowSAS errorThis LED lights when there is a problem with the LSI2004 SAS controller.
DSHBGreenSAS heartbeatThis LED lights when there is activity on the LSI2004 SAS controller.