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GET – Account management properties

Use the GET method to retrieve properties in AccountService resource for Redfish service.

Request URL

GET https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/AccountService

Request body


Response body

AccountLockoutThresholdNumberThe number of failed login attempts before a user account is locked for a specified duration. The value should be between 0 and 10.
AccountLockoutDurationNumberThe time in seconds an account is locked after the account lockout threshold is met. If the value is 0, the property will showshows null, otherwise it is 60~172800
AccountLockoutCounterResetEnabledBooleanThe value indicates whether the threshold counter will be reset before account is locked for a specified duration. This property is hidden if AccountLockoutDuration is null, otherwise it shows identically to AccountLockoutDuration does.
AccountLockoutCounterResetAfterNumberThis property is hidden if AccountLockoutDuration is null, otherwise it shows identically to AccountLockoutDuration does.
MaxPasswordLengthNumberThe maximum password length that the implementation will allow a password to be set to. The value is 20 and cannot be modified.
MinPasswordLengthNumberThe minimum password length that the implementation will allow a password to be set to. The value is 8 and cannot be modified.
AccountsObjectThis property shall contain the link to a collection of type ManagerAccount
RolesObjectThis property shall contain the link to a collection of type Role.
ServiceEnabledBooleanThe value of this property shall be a boolean indicating whether this service is enabled. The value is “True” and cannot modified.
DescriptionStringThis resource is used to represent a management account service for a Redfish implementation.
LocalAccountAuthStringThis property shall govern how the service uses the Accounts collection within this AccountService as part of authentication. Details about each of the modes are found in the description of the enum values.

Items: string

Item count: 4

The annotation is hidden on Flex platfroms.

LDAPObjectThe first LDAP external account provider this AccountService supports.
 AccountProviderTypeStringThis property contains the type of external account provider this resource references.
 AuthenticationObjectThis property contains the authentication information for the external account provider.
  AuthenticationTypeStringThis property contains the type of authentication used to connect to the external account provider.
  UsernameStringThis property contains the username of authentication used to connect to the external account provider.
  PasswordStringThis property contains the password of authentication used to connect to the external account provider.
 CertificatesLinkThe value of this property is a URI reference to a collection of certificates.
 LDAPServiceObjectThis property contains additional mapping information needed to parse a generic LDAP service.
  SearchSettingsObjectThis property contains the settings needed to search an external LDAP service.
   BaseDistinguishedNamesStringThe base distinguished names to use when searching the LDAP service.
   GroupNameAttributeStringThe attribute name that contains the name of the Group on the group LDAP entry.
   GroupsAttributeStringThe attribute name that contains the Groups for a user on the user LDAP entry.
   UsernameAttributeStringThe attribute name that contains the Username on the user LDAP entry.
 PasswordSetBooleanThis property shall be true when a non-empty value was provided to the Password property, otherwise it shall be false.
 ServiceAddressesStringThis property contains the addresses of the user account providers this resource references. The format of this field depends on the Type.
 RemoteRoleMappingArrayThis property shall contain a collection of the mapping rules to convert the external account providers account information to the local Redfish Role.
   LocalRoleStringThe value of this property shall contain the value of the RoleId property within a Role resource on this Redfish service in which to map the remote user or group.
   RemoteGroupStringThe value of this property shall contain the name of the remote group (or in the case of a Redfish Service, remote role) that will be mapped to the local role referenced by this entity.
 ServiceAddressesStringLDAP server address, array type
 ServiceEnabledBooleanLDAP enablement

Status code

HTTP Status CodeError Message ID


The following example JSON response is returned:

"Accounts": {
"": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts"
"AccountLockoutThreshold": 5,
"": "/redfish/v1/AccountService",
"AccountLockoutDuration": 3600,
"ServiceEnabled": true,
"MinPasswordLength": 10,
"AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter": 3600,
"Description": "This resource is used to represent a management account service for a Redfish implementation.",
"LocalAccountAuth": "Enabled",
"LDAP": {
"RemoteRoleMapping": [
"LocalRole": null,
"RemoteGroup": null

"LocalRole": null,
"RemoteGroup": null
"Authentication": {
"Username": "",
"Password": null,
"AuthenticationType": "UsernameAndPassword"
"PasswordSet": false,
"Certificates": {
"": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates"
"ServiceAddresses": [
"LDAPService": {
"SearchSettings": {
"BaseDistinguishedNames": [
"UsernameAttribute": "cn",
"GroupsAttribute": "",
"GroupNameAttribute": "memberOf"
"ServiceEnabled": true
"Name": "AccountService",
"Roles": {
"": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles"
"Oem": {

"@odata.type": "#AccountService.v1_6_0.AccountService",
"LocalAccountAuth@Redfish.AllowableValues": [
"MaxPasswordLength": 32,
"@odata.etag": "\"fc78176d1e9673250dac95c513f397b6\"",
"AccountLockoutCounterResetEnabled": true,
"Id": "AccountService"