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POST – Reset secure boot keys

Use the POST method to reset secure boot keys.

Request URL

POST https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureBoot/Actions/SecureBoot.ResetKeys

Request body




This action is used to reset the Secure Boot keys(takes effect on next boot):

  • “ResetAllKeysToDefault”

  • “DeleteAllKeys”

  • “DeletePK”

XCC will do the RPP assert internally when receiving this cmd.

If assert RPP successfully, return code 200 + @Message.ExtendedInfo “RebootRequired”:

"RebootRequired": {

"Description": "Indicates that one or more properties were changed, and/or actions completed successfully. However, these changes will not take effect until the next system reboot.",

"Message": "Changes completed successfully, but these changes will not take effect until next reboot.",

"Severity": "Warning",

"NumberOfArgs": 0,

"ParamTypes": [],

"Resolution": "Reboot the computer system for the changes to take effect."


else return code 200 + @Message.ExtendedInfo “PhysicalPresenceError”:

"PhysicalPresenceError": {

"Description": "The operation failed because Physical Presence or Remote Physical Presence was not asserted.",

"Message": " The operation failed because of Remote Physical Presence security requirements.",

"Severity": "Warning",

"NumberOfArgs": 0,

"ParamTypes": [],

"Resolution": "Attempt asserting Physical Presence or Remote Physical Presence, and retry the operation."


Status code

HTTP Status CodeError Message ID
200RebootRequired, PhysicalPresenceError

Response example

The following example is PATCH body.

"ResetKeysType": "DeletePK"

Get the following response:

"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"MessageArgs": [],
"Resolution": "Reboot the computer system for the changes to take effect.",
"MessageId": "ExtendedError.1.1.RebootRequired",
"Severity": "Warning",
"Message": "Changes completed successfully, but these changes will not take effect until next reboot.",
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_0_6.Message"