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GET – Thermal management properties

Use the GET method to retrieve properties in Thermal resource for a server.

Request URL

GET https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal

Request body


Response body

The response is a JSON object that contains the following parameters:

IdStringUniquely identifies the resource within the thermal resource. Always set to “1”.
NameStringThe name of thermal resource. Always sets to “Thermal”.
DescriptionStringProvides a description of the thermal resource.
StatusObjectDescribes the status and health of a resource and its children.
 StateStringThis indicates the known state of the resource, such as if it is enabled.
 HealthRollupStringThis represents the overall health state from the view of this resource.
TemperaturesArrayThis is the definition for temperature sensors.
 Temperatures[1]ObjectThis is the definition for a specified temperature sensor.
  MemberIdStringThis is the identifier for the member within the collection.
  NameStringThe name of this temperature sensor.
  LowerThresholdCriticalNumberBelow normal range but not yet fatal.
  LowerThresholdFatalNumberBelow normal range and is fatal.
  LowerThresholdNonCriticalNumberBelow normal range.
  UpperThresholdCriticalNumberAbove normal range but not yet fatal.
  UpperThresholdFatalNumberAbove normal range and is fatal.
  UpperThresholdNonCriticalNumberAbove normal range.
  MinReadingRangeTempNumberMinimum value for ReadingCelsius.
  MaxReadingRangeTempNumberMaximum value for ReadingCelsius.
  PhysicalContextStringDescribes the area or device to which this temperature measurement applies.
  RelatedItemArrayDescribes the areas or devices to which this temperature measurement applies.

The element of the array provides a link to device applied. One element links to chassis resource. One element links to system resource.

If the PhysicalContext is “CPU” there is an element links related processor resource.

  SensorNumberNumberA numerical identifier to represent the temperature sensor.
  StatusObjectDescribes the status and health of a resource and its children.
   StateStringThis indicates the known state of the resource, such as if it is enabled.
FansArrayThis is the definition for fans.
 Fan[N]ObjectThis is the definition for a specified fan.
  MemberIdStringThis is the identifier for the member within the collection.
  NameStringName of the fan.
  MaxReadingRangeNumberMaximum value for Reading.
  MinReadingRangeNumberMinimum value for Reading.
  PhysicalContextStringDescribes the area or device associated with this fan.
  ReadingNumberCurrent fan speed.
  ReadingUnitsStringUnits in which the reading and thresholds are measured. Always set to “RPM”.
  RelatedItemArrayDescribes the areas or devices to which this temperature measurement applies.
   RelatedItem[N]LinkThe element of the array provides a link to device applied. One element links to chassis resource. One element links to system resource.
  StatusObjectDescribes the status and health of a resource and its children.
   StateStringThis indicates the known state of the resource, such as if it is enabled.
   HealthStringThis represents the health state of this resource in the absence of its dependent resources.
  UpperThresholdCriticalNumberAbove normal range but not yet fatal.
  UpperThresholdFatalNumberAbove normal range and is fatal.
  UpperThresholdNonCriticalNumberAbove normal range.
  LowerThresholdCriticalNumberBelow normal range but not yet fatal.
  LowerThresholdFatalNumberBelow normal range and is fatal.
  LowerThresholdNonCriticalNumberBelow normal range.

Status code

HTTP Status CodeError Message ID


The following example JSON response is returned:

"Fans": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal#/Fans/0",
"ReadingUnits": "RPM",
"PhysicalContext": "SystemBoard",
"LowerThresholdFatal": null,
"Location": {
"PartLocation": {
"LocationType": "Slot",
"ServiceLabel": "Fan 1 Tach",
"LocationOrdinalValue": 1
"UpperThresholdCritical": null,
"MaxReadingRange": 18360,
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
"LowerThresholdCritical": 3,
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled",
"Health": "OK"
"FanName": "Fan 1 Tach",
"Name": "Fan 1 Tach",
"Reading": 0,
"UpperThresholdNonCritical": null,
"Oem": {
"Lenovo": {
"Location": {
"InfoFormat@Redfish.Deprecated": "The property is deprecated. Please use PartLocation instead.",
"InfoFormat": "Slot X",
"Info": "Slot 1",
"Info@Redfish.Deprecated": "The property is deprecated. Please use PartLocation instead."
"HotPluggable": true,
"MinReadingRange": 0,
"MemberId": "0",
"LowerThresholdNonCritical": null,
"SensorNumber": 65,
"UpperThresholdFatal": null

"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal",
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled",
"HealthRollup": "OK"
"Name": "Thermal",
"Id": "1",
"Oem": {
"Lenovo": {
"@odata.type": "#LenovoThermal.v1_0_0.Thermal",
"HistoryTempMetric": {
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal/Oem/Lenovo/HistoryTempMetric"
"@odata.type": "#Thermal.v1_5_3.Thermal",
"Temperatures": [
"PhysicalContext": "Intake",
"LowerThresholdCritical": null,
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
"UpperThresholdFatal": 50,
"Status": {
"State": "Enabled"
"SensorNumber": 49,
"Name": "Ambient Temp",
"MaxReadingRangeTemp": 100,
"UpperThresholdNonCritical": 43,
"UpperThresholdCritical": 47,
"LowerThresholdNonCritical": null,
"MemberId": "0",
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal#/Temperatures/0",
"MinReadingRangeTemp": 0,
"LowerThresholdFatal": null,
"ReadingCelsius": 43

"Temperatures@odata.count": 40,
"@odata.etag": "\"d605f76ecfe4632cb9e370\"",
"Fans@odata.count": 5,
"Description": "It represents the properties for Temperature and Cooling."