POST – Rekey
Use the POST method to generate a new key-pair for a certificate and produces a certificate signing request.
Request URL
POST https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol/HTTPS/Certificates/{id}/Actions/Certificate.Rekey
Request body
Field | Type | Description |
KeyCurveId | String | Required. The curve ID to use with the key, if needed based on the KeyPairAlgorithm parameter value. Allowable value is “TPM_ECC_NIST_P384”. |
KeyPairAlgorithm | String | Required. The type of key-pair for use with signing algorithms. Allowable value is “TPM_ALG_ECDH” or “TPM_ALG_RSA” |
KeyBitLength | Integer | Optional. The length of the key, in bits, if needed based on the KeyPairAlgorithm parameter value. |
ChallengePassword | String | Optional. The challenge password to apply to the certificate for revocation requests. |
Response body
Field | Type | Description |
CSRString | String | The string for the certificate signing request. |
Certificate | Link | The link to the certificate being rekeyed. |
Status code
HTTP Status Code | Error Message ID |
400 | BadRequest, ActionParamMissing , ActionParamTypeError , ActionParamFormatError |
500 | InternalError |
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