GET – Power management properties
Use the GET method to retrieve properties in Power resource for a server.
Request URL
GET https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power
Request body
Response body
Field | Type | Description | ||||
Id | String | Power | ||||
Description | String | Power Consumption and Power Limiting | ||||
Name | String | The name of power resource. Always set to Power. | ||||
PowerControl | Array | This is the definition for power control function (power reading/limiting). | ||||
PowerControl[1] | Object | This is the base type for addressable members of PowerControl array. | ||||
MemberId | String | Index of this PowerControl array. | ||||
Name | String | Power Control Function name. Always set to “Server Power Control”. | ||||
PhysicalContext | String | The area, device, or set of devices to which this power control applies. | ||||
PowerConsumedWatts | Number | The actual power being consumed by the chassis. | ||||
PowerCapacityWatts | Number | The total amount of power available to the chassis for allocation. This may the power supply capacity, or power budget assigned to the chassis from an up-stream chassis. | ||||
PowerMetrics | Object | Power readings for this chassis. Note If the tier level of this system is less than 2, this object will be hidden. | ||||
IntervalInMin | Number | The time interval (or window) in which the PowerMetrics are measured over. Always set to 1. | ||||
MinConsumedWatts | Number | The lowest power consumption level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
MaxConsumedWatts | Number | The highest power consumption level that has occurred over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
AverageConsumedWatts | Number | The average power level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
PowerLimit | Object | Power limit status and configuration information for this chassis. Note If the tier level of this system is less than 3 or AMD system, this object will be hidden. | ||||
LimitInWatts | Number | The Power limit in watts. Set to null to disable power capping. | ||||
LimitException | String | The action that is taken if the power cannot be maintained below the LimitInWatts. Always set to “NoAction”. | ||||
Status | Object | Describes the status and health of a resource and its children. | ||||
State | String | This indicates the known state of the resource, such as if it is enabled. Always set to “Enabled”. | ||||
Health | String | ”OK” | ||||
RelatedItem | Array | An array of links to resource of chassis. | ||||
RelatedItem[1] | Link | A reference link to a resource of chassis. | ||||
PowerControl[2] | Object | This is the base type for addressable members of PowerControl array. | ||||
MemberId | String | Index of this PowerControl array. | ||||
Name | String | Power Control Function name. Always set to “CPU Sub-system Power”. | ||||
PhysicalContext | String | The area, device, or set of devices to which this power control applies. Always set to “CPUSubsystem”. | ||||
PowerConsumedWatts | Number | The actual power being consumed by the CPUSubsystem. | ||||
PowerMetrics | Object | Power readings for this CPUSubsystem. Note If the tier level of this system is less than 2, this object will be hidden. | ||||
IntervalInMin | Integer | The time interval (or window) in which the PowerMetrics are measured over. Always set to 1. | ||||
MinConsumedWatts | Number | The lowest power consumption level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
MaxConsumedWatts | Number | The highest power consumption level that has occurred over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
AverageConsumedWatts | Number | The average power level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
Status | Object | Describes the status and health of a resource and its children. | ||||
State | String | This indicates the known state of the resource, such as if it is enabled. Always set to “Enabled”. | ||||
Health | String | ”OK” | ||||
RelatedItem | Array | An array of links to resource of Processors | ||||
RelatedItem[1] | Link | A reference link to a resource of Processor | ||||
PowerControl[3] | Object | This is the base type for addressable members of PowerControl array. Note This object is not supported on AMD systems. | ||||
MemberId | String | Index of this PowerControl array. | ||||
Name | String | Power Control Function name. Always set to “Memory Sub-system Power”. | ||||
PhysicalContext | String | The area, device, or set of devices to which this power control applies. Always set to “MemorySubsystem”. | ||||
PowerConsumedWatts | Number | The actual power being consumed by the MemorySubsystem. | ||||
PowerMetrics | Object | Power readings for this MemorySubsystem. Note If the tier level of this system is less than 2, this object will be hidden. | ||||
IntervalInMin | Integer | The time interval (or window) in which the PowerMetrics are measured over. Always set to 1. | ||||
MinConsumedWatts | Number | The lowest power consumption level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
MaxConsumedWatts | Number | The highest power consumption level that has occurred over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
AverageConsumedWatts | Number | The average power level over the measurement window (the last IntervalInMin minutes). | ||||
Status | Object | Describes the status and health of a resource and its children. | ||||
State | String | This indicates the known state of the resource, such as if it is enabled. Always set to “Enabled”. | ||||
Health | String | ”OK” | ||||
RelatedItem | Array | An array of links to resource of chassis | ||||
RelatedItem[1] | Link | A reference link to a resource of chassis | ||||
Redundancy | Array | Redundancy information for the power subsystem of this system or device. Item count is always set to 1. | ||||
Redundancy[1] | Object | Details indicating power supplies redundancy. | ||||
Name | String | “PSU Redundancy” | ||||
MemberId | String | Index of this Redundancy array. | ||||
Mode | String | “N+m” | ||||
MaxNumSupported | Integer | Maximum number of members allowable for this particular redundancy group. | ||||
MinNumNeeded | Integer | Minimum number of members needed for this group to be redundant. The value is 2 | ||||
RedundancyEnabled | Boolean | Indicate whether redundancy is enabled. | ||||
Status | Object | Describes the status and health of the resource and its children. | ||||
State | String | This indicates the known state of this redundancy. Valid values:
| ||||
Health | String | This indicates the health state of this redundancy. Valid values:
| ||||
RedundancySet | Array | This is the definition for redundancy set. Item count is the number of the Power’s PowerSupplies. | ||||
RedundancySet[N] | Link | The link to Power’s PowerSupplies. | ||||
PowerSupplies | Array | Details of the power supplies associated with this system or device. Items count is the number of installed power supplies in this system. | ||||
PowerSupplies[N] | Object | Details of the power supply associated with this system or device. | ||||
MemberId | String | This is the identifier for the member within the collection. The string is PSU ID, like “1”. | ||||
Name | String | The name of the Power Supply. The string starts with “PSU” and follows with PSU ID, like “PSU1”. | ||||
Location | Object | The location of the power supply. | ||||
PartLocation | Object | The part location within the placement. | ||||
ServiceLabel | String | The label of the part location, such as a silk-screened name or a printed label. Always set to “PSU” + psu_id. | ||||
LocationType | String | The type of location of the part, such as slot, bay and socket. Always set to “Slot”. | ||||
LocationOrdinalValue | Integer | The number that represents the location of the part. If LocationType is `slot` and this unit is in slot 2, the LocationOrdinalValue is 2. | ||||
Model | String | The model number for this Power Supply. | ||||
FirmwareVersion | String | The firmware version for this Power Supply. The firmware string consists of primary firmware version and secondary firmware version, which are defined in PowerSupply OEM section. | ||||
SerialNumber | String | The serial number for this Power Supply. | ||||
PartNumber | String | The part number for this Power Supply. | ||||
PowerCapacityWatts | Number | The maximum capacity of this Power Supply. | ||||
PowerInputWatts | Number | The measured input power of this power supply. | ||||
PowerOutputWatts | Number | The measured output power of this power supply. | ||||
PowerSupplyType | String | The Power Supply type (AC or DC). Valid values:
| ||||
Status | Object | Describes the status and health of a resource and its children. | ||||
State | String | This indicates the known state of this power supply. Valid values:
| ||||
RelatedItem | Array | An array of links to resource of chassis. | ||||
RelatedItem[1] | Link | A reference link to a resource of chassis. | ||||
Manufacturer | String | The manufacturer of this Power Supply. | ||||
Voltages | Array | This is the definition for voltage sensors. Item count is the number of voltage sensors in this system. | ||||
Voltages[N] | Object | The definition for a voltage sensor. | ||||
MemberId | String | Index of this Voltage array | ||||
Name | String | Voltage sensor name. | ||||
Status | Object | Describes the status and health of a resource and its children. | ||||
State | String | This indicates the known state of this voltage sensor. Valid values:
| ||||
Health | String | This indicates the health state of this voltage sensor. Valid values:
| ||||
ReadingVolts | Number | The current value of the voltage sensor. If the State of this voltage sensor is “disabled”, “ReadingVolts” will be hidden. | ||||
UpperThresholdNonCritical | Number | Above normal range. | ||||
UpperThresholdCritical | Number | Above normal range but not yet fatal. | ||||
UpperThresholdFatal | Number | Above normal range and is fatal. | ||||
LowerThresholdNonCritical | Number | Below normal range. | ||||
LowerThresholdCritical | Number | Below normal range but not yet fatal. | ||||
LowerThresholdFatal | Number | Below normal range and is fatal. | ||||
MinReadingRange | Number | Minimum value for CurrentReading. | ||||
MaxReadingRange | Number | Maximum value for CurrentReading. | ||||
PhysicalContext | String | Describes the area or device to which this voltage measurement applies. Always set to “VoltageRegulator”. "VoltageRegulator": A voltage regulator device | ||||
RelatedItem | Array | Describes the areas or devices to which this temperature measurement applies. Item count is 2. | ||||
RelatedItem[1] | Link | /redfish/v1/Systems/1 | ||||
RelatedItem[2] | Link | /redfish/v1/Chassis/1 |
Status code
HTTP Status Code | Error Message ID |
500 | InternalError |
The following example JSON response is returned:
"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Power.Power",
"@odata.etag": "\"54030DE7\"",
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power",
"@odata.type": "#Power.v1_5_2.Power",
"Description": "Power Consumption and Power Limiting",
"Id": "Power",
"Name": "Power",
"PowerControl": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerControl/0",
"MemberId": "0",
"Name": "Server Power Control",
"PhysicalContext": "Chassis",
"PowerCapacityWatts": 2000,
"PowerConsumedWatts": 545,
"PowerLimit": {
"LimitException": "NoAction",
"LimitInWatts": null
"PowerMetrics": {
"AverageConsumedWatts": 498,
"IntervalInMin": 1,
"MaxConsumedWatts": 500,
"MinConsumedWatts": 497
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
"RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerControl/1",
"MemberId": "1",
"Name": "CPU Sub-system Power",
"PhysicalContext": "CPUSubsystem",
"PowerConsumedWatts": 193,
"PowerMetrics": {
"AverageConsumedWatts": 171,
"IntervalInMin": 1,
"MaxConsumedWatts": 171,
"MinConsumedWatts": 171
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors"
"RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerControl/2",
"MemberId": "2",
"Name": "Memory Sub-system Power",
"PhysicalContext": "MemorySubsystem",
"PowerConsumedWatts": 27,
"PowerMetrics": {
"AverageConsumedWatts": 26,
"IntervalInMin": 1,
"MaxConsumedWatts": 26,
"MinConsumedWatts": 26
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Memory"
"RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"PowerControl@odata.count": 3,
"PowerSupplies": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/0",
"Id": "PSU1",
"Location": {
"PartLocation": {
"LocationOrdinalValue": 1,
"LocationType": "Slot"
"MemberId": "0",
"Name": "PSU1",
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/1",
"Id": "PSU2",
"Location": {
"PartLocation": {
"LocationOrdinalValue": 2,
"LocationType": "Slot"
"MemberId": "1",
"Name": "PSU2",
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
"Status": {
"Health": "OK"
"Redundancy": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/Redundancy/0",
"MaxNumSupported": 2,
"MemberId": "0",
"MinNumNeeded": 2,
"Mode": "N+m",
"Name": "PSU Redundancy",
"RedundancyEnabled": true,
"RedundancyGroup": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/PowerSubsystem/PowerSupplies/PSU1"
"RedundancySet": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/0"
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/1"
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"Redundancy@odata.count": 1,
"Voltages": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/Voltages/0",
"@odata.type": "#Power.v1_0_0.Voltage",
"LowerThresholdCritical": 2.249,
"LowerThresholdNonCritical": 2.392,
"MaxReadingRange": 3.4125035351104405,
"MemberId": "0",
"MinReadingRange": 0.0,
"Name": "CMOS Battery",
"PhysicalContext": "VoltageRegulator",
"ReadingVolts": 3.1013,
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"