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PATCH – Update secure boot properties

Use the PATCH method to update properties in SecureBoot resource for Redfish service.

Request URL

PATCH https://<BMC_IPADDR>/redfish/v1/Systems/1/SecureBoot 

Request body

Property to be updated is shown as bellow.




Enable or disable UEFI Secure Boot (takes effect on next boot).

XCC3 will do the RPP assert internally when receiving this cmd.

If assert RPP successfully, return code 200 + @Message.ExtendedInfo


"RebootRequired": {

"Description": "Indicates that one or more properties were changed, and/or actions completed successfully. However, these changes will not take effect until the next system reboot.",

"Message": "Changes completed successfully, but these changes will not take effect until next reboot.",

"Severity": "Warning",

"NumberOfArgs": 0,

"ParamTypes": [],

"Resolution": "Reboot the computer system for the changes to take effect."


else return

code 200 + @Message.ExtendedInfo “PhysicalPresenceError”: "PhysicalPresenceError": {

"Description": "The operation failed because Physical Presence or Remote Physical Presence was not asserted.",

"Message": " The operation failed because of Remote Physical Presence security requirements.",

"Severity": "Warning",

"NumberOfArgs": 0,

"ParamTypes": [],

"Resolution": "Attempt asserting Physical Presence or Remote Physical Presence, and retry the operation."


Response body

The response returns same content as GET operation with updated properties.

Status code

HTTP Status CodeError Message ID