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Using the LSI Logic Configuration Utility program

Use these instructions to start the LSI Logic Configuration Utility program.

You can use the LSI Logic Configuration Utility program to perform the following tasks:
  • Set the SAS device scan order
  • Set the SAS ID for the controller
  • Manage the SAS RAID configuration

To start the LSI Logic Configuration Utility program, complete the following steps:

  1. Turn on the blade server, and make sure that the blade server is the owner of the keyboard, video, and mouse.
  2. When the <<<Press Ctrl-C to start LSI Logic Configuration Utility>>> prompt is displayed, press Ctrl+C.
  3. Use the arrow keys to select the controller from the list of adapters; then, press Enter.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to change the settings of the selected items; then, press Enter. If you select SAS Topology or Advanced Adapter Properties, additional screens are displayed.