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Advanced management module configuration worksheet

Use this worksheet to gather information for configuring the advanced management module.

For more information, see Planning for advanced management module configuration.

See the Advanced Management Module Installation Guide for more information about configuring the advanced management module.

General settings

Advanced management module name 
Contact name 
Date and Time

Date: ________________________
Time: ________________________

__ Daylight Savings Time

__ Use NTP server:

Server Hostname/IP address: ______________________
Update frequency (in minutes): ___________
NTP v3 authentication:  ___ Enabled   ___ Disabled
Key index: ____
Key: __________________________________

Trespass warning

___ Enabled                          ___ Disabled

Login profiles

Login IDPasswordRoleAccess scope

SNMP v3 user profile

Login profile IDContext nameAuthentication protocolPrivacy protocolAccess type

___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:


___ None
___ MDA
___ SHA

___ None
___ DES
___ AES

Privacy password:

___ Get
___ Set
___ Trap

Trap hostname/IP:

Account Security

____ Legacy security

____ High security

____ Custom security

Custom security setting 
User login password required

___ Yes            ___ No

Password expiration period 
Minimum password reuse cycle 
Minimum password change interval 
Maximum number of login failures 
Lockout period after maximum login failures 
Complex password rules 
Minimum different characters in passwords 
Require change to Factory default USERID account password at next login

___ Yes            ___ No

User must change password on first login

___ Yes            ___ No

Inactivity alert period 
Inactivity alert and disable period 


Remote alert recipients
Receives critical alerts only
 Notification method:

___ SNMP - hostname: _______________________________
___ E-mail - address: _______________________________
___ IBM Director - hostname:  __________________________

Global remote alert settings
Remote alerts retry limit 
Delay between retries 
Include event log with e-mail alerts___ Yes

___ No

Alerts to be monitored
 Critical alertsWarning alertsInformational alerts
Chassis/System Management   
Cooling devices   
Power modules   
Blade servers   
I/O modules   
Event log   
Power On/Off   
Inventory change   
Network change   
User activity   

Serial port

Baud rate 
Stop bits 

Port assignments

Table 1. User-configurable advanced management module ports
Port nameDefault port numberPort numberDescription
HTTP80 Port used for Web server HTTP connection using UDP
HTTPS443 Port used for SSL connection using TCP
Telnet23 Port used for the Telnet command-line interface connection
SSH22 Port used for the Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface connection
SNMP Agent161 Port used for SNMP get/set commands using UDP
SNMP Traps162 Port used for SNMP traps using UDP
FTP21 Port used for the listen port of the management-module FTP server.
FTP Data20 Port used for the data port of the management-module FTP server.
TFTP69 Port used for the management-module TFTP server.
SLP427 Port used for the UDP Service Location Protocol (SLP) connection
Remote Disk1044 Port used for the advanced management module remote disk server.
Remote Disk-On-Card1045 Port used for the management-module remote disk-on-card server.
Storage Description Server1046 Port number for the management-module storage description server.
Remote KVM3900 Port used for the management-module remote KVM server.
TCP command mode6090 Port used for IBM® Director commands using TCP/IP.
IBM Director might not be able to locate the advanced management module if this port number is changed.
SMASH command-line processor50023 Port used for the management-module SMASH command-line protocol over Telnet.
Secure SMASH command-line processor50022 Port used for the management-module secure SMASH command-line protocol over SSH.

External network interface

DHCP__ DHCP with rollover to static
 __ DHCP only
 __ Static IP only
Host name 
Static IP configuration (configure only if DHCP is disabled)
IP address_____._____._____._____
Subnet mask_____._____._____._____
Gateway IP address_____._____._____._____

I/O module IP Configuration

I/O module bay 1
IP address (default is
Subnet mask_____._____._____._____
Gateway IP address_____._____._____._____
I/O module bay 2
IP address (default is
Subnet mask_____._____._____._____
Gateway IP address_____._____._____._____
I/O module bay 3
IP address (default is
Subnet mask_____._____._____._____
Gateway IP address_____._____._____._____
I/O module bay 4
IP address (default is
Subnet mask_____._____._____._____
Gateway IP address_____._____._____._____

Network protocols

SNMPv1 agent

__ Enable                          ___ Disable

SNMPv3 agent

__ Enable                          ___ Disable

If you enable the SNMPv3 agent, you must configure SNMPv3 settings for active login profiles in order for the interaction between the SNMPv3 manager and SNMPv3 agent to work properly.
SNMP traps

__ Enable                          ___ Disable

SNMPv1 communityName: __________________
Access Type: ___Get ___ Set ___Trap
Host name or IP address (up to 3):

SNMPv1 communityName: __________________
Access Type: ___Get ___ Set ___Trap
Host name or IP address (up to 3):

SNMPv1 communityName: __________________
Access Type: ___Get ___ Set ___Trap
Host name or IP address (up to 3):

SNMPv1 communityName: __________________
Access Type: ___Get ___ Set ___Trap
Host name or IP address (up to 3):

Host name (or IP address) 
LDAP server locationsUse DNS to find LDAP servers:

Domain source: ________________________
Search domain: ________________________
Service name: ______________________

Use pre-configured LDAP servers:

Host name or IP address (and port): ________________________
Host name or IP address (and port): ________________________
Host name or IP address (and port): ________________________

ParametersRoot DN: ______________
UID search attribute: ______________________
Binding method: ____________________

Client DN: _________________
Password: _________________

Enhanced role-based security for Active Directory users:

___ Enabled             ___ Disabled

Group filter: __________________
Group search attribute: ____________________
Login permission attribute:  _________________


__ Enable                          ___ Disable

DNS Server IP address 1_____._____._____._____
DNS Server IP address 2_____._____._____._____
DNS Server IP address 3_____._____._____._____
TCP command mode
Command mode sessionsNumber of sessions (1-5): _____
Session timeoutTimeout in seconds (0-4294967295): ___________
Use 0 if you do not want the session to ever time out.
SLP address type

___ Multicast                        
___ Broadcast

Multicast IP address 
FTP server

__ Enable                          ___ Disable

FTP idle timeout 
TFTP server

__ Enable                          ___ Disable

Remote Control
Remote disk

__ Enable                          ___ Disable

Remote disk on card

__ Enable                          ___ Disable

Remote video (KVM)

__ Enable                          ___ Disable


__ Enable                          ___ Disable


__ Enable                          ___ Disable

Syslog Protocol
Filtering level

___ Information                   ___ Error                        

Collector hostname/IP address

1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________


Data encryption

___ Enable                      
___ Disable

If you enable data encryption, the only way to disable it is to reset the advanced management module to the factory defaults.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

___ Enable                      
___ Disable

Secure Shell server (SSH)

___ Enable                      
___ Disable

SSH version: ____________