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Completing system setup using the console port

This section will describe how to complete the system setup using the console port for your system.

  1. Cable and configure your laptop or console:
    1. Set the console port on the laptop or console to 115,200 baud with N-8-1.
      See your laptop or console's online help for how to configure the console port.
    2. Connect the console cable to the laptop or console using the console cable that came with your system, and then connect the laptop to the management switch on the management subnet .

    3. Assign a TCP/IP address to the laptop or console, using one that is on the management subnet.
  2. Plug the power cords into the controller power supplies, and then connect them to power sources on different circuits.
    The system begins to boot. Initial booting may take up to eight minutes
  3. Assign an initial node management IP address to one of the nodes.
    If the management network has DHCP...Then...
    ConfiguredRecord the IP address assigned to the new controllers.
    Not configured
    1. Open a console session using PuTTY, a terminal server, or the equivalent for your environment.
      Check your laptop or console's online help if you do not know how to configure PuTTY.
    2. Enter the management IP address when prompted by the script.
  4. Use Storage Manager on your laptop or console, configure your cluster:
    1. Point your browser to the node management IP address.
      The format for the address is https://x.x.x.x.
    2. Configure the system using the data you collected by referring to DG5000 Installation and Setup Instructions or Cluster Management Using Storage Manager.
  5. After you have completed the initial configuration, go to Resources for ONTAP and ThinkSystem Storage Manager for information about configuring additional features in ONTAP.