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GET /aicc

Use the method to retrieve information about the Lenovo XClarity Administrator, such as NTP server settings, date and time settings, services that are currently running, and the build level.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/aicc

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.

Response body

applianceObjectInformation about the current instance of the XClarity Administrator virtual appliance
 buildStringCurrent build level
 dateStringCurrent date and time
 nameStringCurrent appliance name
 runlevelIntegerCurrent state of the appliance. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. The appliance is halted.
  • 3. The appliance is operating normally.
  • 6. The appliance is restarting.
 statusStringCurrent status of the appliance. The value is always Normal.
 uuidStringUUID of the appliance
 versionStringCurrent version number
appliance_statesObjectList of all available appliance states
 descriptionStringAppliance-state description
 runlevelIntegerAppliance-state value
dateObjectInformation about the current date on the XClarity Administrator
 date_timeStringDate and time
 partsArrayInformation about the current time
 time_formatStringTime format. This can be one of the following values.
  • 12. (default). 12-hour clock
  • 24. 24-hour clock
 timezoneStringCurrent time zone
 timezone_idStringTime zone ID
 timezonesObjectInformation about all available time zones
  daylight_savesIntegerAmount of time to be added to local standard time to get the current time. This can be one of the following values.
  • 3600000. If use_daylight is true, adds 3600000 milliseconds (one hour).
  • 0. f use_daylight is false, adds 0 milliseconds.
  display_nameStringTime zone name
  idStringTime zone ID
  offsetIntegerCoordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset (for example, -5 or +4)
  uses_daylightBooleanIndicates whether daylight saving time is used. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Daylight saving time is used.
  • false. Daylight saving time is not used.
  utc_offset_rawIntegerUTC offset (for example, -5 or +4)
  utc_offset_w_dstIntegerUTC offset adjusted for daylight saving time, if applicable (for example, -5 or +4)
 uses_daylightBooleanIdentifies whether daylight saving time is used. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Daylight saving time is used.
  • false. Daylight saving time is not used.
 utc_offsetIntegerUTC offset (for example, -5 or +4)
 utc_offset_rawIntegerUTC offset (for example, -5 or +4)
 utc_offset_w_dstIntegerUTC offset adjusted for daylight saving time, if applicable (for example, -5 or +4)
hideUnmanagedChassisBooleanIndicates whether to hide chassis that were not explicitly managed by a user. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Hide chassis that were not explicitly managed.
  • false. (default) Show chassis that were not explicitly managed.

This attribute is supported in XClarity Administrator v4.1 and later.

is_cleanBooleanIndicates whether initial setup has not been started on the virtual appliance. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Initial setup has not been started.
  • false. Initial setup has been started or completed.

This attribute is supported in XClarity Administrator v4.1 and later.

kernel_parametersArray of objectsInformation about each custom kernel parameter
 keyStringKernel parameter name
 valueStringKernel parameter value
network_interfacesArray of objectsList of XClarity Administrator network interfaces
 idStringNetwork ID (such as eth0 or eth1)
 ip_addressesArrayIPv4 and IPv6 addresses for this interface
  assign_methodStringAssignment method used for this IP address. This can be one of the following values.
  • static
  • dhcp
  • auto
  ipStringIPv4 or IPv6 address
  ip_linklocalBooleanIndicates whether this address is an IPv6 link local address. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This address is an IPv6 link local address.
  • false. This address is not an IPv6 link local address.
  prefix_lengthIntegerPrefix length (in bits) for this IP address
  versionIntegerIP version of this address. This value is either 4 or 6.
 mac_addressStringMAC address
 roleArray of stringsRoles that are performed by this interface. This can be one or more of the following values.
  • none
  • management
  • osdeployment
ntpObjectInformation about the NTP server that is associated with XClarity Administrator.
 serversArray of objectsList of NTP servers
  authenticatedBooleanIndicates whether the XClarity Administrator is authenticated with the NTP server. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. XClarity Administrator is authenticated with the NTP server.
  • false. XClarity Administrator is not authenticated with the NTP server.
  serverStringIP address or hostname of the NTP server
  versionIntegerVersion of the NTP server. This can be one of the following values.
  • 1. No key authentication is required.
  • 3. NTPv3 is used, and key authentication is required. You must specify the authentication key and index for the NTP server for M-MD5 or SHA1 or both using the v3_key, v3_key_type, and v3_key_index parameters.
  v3_keyStringKey value specified in /etc/ntp/keys
  v3_key_indexIntegerKey-index value specified in /etc/ntp/keys
  v3_key_typeStringKey-type value specified in /etc/ntp/keys. This can be one of the following values.
  • M. M-MD5 authentication
  • SHA1. SHA1 authentication
preferredDisplayNameStringProperty to use to displayed the device names in the user interface. This can be one of the following values.
  • byDefault. Displays the value that is provided by XClarity Administrator.
  • userDefinedName
  • dnsHostname
  • hostname
  • ipv4Address
  • serialNumber

If the selected property is not applicable or is applicable but there is no value available for a device, then byDefault is used.

preferredSortGridStateBooleanIndicates whether to sort the inventory and groups data using the value set for the preferredDisplayName attribute. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Sorts the inventory and groups data alphabetically using the preferredDisplayName attribute.

  • false. Sorts alphabetically using byDefault.

service_statesObjectList of all available service states
 descriptionStringService-state description
 stateIntegerService-state value
servicesArrayList of the XClarity Administrator services
 idStringService ID
 initdStringService name
 pidIntegerProcess ID
 stateIntegerCurrent state of the service. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. The service is running.
  • 1. The service is stopped but PID file exists.
  • 2. The service is stopped but lock file exists.
  • 3. The service is not running.
  • 4. The current state of the service is unknown.
subscriptionsArrayList of subscriptions
 idIntegerSubscription ID
 monitor_uriStringNetwork-related resource that is to be monitored by XClarity Administrator.

If monitor_uri is set to /aicc or , every /aicc URI is monitored.

If monitor_uri is set to , IP change notifications are received through DHCP.

 uriStringResource to which XClarity Administrator writes a POST when XClarity Administrator detects a change in monitored resource.

The specified URI must be able to accept POST requests, where the body of the POST matches the JSON PUT to monitor_uri.

The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"appliance": {
"build": "686",
"date": "686",
"name": "LXCA -",
"runlevel": 3,
"status": "Normal",
"uuid": "963602b8-edaf-4183-bf18-e842db92f610",
"version": "2.99.99"
"appliance_states": [{
"description": "Halt the appliance",
"runlevel": 0
"description": "Reboot the appliance",
"runlevel": 6
"date": {
"date_time": "August 6, 2018 11:29:41 AM EDT",
"parts": {
"yyyy": 2018,
"mm": 8,
"dd": 6,
"hours": 11,
"mins": 29,
"secs": 41
"time_format": "12",
"timezone": "Eastern Standard Time",
"timezone_id": "America/New_York",
"timezones": [{
"daylight_saves": 0,
"display_name": "Greenwich Mean Time",
"id": "Africa/Abidjan",
"offset": 0,
"uses_daylight": false,
"utc_offset_raw": 0,
"utc_offset_w_dst": 0
"daylight_saves": 0,
"display_name": "Mountain Standard Time",
"id": "MST",
"offset": -25200000,
"uses_daylight": false,
"utc_offset_raw": -25200000,
"utc_offset_w_dst": -25200000
"uses_daylight": true,
"utc_offset": -18000000,
"utc_offset_raw": -18000000,
"utc_offset_w_dst": -14400000
"hideUnmanagedChassis": true,
"is_clean": false,
"id": "eth0",
"ip_addresses": [{
"assign_method": "static"
"ip": "fe80:0:0:0:215:5dff:fe3f:f143%eth0",
"ip_linklocal": "true",
"prefix_length": 64,
"version": 6
"assign_method": "none",
"ip": "0::0%0",
"ip_linklocal": "false",
"prefix_length": 64,
"version": 6
"mac_address": "00:15:5D:3F:F1:43",
"role": ["management","osdeployment"],
"rpf": "RFC3704Strict"
"kernel_parameters": [{
"key": "net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing",
"value": "1"
"ntp": {
"servers": [{
"authenticated": true,
"server": "",
"version": 3
"v3_key": "123456789012345678901234567890abcdefabcd",
"v3_key_index": 3,
"v3_key_type": "M",
"authenticated": true,
"server": "",
"version": 3,
"v3_key": "123456789012345678901234567890abcdefabcd"
"v3_key_index": 1,
"v3_key_type": "SHA1",
"preferredDisplayName": "byDefault",
"preferredSortGridState": true,
"service_states": [{
"description": "Service is running",
"state": 0
"description": "Special purpose state used to trigger restart through REST",
"state": 191
"services": [{
"id": "core",
"initd": "xhmc-core",
"pid": 1962,
"state": 0
"id": "xcat",
"initd": "xcatd",
"pid": 18247,
"state": 0
"subscriptions": [{
"id": 1,
"monitor_uri": "/aicc",
"submonitor_uri": "/ntp",
"uri": "/ntpNotification"
"id": 2,
"monitor_uri": "/aicc/network/interfaces",
"submonitor_uri": "",
"uri": "/netchangenotsec"