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GET /aicc/network/routes

Use the method to retrieve information about all Lenovo XClarity Administrator routes.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/aicc/network/routes

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

routesArrayInformation about network routes
 destinationStringDestination IPv4 or IPv6 address for this route. This attribute is not returned for default routes.
 devStringDevice that is used to connect to the device that is specified by nexthop (either eth0 or eth1). This attribute is not returned for default routes.
 ip_versionIntegerIP version of this route. This value is either 4 or 6
 nexthopStringIP address of the router that is used to forward packets to the address that is specified by destination
 prefix_lenIntegerNumber of bits in the network mask, or the prefix that is to be applied to the device that is specified by destination to get the subnet. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. Default route.
  • 32. If the value of ip_version is 4, this indicates a host route.
  • 128. If the value of ip_version if 6, this indicates a host route.

All other values are network routes.

The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"routes": [{
"dev": "eth0",
"destination": "",
"ip_version": 4,
"nexthop": "",
"prefix_len": 32
"dev": "eth0",
"destination": "",
"ip_version": 4,
"nexthop": "",
"prefix_len": 24
"ip_version": 4,
"nexthop": "",
"prefix_len": 0
"dev": "eth1",
"destination": "2001:db7:1::",
"ip_version": 6,
"nexthop": "2002:97b:c2bb:83d:5054:ff:fe2c:eefe",
"prefix_len": 64
"dev": "eth1",
"destination": "2002:97b:face:83d:5054:ff:fe2c:eefe",
"ip_version": 6,
"nexthop": "2002:97b:c2bb:83d:5054:ff:fe2c:eefe",
"prefix_len": 128