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GET /aicc/service/sftp/locks

Use this method to return a list of all SFTP service locks. The SFTP service is disabled by default.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Administrator v4.1.0 or later.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/aicc/service/sftp/locks

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
204No ContentThe request completed successfully, but no response content is returned.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.

For XClarity Administrator advanced functions, ensure that you have active licenses for each managed server that supports the advanced functions.

500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

idStringLock ID. The ID is a 32 character string containing numbers and letters.
componentStringPredefined Lenovo XClarity Administrator component ID. This can be one of the following values.
  • CN. Console
  • CP. Server configuration patterns
  • CR. Virtual appliance
  • DI. Discovery and Inventory
  • DM. Data management
  • DS. Debug Shell
  • EM. Events and monitoring
  • FC. Operating-system deployment
  • JM. Jobs management
  • MF. Metric data collection and forwarders
  • MI. Data migration
  • NM. Network management
  • RC. Remote Control
  • SE. Security
  • SP. Switch ports
  • SS. Service and support
  • ST. Storage management
  • TS. ThinkServer and Thinksystem management
  • UP. Updates
  • UI. User Interface

Timestamp when the lock was created

This timestamp is specified using ISO-8601 format (for example, 2019-05-02T19:28:14.000Z). For information about ISO-8601 format, see the W3C Date and Time Formats webpage.

expirationTimeOutIntegerNumber of seconds after which the lock expires

When the lock expires, the lock ID is deleted and if there are no other locks, the SFTP service is stopped (disabled).

The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"component": "UP",
"creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T01:46:08Z",
"expirationTimeOut": 1200
"component": "UP",
"creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T01:46:12Z",
"expirationTimeOut": 1200