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POST /aicc/subscriptions

Use the method to add a subscription to Lenovo XClarity Administrator.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

POST https://{management_server_IP}/aicc/subscriptions

Query parameters


Request body

AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
monitor_uri={URI}OptionalStringNetwork-related resource that is to be monitored by XClarity Administrator

If monitor_uri is set to /aicc or , every /aicc URI is monitored.

If monitor_uri is set to , IP change notifications are received through DHCP.

submonitor_uri={URI}OptionalStringSubresource to be monitored by XClarity Administrator. You will receive notifications for only this resource.
This can be one of the following values.
  • address

  • DDNSenabled

  • DNSenabled

  • dnsHostnames

  • domainName

  • embeddedHypervisorPresence

  • gateway

  • globalIPv6enabled

  • hostConfig

  • hostMacAddresses

  • hostname

  • id

  • ipInterfaces

  • ipv4Addresses

  • IPv4assignments

  • IPv4DHCPmode

  • IPv4enabled

  • ipv4ServiceAddress

  • ipv6Addresses

  • IPv6assignments

  • IPv6DHCPenabled

  • IPv6enabled

  • ipv6ServiceAddress

  • IPv6statelessEnabled

  • IPv6staticEnabled

  • IPversionPriority

  • isConnectionTrusted

  • isRemotePresenceEnabled

  • label

  • macAddresses

  • mgmtProcIPaddress

  • name

  • prefix

  • priIPv4userDNSserver

  • priIPv6userDNSserver

  • scope

  • secIPv4userDNSserver

  • secIPv6userDNSserver

  • serviceHostName

  • secIPv6userDNSserver

  • secIPv4userDNSserver

  • source

  • subnet

  • type

  • terIPv4userDNSserver

  • terIPv6userDNSserver

uri={URI}RequiredStringResource to which XClarity Administrator writes a POST when XClarity Administrator detects a change in monitored resource

The specified URI must be able to accept POST requests, where the body of the POST matches the JSON PUT to monitor_uri.

The following example adds a subscription that monitors all network-related changes.
"monitor_uri": "/aicc",
"uri": "/testsubscriber"
The following example adds a subscription that monitors all NTP-related network changes.
"monitor_uri": "/aicc",
"submonitor_uri": "/ntp",
"uri": "/ntpNotification"

Response codes

201CreatedOne or more new resources were successfully created.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

idIntegerSubscription ID
monitor_uriStringNetwork-related resource that is to be monitored by XClarity Administrator

If monitor_uri is set to /aicc or , every /aicc URI is monitored.

If monitor_uri is set to , IP change notifications are received through DHCP.

submonitor_uriStringSubresource to be monitored by XClarity Administrator. You will receive notifications for only this resource
uriStringResource to which XClarity Administrator writes a POST when XClarity Administrator detects a change in monitored resource

The specified URI must be able to accept POST requests, where the body of the POST matches the JSON PUT to monitor_uri.

The following example is returned when a subscription is created that monitors all network-related changes.

"id": 2,
"monitor_uri": "/aicc",
"submonitor_uri": "",
"uri": "/ntpNotification"
The following example is returned when a subscription is created that monitors all NTP-related network changes.
"id": 6,
"monitor_uri": "/aicc",
"submonitor_uri": "/ntp",
"uri": "/ntpNotification"