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GET /authCodes

Use this method to return a list of authorization codes in Lenovo XClarity Administrator.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Administrator v3.5.0 or later.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/authCodes

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

authCodesArray of objectsInformation about each license-authorization code
 authCodeStringLicense-authorization code ID
 errorMsgStringMessage description
 featureCodeStringLicense feature code
 featureDescriptionStringLicense feature description
 keysRedeemedIntegerNumber of redeemed license-activation keys
 keysRemainingIntegerNumber of available (not redeemed) license-activation keys
 lenovoCustomerNumberStringLenovo customer number
 licenseKeysArray of objectsInformation about each license-activation key
  customerNumberStringLenovo customer number associated with the license-activation key
  licenseKeyIdStringLicense-activation key ID
  quantityIntegerNumber of redeemed licensees
  stateStringLicense-activation key state. This can be one of the following values.
  • installed. The license-activation key is installed in XClarity Administrator.
  • not installed. The license-activation key is not installed.
 partNumberStringLicense part number
 purchaseOrderStringLicense purchase-order number
 salesOrderStringLicense sales-order number
 startDateStringDate when the authorization code was created and the license validation period starts

This date is specified using ISO-8601 format (for example, 2019-05-02). For information about ISO-8601 format, see the W3C Date and Time Formats webpage.

customerInfoObjectInformation about the customer that is associated with the license-authorization codes
 companyNameInEnglishStringCustomer company name in English
 companyNameInLocalLanguageStringCustomer company name in local language
 contactPhoneNumberStringCustomer phone number
 contactEmailAddressStringCustomer email address
 customerAddressStringCustomer physical address
 customerCityStringCustomer city
 customerRegionStateOrProvinceStringCustomer state or region
 customerPostalCodeStringCustomer postal code
 countryStringCustomer country code

For a complete list of country codes, use GET /licenseCountries.

 firstNameStringCustomer given name
 lastNameStringCustomer family name
 preferredLanguageStringLanguage code of the preferred language

For a complete list of language codes, use GET /licenseCountries.

The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"authCodes": [{
"authCode": "YYA7BQ2V37V11O0AID2K4",
"errorMsg": "",
"featureCode": "1341 contact",
"featureDescription": "Lenovo XClarity Pro, Per Managed Endpoint w/5 Yr SW S&S",
"keysRedeemed": 50,
"keysRemaining ": 0,
"lenovoCustomerNumber": "1234567890",
"licenseKeys": [],
"partNumber": "5641PX5",
"purchaseOrder": "00000000",
"salesOrder": "999999999",
"startDate": "2020-06-02",
"authCode": "YYA7BQ2V37V11O0AID2K5",
"errorMsg": "",
"featureCode": "1341 contact",
"featureDescription": "Lenovo XClarity Pro, Per Managed Endpoint w/5 Yr SW S&S",
"keysRedeemed": 50,
"keysRemaining ": 0,
"lenovoCustomerNumber": "1234567890",
"licenseKeys": [{
"customerNumber": "1234567890",
"licenseKeyId": "00001",
"quantity": 20,
"state": "installed"
"customerNumber": "1234567890",
"licenseKeyId": "00003",
"quantity": 30,
"state": "installed"
"partNumber": "5641PX5",
"purchaseOrder": "00000000",
"salesOrder": "999999999",
"startDate": "2020-06-02"
"customerInfo": {
"companyNameInEnglish": "Some Company",
"companyNameInLocalLanguage": " Some Company ",
"contactPhoneNumber": "9995551212",
"contactEmailAddress": "",
"customerAddress": "10 Main Street",
"customerCity": "Rockville",
"customerRegionStateOrProvince": "NY",
"customerPostalCode": "12345",
"country": "US",
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"preferredLanguage": "EN"