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GET /compliancePolicies/persistedResult

Use this method to return the persisted compare result for servers to which a compliance policy is assigned.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/compliancePolicies/persistedResult

Query parameters

If all query parameters are empty or null, all the persisted compliance result are returned.

ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
complexid={uuid}OptionalReturns the persisted compliance results for only scalable complexes
uuid={uuid}OptionalReturns the persisted results for only the device specified by the UUID and resource type
type={device_type}OptionalWhen the uuid query parameter is specified, this query parameter is used to indicate the resource type.
  • CMM
  • IOSwitch. Flex switch
  • RACKSWITCH. RackSwitch switch
  • STORAGE. Rack storage device
The following example returns the persisted compliance results for only scalable complexes.
The following example returns the persisted results for only the device specified by the UUID and resource type.

Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

 chassisStringChassis UUID
 cmms Compliance policy information for each CMM
  deviceCompliantBooleanIdentifies whether the CMM is compliant. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The CMM is compliant.
  • no. The CMM is not compliant.
  messageArrayError message that is returned if an error occurs
  policyNameStringFirmware-compliance policy that is associated with the CMM
  supportedBooleanIdentifies whether the CMM is supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The CMM is supported.
  • false. The CMM is not supported.
  targetFirmwareArrayInformation about firmware
   buildStringUpdate build
   categoryStringUpdate category
   compliantStringIndicates whether the CMM firmware is compliant with the policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. Compliant.
  • no. Not compliant.
  • DoNotUpdate. Do not update this component.
   componentIDStringFor a CMM, this is the CMM UUID
   componentNameStringName of the CMM
   dateStringUpdate date
   fixidStringUpdate- ID
   installedFirmwareArray of objectsInformation about each firmware that is installed on the component
    buildStringFirmware build level
    dateStringFirmware date
    nameStringFirmware name
    versionListArray of stringsList of versions that were installed
   levelStringUpdate level
   packageExistenceStringIdentifies whether the update package exists in the firmware-updates repository. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The update package exists.
  • no. The update package does not exist.
   reasonStringExplanation for the result of the compliance check
   versionListStringsUpdate package version
  uuidStringCMM UUID
 racklistObjectIf there are racks managed, and you queried for all persisted compliance results, return those results
  deviceCompliantBooleanIdentifies whether the CMM is compliant. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The CMM is compliant.
  • no. The CMM is not compliant.
  messageArrayError message that is returned if an error occurs
  policyNameStringFirmware-compliance policy that is associated with the CMM
  supportedBooleanIdentifies whether the CMM is supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The CMM is supported.
  • false. The CMM is not supported.
  targetFirmwareArrayInformation about firmware
   categoryStringUpdate category
   buildStringUpdate build
   compliantStringIndicates whether the CMM firmware is compliant with the policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. Compliant.
  • no. Not compliant.
  • DoNotUpdate. Do not update this component.
   componentIDStringFor a CMM, this is the CMM UUID
   componentNameStringName of the CMM
   dateStringUpdate date
   fixidStringUpdate- ID
   installedFirmwareArray of objectsInformation about each firmware that is installed on the component
    buildStringFirmware build level
    dateStringFirmware date
    nameStringFirmware name
    versionListArray of stringsList of versions that were installed
   levelStringUpdate level
   packageExistenceStringIdentifies whether the update package exists in the firmware-updates repository. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The update package exists.
  • no. The update package does not exist.
   reasonStringExplanation for the result of the compliance check
   versionListStringsUpdate package version
  uuidStringCMM UUID.
 rackswitchlistObjectCompliance policy information for each managed RackSwitch switch
  deviceCompliantStringIdentifies whether the RackSwitch switch is compliant. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The switch is compliant.
  • no. The switch is not compliant.
  messageArrayError message if an error occurs for this RackSwitch switch
  policyNameStringFirmware-compliance policy that is associated with the RackSwitch switch
  supportedStringIdentifies whether the RackSwitch switch is supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The RackSwitch switch is supported.
  • false. The RackSwitch switch is not supported.
  targetFirmwareArrayInformation about firmware
   buildStringUpdate build
   categoryStringType of firmware update
   compliantStringIndicates whether the RackSwitch switch firmware is compliant with the firmware-compliance policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. Compliant.
  • no. Not compliant.
  • DoNotUpdate. Do not update this component.
   componentIDStringRackSwitch switch UUID
   componentNameStringRackSwitch switch name
   dateStringUpdate date
   fixidStringUpdate ID
   installedFirmwareArray of objectsInformation about each firmware that is installed on the component
    buildStringFirmware build level
    dateStringFirmware date
    nameStringFirmware name
    versionListArray of stringsList of versions that were installed
   levelStringUpdate level
   packageExistenceStringIdentifies whether the update package exists in the firmware-updates repository. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The update package exists.
  • no. The update package does not exist.
   reasonStringExplanation for the result of the compliance check
   versionListArray of stringUpdate package version
  uuidStringRackSwitch switch UUID
 storagelistObjectCompliance policy information for each managed storage device
  deviceCompliantStringIdentifies whether the storage device is compliant. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The storage device is compliant.
  • no. The storage device is not compliant.
  messageStringError message if an error occurs for this storage device
  policyNameStringFirmware-compliance policy that is associated with the storage device
  supportedStringIdentifies whether the storage device is supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The storage device is supported.
  • false. The storage device is not supported.
  targetFirmwareArrayInformation about firmware
   buildStringUpdate build
   categoryStringType of firmware update
   compliantStringIndicates whether the storage device firmware is compliant with the firmware-compliance policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. Compliant.
  • no. Not compliant.
  • DoNotUpdate. Do not update this component.
   componentIDStringStorage device UUID
   componentNameStringStorage device name
   dateStringUpdate date
   fixidStringUpdate ID
   installedFirmwareArray of objectsInformation about each firmware that is installed on the component
    buildStringFirmware build level
    dateStringFirmware date
    nameStringFirmware name
    versionListArray of stringsList of versions that were installed
   levelStringUpdate level
   packageExistenceStringIdentifies whether the update package exists in the firmware-updates repository. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The update package exists.
  • no. The update package does not exist.
   reasonStringExplanation for the result of the compliance check
   versionListArray of stringsUpdate package version
  uuidStringStorage device UUID
 switchesObjectCompliance policy information for each Flex System switch
  deviceCompliantStringIdentifies whether the switch is compliant. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The Flex System switch is compliant.
  • no. The Flex System switch is not compliant.
  messageArrayError message if an error occurs for this Flex System switch
  policyNameStringFirmware-compliance policy that is associated with the Flex System switch
  supportedStringIdentifies whether the Flex System switch is supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The Flex System switch is supported.
  • false. The Flex System switch is not supported.
  targetFirmwareArrayInformation about firmware
   buildStringUpdate build
   categoryStringType of firmware update, such as IMM2, UEFI, Network, and ServeRAID
   compliantStringIndicates whether the Flex System switch firmware is compliant with the policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. Compliant.
  • no. Not compliant.
  • DoNotUpdate. Do not update this component.
   componentIDStringFor a Flex System switch, this is the switch UUID
   componentNameStringFlex System switch name
   dateStringUpdate date
   fixidStringUpdate ID
   installedFirmwareArray of objectsInformation about each firmware that is installed on the component
    buildStringFirmware build level
    dateStringFirmware date
    nameStringFirmware name
    versionListArray of stringsList of versions that were installed
   levelStringUpdate level
   packageExistenceStringIdentifies whether the update package exists in the firmware-updates repository. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The update package exists.
  • no. The update package does not exist.
   reasonStringExplanation for the result of the compliance check
   versionListStringsUpdate package version
  uuidStringFlex System switch UUID
 xITEsObjectCompliance policy information for each server
  messageArrayError message that is returned if an error occurs
  deviceCompliantBooleanIdentifies whether the server is compliant. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The server is compliant.
  • no. The server is not compliant.
  policyNameStringFirmware-compliance policy that is associated with the server
  supportedBooleanIdentifies whether the server is supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The server is supported.
  • false. The server is not supported.
  targetFirmwareArrayInformation about firmware
   buildStringUpdate build
   categoryStringUpdate category
   compliantStringIndicates whether the server firmware is compliant with the policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes.
  • no.
   componentIDStringFor servers, this is returned as server UUID:component name
   componentNameStringComponent name
   dateStringUpdate date
   fixidStringUpdate ID
   levelStringUpdate level
   installedFirmwareArray of objectsInformation about each firmware that is installed on the component
    buildStringFirmware build level
    dateStringFirmware date
    nameStringFirmware name
    versionListArray of stringsList of versions that were installed
   packageExistenceStringIdentifies whether the update package exists in the firmware-updates repository. This can be one of the following values.
  • yes. The update package exists.
  • no. The update package does not exist.
   reasonStringExplanation for the result of the compliance check
   versionListStringsUpdate package version
  uuidStringServer UUID
 messageArrayError message that is returned if an error occurs
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"all": [
"chassis": "FBEF740B178F4EFAA846E7225EE256DC",
"cmms": [{
"deviceCompliant": ""."message": [],
"policyName": "",
"supported": "true",
"targetFirmware": [],
"uuid": "387E51D69EC311E0A4C8E87E4D6C0479"
"switches": [{
"deviceCompliant": "no",
"message": [],
"policyName": "DEFAULT-2015-04-25",
"supported": "true",
"targetFirmware": [{
"build": "0802",
"category": "Switches",
"compliant": "no",
"componentID": "1B33D6C57ECB04C14567A897DC604900",
"componentName": "IO Module 02",
"date": "2015-04-22",
"fixid": "lnvgy_fw_scsw_si4093-",
"installedFirmware": [{
"build": "",
"date": "2014-05-20",
"name": "Boot ROM",
"versionList": [""]
"build": "",
"date": "2014-05-20",
"name": "Main Application 1",
"versionList": [""]
"build": "" ,
"name": "Main Application 2",
"date": "2014-05-20",
"versionList": [""]
"level": "higher",
"packageExistence": "yes",
"reason": "The installed version is down level than the version defined in compliance policy.",
"versionList": [""]
"uuid": "1B33D6C57ECB04C14567A897DC604900"
"xITEs": [{
"deviceCompliant": "",
"message": [],
"policyName": "",
"supported": "true",
"targetFirmware": [],
"uuid": "69BDF8912E5211E4998B40F2E99033F0"
"racklist": [{
"policyName": "",
"endpointCompliant": "",
"targetFirmware": [],
"message": [],
"uuid": "200B8108289D11E3878E000AF725674C"
"complexlist": []
"rackswitchlist": []
"storagelist": []