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GET /events/activeAlerts/helptext/{alert_id}

Use this method to return the description and recovery action for a specific alert.

For message-description and user-action text in the job summary, you can specify the text directly in the request body if no translations are needed, or you can reference the text from a translated bundle file (for example,

When the job description and recovery actions require formatted text, you must specify the text as an array of objects in JSON format. You cannot use HTML.
In the translated bundle files, braces {} must be escaped by a single quote for help text (for example, '{').
AttributeRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
formatRequiredArray of stringsList of formats for the text. This can be one of the following values.
  • bold. Corresponds to the <b> HTML tag.
  • italic. Corresponds to the <i> HTML tag.
  • underline. Corresponds to the <u> HTML tag.
  • link. Corresponds to the <a> HTML tag.
  • newline. Corresponds to the <br> HTML tag.
  • paragraph. Corresponds to the <p> HTML tag.
  • quotation. Corresponds to the <q> HTML tag.
  • orderedList. Corresponds to the <ol> HTML tag.
  • bulletList. Corresponds to the <ul> HTML tag.
  • listElement. Corresponds to the <li> HTML tag.

If no format is needed, use an empty array.

linkOptionalStringURL to be linked to
textRequiredString or array of stringsText to be formatted
The following example has formatted text in the user action. It includes paragraphs, ordered list, unordered list, link, and formatted text. Note that braces {} are not escaped by a single quote.
"text": "To display the text correctly, the following steps are made.",
"format": []
"text": [],
"format": ["newline"]
"text": [{
"text": "Segment the text into pieces between HTML tags.",
"format": ["listElement"]
"text": [{
"text": "If the segmented text contains ",
"format": []
"text": "multiple tags",
"format": ["bold"]
"text": ", segment them as well.",
"format": []
"format": ["listElement"]
"text": [ {
"text": "After having all segments, add the tags as follows:",
"format": []
"text": [{
"text": "Add the text between the tags in the text field of JSON. If multiple tags are found,
text field is an array of JSON Objects.",
"format": ["listElement"]
"text": "Add the format for each text between tags.",
"format": ["listElement"]
"format": ["bulletList"]
"format": ["listElement"]
"text": "Make sure this is a json format.",
"format": ["listElement", "bold", "underline"]
"format": ["orderedList"]
"text": [],
"format": ["newline"]
"text": [{
"text": "This is how a paragraph looks like with a ",
"format": []
"text": "link",
"format": ["link"],
"link": ""
"format": ["paragraph"]
"text": "This is how the result should look.",
"format": ["paragraph", "italic"]
This example correlates to the following HTML format
To display the text correctly, the following steps are made.
<li>Segment the text into pieces between HTML tags.</li>
<li>If the segmented text contains <b>multiple tags</b>, segment them as well.</li>
<li>After having all segments, add the tags as follows:
<li>Add the text between the tags in the text field of JSON. If multiple tags are found,
text field is an array of JSON Objects.</li>
<li>Add the format for each text between tags.</li>
<li><b><u>Make sure this is a json format.</u></b></li>
<p>This is how a paragraph looks like with a <a href="">link</a></p>
<p><i>This is how the result should look.</i></p>
This example correlates to the following formatted output:

Illustrates current alerts that are listed in the Alerts page.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/events/activeAlerts/helptext/{alert_id}

where {alert_id} is the sequence number of the alert to be retrieved. To obtain the alert sequence number, use the cn attribute that is returned by the GET /events method).

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
404Not foundA specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

descriptionArray of objectsInformation about the message descriptions
 formatArray of strings 
 textStringAlert description
useractionArray of objectsInformation about the recovery actions
 formatArray of strings 
 textStringRecovery actions to resolve the alert
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"description": [{
"format": [],
"text": "The specified user cannot log in."
"useraction": [{
"format": [],
"text": "Information only; no action is required."