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GET /events/monitors?format=formatKeys

Use this method to return format keys for event forward recipients (event monitors).


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/events/monitors?format=formatKeys

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

formatKeysObjectInformation about the attributes in the output of each type of event forwarder

Text between double square brackets are the attributes that which are replaced with actual values. For a description of each attribute, use GET /events/monitors?format=formatKeys.

 email_alertStringList of attributes for email recipients
 ftpStringList of attributes for FTP recipients
 oms_log_analyticsStringList of attributes for Azure Log Analytics recipients
 restStringList of attributes for REST recipients
 syslogStringList of attributes for syslog recipients
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"formatKeys": {
"email_alert": {
"DeviceFullPathName": "The device full path in the device it is inserted.",
"EventDate": "Time and date of when the event was created on source system.",
"DeviceProductName": "The device product name.",
"ConsoleLink": "Link to the events log page.",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "The device serial number.",
"ManagementServerIP": "The appliance ip address.",
"iOSLink": "iOS link to the events log page.",
"DeviceHealthStatus": "The device health status.",
"EventComponentUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"DeviceIPV4Addresses": "The device IPv4 address.",
"EventMachineTypeModel": "System machine type and model of the managed system on which
the event occurred.",
"DeviceChassisName": "The device chassis name. (If the device is part of a chassis).",
"EventSeverity": "Event severity in text format.",
"EventSourceUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"EventService": "Event service in text format.",
"AndroidLink": "Android link to the events log page.",
"DeviceIPAddress": "The IP address of the device.",
"EventClass": "Event class in text format.",
"EventMessage": "Event message string.",
"DeviceHardwareType": "The device hardware type.",
"DeviceIPV6Addresses": "The device IPV6 address.",
"DeviceBays": "The device bay. (If the device is part of a chassis or enclosure).",
"DeviceHostName": "The device hostname.",
"EventID": "Event id is a unique identifier for each event supported by a product.",
"CommonEventID": "Common event id.",
"DeviceMachineType": "The device machine type.",
"EventSerialNumber": "The serial number of system which caused the event.",
"EventSequenceID": "Event sequence number.",
"DeviceName": "The device name."
"ftp": {
"DeviceFullPathName": "The device full path in the device it is inserted.",
"EventDate": "Time and date of when the event was created on source system.",
"DeviceProductName": "The device product name.",
"ConsoleLink": "Link to the events log page.",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "The device serial number.",
"ManagementServerIP": "The appliance ip address.",
"iOSLink": "iOS link to the events log page.",
"DeviceHealthStatus": "The device health status.",
"EventComponentUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"DeviceIPV4Addresses": "The device IPv4 address.",
"EventMachineTypeModel": "System machine type and model of the managed system on which
the event occurred.",
"DeviceChassisName": "The device chassis name. (If the device is part of a chassis).",
"EventSeverity": "Event severity in text format.",
"EventSourceUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"EventService": "Event service in text format.",
"AndroidLink": "Android link to the events log page.",
"DeviceIPAddress": "The IP address of the device.",
"EventClass": "Event class in text format.",
"EventMessage": "Event message string.",
"DeviceHardwareType": "The device hardware type.",
"DeviceIPV6Addresses": "The device IPV6 address.",
"DeviceBays": "The device bay. (If the device is part of a chassis or enclosure).",
"DeviceHostName": "The device hostname.",
"EventID": "Event id is a unique identifier for each event supported by a product.",
"CommonEventID": "Common event id.",
"DeviceMachineType": "The device machine type.",
"EventSerialNumber": "The serial number of system which caused the event.",
"EventSequenceID": "Event sequence number.",
"DeviceName": "The device name."
"oms_log_analytics": {
"DeviceFullPathName": "The device full path in the device it is inserted.",
"EventDate": "Time and date of when the event was created on source system.",
"EventSenderUUID": "The event sender universal unique identifier.",
"EventFailFRUUUIDs": "The list of failing component universal unique identifier.",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "The device serial number.",
"EventFailFRUs": "For hardware fault events, includes one or more FRU numbers for FRUs
associated to the fault.",
"LXCA_IP": "The LXCA appliance ip address.",
"EventClassNumber": "Event class number.",
"EventComponentUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"SystemName": "The full path name of the system.",
"EventMachineTypeModel": "System machine type and model of the managed system on
which the event occurred.",
"EventTimeStamp": "The time and date of when the log entry was created for the
Lenovo XClarity Administrator log.",
"EventSeverity": "Event severity in text format.",
"EventUserName": "For internal audit events, this is the associated user id.",
"EventMessageID": "The event message identifier.",
"EventMessageArguments": "Dynamic arguments used in the event message string.",
"EventSourceUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"EventService": "Event service in text format.",
"EventFailSerialNumbers": "For hardware fault events, includes one or more serial
numbers for FRUs associated to the fault.",
"DeviceIPAddress": "The IP address of the device.",
"EventLocalLogID": "The management server local log identifier.",
"EventSourceLogSequenceNumber": "Source log sequence number which uniquely identifies
this event in source Log id.",
"EventSource": "The event source.",
"EventMessage": "Event message string.",
"EventFlags": "Proprietary event flag definitions.",
"EventAction": "Event Action category name.",
"EventID": "Event id is a unique identifier for each event supported by a product.",
"CommonEventID": "Common event id.",
"EventSerialNumber": "The serial number of system which caused the event.",
"EventSequenceID": "Event sequence number."
"rest": {
"DeviceFullPathName": "The device full path in the device it is inserted.",
"EventDate": "Time and date of when the event was created on source system.",
"EventSenderUUID": "The event sender universal unique identifier.",
"EventFailFRUUUIDs": "The list of failing component universal unique identifier.",
"EventActionNumber": "Event action category.",
"EventFailFRUs": "For hardware fault events, includes one or more FRU numbers for FRUs
associated to the fault.",
"EventClassNumber": "Event class number.",
"EventComponentUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"EventMachineTypeModel": "System machine type and model of the managed system on which
the event occurred.",
"EventTimeStamp": "The time and date of when the log entry was created for the
Lenovo XClarity Administrator log.",
"EventSeverityNumber": "The event severity as a number.",
"EventUserName": "For internal audit events, this is the associated user id.",
"EventMessageID": "The event message identifier.",
"EventMessageArguments": "Dynamic arguments used in the event message string.",
"EventSourceUUID": "The UUID of the component which caused the event.",
"EventServiceNumber": "The event service flag as a number.",
"EventFailSerialNumbers": "For hardware fault events, includes one or more serial
numbers for FRUs associated to the fault.",
"EventLocalLogID": "The management server local log identifier.",
"EventSourceLogSequenceNumber": "Source log sequence number which uniquely identifies
this event in source Log id.",
"EventMessage": "Event message string.",
"EventFlags": "Proprietary event flag definitions.",
"EventID": "Event id is a unique identifier for each event supported by a product.",
"CommonEventID": "Common event id.",
"EventSerialNumber": "The serial number of system which caused the event.",
"EventSequenceID": "Event sequence number."
"syslog": {
"DeviceNameIdentifier": "The device name identifier.",
"DeviceFullPathName": "The device full path in the device it is inserted.",
"EventDate": "Time and date of when the event was created on source system.",
"EventSeverity": "Event severity in text format.",
"EventUserName": "For internal audit events, this is the associated user id.",
"EventService": "Event service in text format.",
"SysLogSource": "The syslog source.",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "The device serial number.",
"LXCA_IP": "The LXCA appliance ip address.",
"DeviceIPAddress": "The IP address of the device.",
"SysLogSeverity": "The syslog numeric severity.",
"EventMessage": "Event message string.",
"EventID": "Event id is a unique identifier for each event supported by a product.",
"CommonEventID": "Common event id.",
"EventTimeStamp": "The time and date of when the log entry was created for the
Lenovo XClarity Administrator log.",
"UUID": "The universal unique identifier.",
"EventSequenceID": "Event sequence number."