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POST /nodes

Use this method to return properties for a large number of specific servers, Flex System storage devices, and Flex System storage controllers (canisters).


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

POST https://{management_server_IP}/nodes

Query parameters


Request body

AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
formatTypeOptionalStringReturns information in the specified format. This can be one of the following values.
  • json (default)
  • csv
If you choose formatType=csv, this request creates a file in CSV format and returns the filename in the request header. You can use to download the file using GET /nodes/{file_name}.csv.
uuidsRequiredStringList of device UUIDs, separated by a comma
The following example returns properties for two devices in JSON.
The following example returns properties for two devices as a CSV file.
"formatType": "csv",

Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response header

If formatType=csv is specified, the response header includes the URI of the downloaded file. If data for a single node is requested, the file name includes the node UUID. If multiple nodes are requested, the file name is allNodes_<unique_ID}.csv. For example:
Status Code: 201 Created
Location: /chassis/EF6D424FAACA4E539771B812AAEE0F73.csv

Response body

If the formatType=csv request attribute is specified, no response body is returned.

If the formatType=json request attribute is specified, the following JSON object is returned.

GET /nodes returns the canister attribute as a child under the enclosure attribute and also as a peer to the enclosure attribute (in duplication).

For GET /nodes/{uuid_list}, the canister attribute is only returned as a child under the enclosure attribute.

nodeListArrayList of all servers and storage devices
 See GET /nodes/{uuid_list}ObjectDetailed information about the individual server or storage device

The following example is returned if the request is successful.

"nodeList": [{
"accessState": "Online",
"activationKeys": [{
"description": "IBM Integrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade",
"keyExpirationDate": "",
"keyFeatureType": 1,
"keyIdentiferList": [{
"keyIdentifier": "5463KVD0153",
"keyIdentifierType": "MT"
"keyStatus": "VALID",
"keyUseCount": 0,
"keyUseLimit": 0,
"uuid": "8f0f1789295e78f9"
"addinCardSlots": 0,
"addinCards": [{
"FRU": "N/A",
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [13],
"date": "2015-04-06T00:00:00Z",
"name": "LSI MegaRAID Adapter Firmware",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "10140454",
"status": "Active",
"type": "Software Bundle",
"version": "24.7.0-0052"
"fodUniqueID": "N/A",
"fruSerialNumber": "SV42100396",
"isAddOnCard": true,
"isAgentless": true,
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"name": "ServeRAID M5210",
"partNumber": "N/A",
"pciBusNumber": "1",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
"pciRevision": "2",
"pciSubID": "454",
"pciSubVendorID": "1014",
"portInfo": { },
"posID": "5d",
"productName": "ServeRAID M5210",
"slotName": "SlotDesig4_Slot 4",
"slotNumber": "4",
"slotSupportsHotPlug": "false",
"vpdID": "1000"
"arch": "x86",
"backedBy": "real",
"bladeState": 0,
"bootMode": {
"currentValue": "UEFI Mode",
"possibleValues": ["UEFI Mode",
"Legacy Mode"]
"bootOrder": {
"bootOrderList": [{
"bootType": "SingleUse",
"currentBootOrderDevices": ["None"],
"possibleBootOrderDevices": ["None",
"PXE Network",
"Disk Drive 0",
"CD/DVD Rom",
"Boot To F1",
"Floppy Disk"]
"bootType": "WakeOnLAN",
"currentBootOrderDevices": ["PXE Network", "CD/DVD Rom","Disk Drive 0"],
"possibleBootOrderDevices": ["PXE Network",
"CD/DVD Rom",
"Disk Drive 0",
"Floppy Disk",
"sSATA Port 2",
"sSATA Port 3",
"uri": "node/425AF828DF7D11D4B0F8E76767BBBBBB/bootOrder"
"cmmDisplayName": "Management Controller UUID-425AF828DF7D11D4B0F8E76767BBBBBB",
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"complexID": -1,
"contact": "",
"dataHandle": 1440525606363,
"description": "Chassis",
"dnsHostnames": ["",
"domainName": "",
"driveBays": 0,
"drives": [],
"embeddedHypervisorPresence": false,
"encapsulation": {
"encapsulationMode": "normal",
"errorFields": [{
"ChassisMounted": "NO_CONNECTOR"
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"expansionCardSlots": 0,
"expansionCards": [],
"expansionProductType": "",
"expansionProducts": [],
"featuresOnDemand": {
"tierLevel": 3,
"firmware": [{
"build": "TBE105KUS",
"date": "2015-04-17T00:00:00Z",
"name": "UEFI Firmware/BIOS",
"role": "Primary",
"status": "Active",
"type": "UEFI",
"version": "1.10"
"build": "TCOO09D",
"date": "2015-04-17T00:00:00Z",
"name": "IMM2 Backup Firmware",
"role": "Backup",
"status": "Inactive",
"type": "IMM2-Backup",
"version": "1.71"
"flashStorage": [],
"FRU": "None",
"fruSerialNumber": "None",
"hasOS": false,
"height": 1,
"hostMacAddresses": "40:F2:E9:B8:15:80,40:F2:E9:B8:15:81,40:F2:E9:B8:15:82,40:F2:E9:B8:15:83",
"hostname": "IMM2-40f2e9b81585",
"ipInterfaces": [{
"IPv4assignments": [{
"address": "",
"gateway": "",
"id": 0,
"subnet": "",
"type": "INUSE"
"IPv4enabled": true,
"IPv6DHCPenabled": true,
"IPv6assignments": [{
"address": "fd55:faaf:e1ab:2021:42f2:e9ff:feb8:1585",
"gateway": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0",
"id": 0,
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "Global",
"source": "Stateless",
"type": "INUSE"
"address": "fe80:0:0:0:42f2:e9ff:feb8:1585",
"gateway": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0",
"id": 0,
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "LinkLocal",
"source": "Other",
"type": "INUSE"
"IPv6enabled": true,
"IPv6statelessEnabled": true,
"IPv6staticEnabled": false,
"label": "unknown",
"name": "eth0"
"ipv4Addresses": ["",
"ipv6Addresses": ["fd55:faaf:e1ab:2021:42f2:e9ff:feb8:1585",
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"isITME": false,
"isRemotePresenceEnabled": true,
"isScalable": false,
"lanOverUsb": "enabled",
"leds": [{
"color": "Yellow",
"location": "Unknown",
"name": "Fault",
"state": "Off"
"color": "Blue",
"location": "Unknown",
"name": "Identify",
"state": "Off"
"color": "Yellow",
"location": "Planar",
"name": "SDRAID Error",
"state": "Off"
"location": {
"location": "",
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"rack": "",
"room": ""
"macAddress": "40:F2:E9:B8:15:85,40:F2:E9:B8:15:86",
"machineType": "5463",
"manufacturer": " IBM(WIST)",
"manufacturerId": " IBM(WIST)",
"memoryModules": [{
"capacity": 4,
"displayName": "DIMM 1",
"manufacturer": "Unknown",
"model": "DDR4",
"partNumber": "HMA451R7MFR8N-TFTD ",
"serialNumber": "103D4F44",
"slot": 1,
"speed": 2133,
"type": "DDR4"
"memorySlots": 0,
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"model": "45Z",
"name": "DaAn5",
"nist": {
"currentValue": "Compatibility",
"possibleValues": ["Compatibility",
"onboardPciDevices": [{
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [0],
"date": "",
"name": "PCIFirmware",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "1014:405",
"status": "Active",
"type": "",
"version": ""
"fodUniqueID": "",
"isAddOnCard": false,
"isAgentless": false,
"name": "",
"pciBusNumber": "25",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
"pciRevision": "1",
"pciSubID": "405",
"pciSubVendorID": "1014",
"portInfo": {

"posID": "534",
"vpdID": "102b"
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [33024],
"date": "",
"name": "",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "101404D1",
"status": "Active",
"type": "VPD-V0",
"version": ""
"fodUniqueID": "11SBCM957190123456789",
"isAddOnCard": false,
"isAgentless": true,
"name": "Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter",
"pciBusNumber": "27",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "3",
"pciRevision": "1",
"pciSubID": "4d1",
"pciSubVendorID": "1014",
"portInfo": {
"logicalPorts": [{
"addresses": "40F2E9B81583",
"portNumber": 1,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"vnicMode": false
"peerBay": 0,
"portNumber": 4,
"portType": "ETHERNET"
"posID": "1657",
"vpdID": "14e4"
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"partNumber": "00KC903",
"partitionID": -1,
"pciCapabilities": ["Raid Link",
"Raid Link Config",
"Raid Link Alert",
"OOB PCIe Config"],
"pciDevices": [{
"FRU": "N/A",
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [13],
"date": "2015-04-06T00:00:00Z",
"name": "LSI MegaRAID Adapter Firmware",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "10140454",
"status": "Active",
"type": "Software Bundle",
"version": "24.7.0-0052"
"fodUniqueID": "N/A",
"fruSerialNumber": "SV42100396",
"isAddOnCard": true,
"isAgentless": true,
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"name": "ServeRAID M5210",
"partNumber": "N/A",
"pciBusNumber": "1",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
"pciRevision": "2",
"pciSubID": "454",
"pciSubVendorID": "1014",
"portInfo": {

"posID": "5d",
"productName": "ServeRAID M5210",
"slotName": "SlotDesig4_Slot 4",
"slotNumber": "4",
"slotSupportsHotPlug": "false",
"vpdID": "1000"
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [33024],
"date": "",
"name": "",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "101404D1",
"status": "Active",
"type": "VPD-V0",
"version": ""
"fodUniqueID": "11SBCM957190123456789",
"isAddOnCard": false,
"isAgentless": true,
"name": "Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Adapter",
"pciBusNumber": "27",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "3",
"pciRevision": "1",
"pciSubID": "4d1",
"pciSubVendorID": "1014",
"portInfo": {
"logicalPorts": [{
"addresses": "40F2E9B81583",
"portNumber": 1,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"vnicMode": false
"peerBay": 0,
"portNumber": 4,
"portType": "ETHERNET"
"posID": "1657",
"vpdID": "14e4"
"ports": [{
"ioModuleBay": 0,
"portNumber": 1
"ioModuleBay": 0,
"portNumber": 4
"posID": "",
"powerAllocation": {
"maximumAllocatedPower": 660,
"minimumAllocatedPower": 26
"powerCappingPolicy": {
"cappingACorDCMode": "DC",
"cappingPolicy": "OFF",
"currentPowerCap": 0,
"maxPowerCap": 319000,
"maximumPowerCappingHotPlugLevel": 367000,
"minPowerCap": 85300,
"minimumHardCapLevel": 246200,
"minimumPowerCappingHotPlugLevel": 268000,
"powerCappingAllocUnit": "watts*10^-3"
"powerStatus": 5,
"powerSupplies": [{
"FRU": "",
"cmmDisplayName": "Power Supply 1",
"dataHandle": 0,
"description": "",
"firmware": [],
"fruSerialNumber": "",
"hardwareRevision": "",
"healthState": "CRITICAL",
"inputVoltageIsAC": true,
"inputVoltageMax": -1,
"inputVoltageMin": -1,
"leds": [],
"machineType": "",
"manufactureDate": "",
"manufacturer": "EMER",
"manufacturerId": "",
"model": "",
"name": "Power Supply 1",
"partNumber": "94Y8136",
"posID": "",
"powerAllocation": {
"totalInputPower": 0,
"totalOutputPower": 550000
"powerState": "Unknown",
"productId": "",
"productName": "",
"serialNumber": "K118146600A",
"slots": [1],
"type": "PowerSupply",
"uri": "powerSupply/",
"userDescription": "",
"uuid": "",
"vpdID": ""
"FRU": "",
"cmmDisplayName": "Power Supply 2",
"dataHandle": 0,
"description": "",
"firmware": [],
"fruSerialNumber": "",
"hardwareRevision": "",
"healthState": "CRITICAL",
"inputVoltageIsAC": true,
"inputVoltageMax": -1,
"inputVoltageMin": -1,
"leds": [],
"machineType": "",
"manufactureDate": "",
"manufacturer": "EMER",
"manufacturerId": "",
"model": "",
"name": "Power Supply 2",
"partNumber": "94Y8136",
"posID": "",
"powerAllocation": {
"totalInputPower": 0,
"totalOutputPower": 550000
"powerState": "Unknown",
"productId": "",
"productName": "",
"serialNumber": "K1181466087",
"slots": [2],
"type": "PowerSupply",
"uri": "powerSupply/",
"userDescription": "",
"uuid": "",
"vpdID": ""
"processorSlots": 0,
"processors": [{
"cores": 10,
"displayName": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz",
"family": "INTEL_R_XEON_TM",
"manufacturer": "Intel(R) Corporation",
"productVersion": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz",
"slot": 1,
"speed": 2.2999999999999998
"productId": "4D4F00",
"productName": "Lenovo System x3550 M5",
"raidSettings": [{
"description": "ServeRAID M5210",
"diskDrives": [{
"FRU": "42D0631",
"bay": 0,
"blockSize": 512,
"description": "AL13SEB300",
"diskState": "System",
"healthState": "Normal",
"interfaceType": "SAS",
"manufacturer": "IBM-ESXS",
"mediaType": "Rotational",
"model": "AL13SEB300",
"name": "Disk 0_0",
"numberOfBlocks": 585937500,
"partNumber": "42D0628",
"serialNumber": "44P012H5",
"uuid": ""
"FRU": "81Y3810",
"bay": 1,
"blockSize": 512,
"description": "ST9300653SS",
"diskState": "System",
"healthState": "Normal",
"interfaceType": "SAS",
"manufacturer": "IBM-ESXS",
"mediaType": "Rotational",
"model": "ST9300653SS",
"name": "Disk 2_2",
"numberOfBlocks": 585937500,
"partNumber": "81Y9667",
"serialNumber": "6XN3J9M9",
"uuid": ""
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [],
"date": "2015-04-06T00:00:00Z",
"name": "LSI MegaRAID Adapter Firmware",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "10140454",
"status": "Active",
"type": "",
"version": "24.7.0-0052"
"isAddOnCard": false,
"name": "ServeRAID M5210",
"slotNumber": "2",
"uuid": "0000000000000000500605B008E48280"
"secureBootMode": {
"currentValue": "Disabled",
"possibleValues": ["Disabled",
"serialNumber": "KVD0153",
"slots": [1],
"status": {
"message": "managed",
"name": "MANAGED"
"subSlots": [],
"subType": "",
"tlsVersion": {
"currentValue": "TLS_10",
"possibleValues": ["TLS_10",
"type": "Rack-Tower Server",
"uri": "node/425AF828DF7D11D4B0F8E76767BBBBBB",
"userDescription": "",
"uuid": "425AF828DF7D11D4B0F8E76767BBBBBB",
"vnicMode": "disabled",
"vpdID": ""
accessState: "Online",
activationKeys: [],
addinCards: [],
addinCardSlots: 0,
arch: "x86_64",
backedBy: "real",
bladeState: 0,
bootMode: {
possibleValues: ["Legacy Only",
"UEFI and Legacy",
"UEFI Only"],
currentValue: "UEFI and Legacy"
bootOrder: {
bootOrderList: [{
bootType: "SingleUse",
currentBootOrderDevices: ["None"],
possibleBootOrderDevices: ["Boot To F1",
"CD/DVD Rom",
"Floppy Disk",
"Disk Drive 0",
"PXE Network"]
uri: "node/00DD973D1C2CE511B19E3C18A000F4F0/bootOrder"
cmmDisplayName: "",
cmmHealthState: "Warning",
complexID: -1,
contact: "",
dataHandle: 0,
description: "chassis RD650",
domainName: "",
driveBays: 2,
drives: [{
bay: 0,
capacity: 953,
interfaceType: "SATA",
mediaType: "HDD",
speed: "6.0 Gb/s",
state: "stopped",
raidPresence: "Regular"
bay: 1,
capacity: 953,
interfaceType: "SATA",
mediaType: "HDD",
raidPresence: "Regular",
speed: "6.0 Gb/s",
state: "stopped"
embeddedHypervisorPresence: false,
errorFields: [],
excludedHealthState: "Warning",
expansionCards: [],
expansionCardSlots: 0,
expansionProducts: [],
expansionProductType: "",
fans: [],
firmware: [{
build: "",
date: "",
name: "BIOS",
role: "PRIMARY",
status: "ACTIVE",
type: "BIOS",
version: "PB2TS154"
build: "",
date: "",
name: "Windows Driver Bundle",
role: "",
status: "ACTIVE",
type: "Windows Driver Bundle",
version: "1.02.0004"
flashStorage: [],
FRU: "",
fruSerialNumber: "8SSB20A05917R2SH54D005X",
hasOS: false,
height: 2,
hostMacAddresses: "",
hostname: "blah",
ipInterfaces: [],
ipv4Addresses: [""],
ipv6Addresses: [""],
isConnectionTrusted: "true",
isITME: false,
isRemotePresenceEnabled: true,
isScalable: false,
lanOverUsb: "disabled",
leds: [{
conditions: "Fault",
color: "Red",
location: "FrontPanel",
name: "Fault",
state: "Off"
conditions: "Fault",
color: "Red",
location: "PSU",
name: "PSU1 FAULT",
state: "Off"
location: {
location: "",
lowestRackUnit: 0,
rack: "",
room: ""
macAddress: "00:8C:FA:E7:E8:D0,00:8C:FA:E7:E8:D1",
machineType: "RD650",
manufacturer: "LENOVO",
manufacturerId: "",
memoryModules: [{
capacity: 8,
displayName: "DIMM 1",
manufacturer: "Micron Technology",
model: "",
partNumber: "18ASF1G72PZ-2G1A2",
serialNumber: "da90356",
slot: 1,
speed: 1866,
type: "RDIMM",
voltage: "1.2V"
memorySlots: 0,
mgmtProcIPaddress: "",
model: "70DR000SUX",
name: "blah",
nist: {
currentValue: "Nist_800_131A_Strict",
possibleValues: ["Compatibility",
onboardPciDevices: [{
fodUniqueID: "",
isAddOnCard: false,
isAgentless: false,
name: "",
pciBusNumber: "4",
pciDeviceNumber: "0",
pciRevision: "0",
pciSubID: "1051",
pciSubVendorID: "17aa",
pciFunctionNumber: "0",
portInfo: {

posID: "73",
vpdID: "1000"
overallHealthState: "Warning",
partitionID: -1,
partNumber: "",
pciCapabilities: [],
pciDevices: [{
fodUniqueID: "",
isAddOnCard: false,
isAgentless: false,
name: "",
pciBusNumber: "4",
pciFunctionNumber: "0",
pciRevision: "0",
pciSubID: "1051",
pciSubVendorID: "17aa",
pciDeviceNumber: "0",
portInfo: {

posID: "73",
vpdID: "1000"
ports: [],
posID: "",
powerAllocation: {
maximumAllocatedPower: 0,
minimumAllocatedPower: 0
powerCappingPolicy: {
cappingACorDCMode: "UNKNOWN",
cappingPolicy: "UNKNOWN",
currentPowerCap: 0,
maxPowerCap: -1,
maximumPowerCappingHotPlugLevel: -1,
minimumHardCapLevel: -1,
minPowerCap: -1minimumPowerCappingHotPlugLevel: -1,
powerCappingAllocUnit: "watts",

powerStatus: 8,
powerSupplies: [{
cmmDisplayName: null,
dataHandle: 0,
description: "Power Supply 1",
firmware: [],
FRU: null,
fruSerialNumber: null,
hardwareRevision: "01F",
healthState: "GOOD",
inputVoltageIsAC: false,
inputVoltageMax: 0,
inputVoltageMin: 0,
leds: [{
color: "Green",
location: "FRU",
name: "IN",
state: "On"
color: "Amber",
location: "FRU",
name: "FAULT",
state: "Off"
machineType: null,
manufactureDate: "Feb 5, 2015",
manufacturer: null,
manufacturerId: "DELTA",
model: "DPS-1100EB A",
name: "0F33323D1DG525001X",
partNumber: null,
posID: null,
powerAllocation: {
totalInputPower: 0,
totalOutputPower: 0
powerState: null,
productId: null,
productName: null,
serialNumber: "0F33323D1DG525001X",
slots: [0],
type: "PowerSupply",
uri: "powerSupply/null",
userDescription: null,
uuid: null,
vpdID: null
processors: [{
cores: 8,
displayName: "",
family: "Intel Nehalem Family",
manufacturer: "GenuineIntel",
productVersion: "Haswell Server Model",
slot: 1,

speed: 3.4
processorSlots: 0,
productId: "",
productName: "RD650",
raidSettings: [],
secureBootMode: {
currentValue: "",
possibleValues: []
"securityDescriptor": {
"managedAuthEnabled": true,
"managedAuthSupported": false,
"publicAccess": false,
"roleGroups": [],
"storedCredentials": {
"description":"A valid user"
"uri": "nodes/200b8108289d11e3878e000af725674c"
serialNumber: "MJ02SC2F",
slots: [1],
status: {
message: "managed",
name: "MANAGED"
subType: "",
subSlots: [],
thinkServerFru: [{
deviceName: "12GBP 8xS",
description: "BackPlane1 FRU",
manufatucturer: "LENOVO",
manufatucturerDate: "Dec 24, 2014",
partNumber: "SSF0A47711",
serial: "8SSSF0A47711V1SH4CR0079"
deviceName: "Riser2U 3x8",
description: "Riser1 FRU",
manufatucturer: "LENOVO",
manufatucturerDate: "Dec 15, 2014",
partNumber: "SC50A06667",
serial: "8SSC50A06667V1SH4CE00JW"
tlsVersion: {
currentValue: "Unknown",
possibleValues: ["TLS_10",
type: "Lenovo ThinkServer",
uri: "node/00DD973D1C2CE511B19E3C18A000F4F0",
"userDefinedName": "Server1",
userDescription: "",
uuid: "00DD973D1C2CE511B19E3C18A000F4F0",
vnicMode: "disabled",
vpdID: ""