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PUT /nodes/systemGuardSetting

Use this method to enable or disable System Guard on one or more managed servers with XCC2 only.

This request starts a job that runs in the background to perform the operation. The response body returns the job URI for this request. Use GET /tasks/{job_list} to monitor the status and progress of the job.

A successful response code indicates that the job was successfully transmitted and accepted by the portal. It does not indicate that the operation that is associated with the job was successful. If a job was not successfully started, refer to the response code and response body for details.

This REST API requires Lenovo XClarity Administrator v4.0.0 or later.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

PUT https://{management_server_IP}/nodes/systemGuardSetting

Query parameters


Request body

AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
lockDownPolicyOptionalStringIndicates the behavior when systemGuardEnable is true, an inventory change is detected, and the server becomes non-compliant. This can be one of the following values. If not specified, the current setting on the device remains as is.
  • GenerateEventOnly. When any inventory change is detected, an event is raised, but no other action is taken. This is default behavior on devices.
  • PreventOSBooting. When a processor or memory inventory change is detected, an event is raised.

    If you attempt to boot into the OS, you are warned if System Guard detects configuration changes. In this case, you are prompted to log into the baseboard management controller if the changes are unexpected; otherwise, you can continue the boot or shutdown process.

systemGuardEnabledRequiredBooleanIndicates whether to enable System Guard. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Enables System Guard
  • false. Disables System Guard
uuidsRequiredArray of stringsList of UUIDs of managed devices to configure
The following example enables System Guard and sets the non-compliant behavior to prevent OS booting on all target servers.
"lockDownPolicy": "PreventOSBooting",
"systemGuardEnabled": true,
"uuids": ["FBB43C13103511E785f2E4A2CED78753", "23ABC13103511E785f2E4A2CED787DE"]
The following example disables System Guard on all target servers.
"systemGuardEnabled": false,
"uuids": ["FBB43C13103511E785f2E4A2CED78753", "23ABC13103511E785f2E4A2CED787DE"]

Response codes

202AcceptedThe request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not yet completed. The request might or might not be acted upon, depending on the results of the processing.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response header

The URI the root job are returned in the Location field, for example:
Location: /tasks/34

Response body

pathStringURI of the root job
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"path": "/tasks/34"