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GET /osdeployment/osInfo/{uuid_list}

Use this method to return information about the operating system that was deployed successfully by this Lenovo XClarity Administrator instance for a specific managed server


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/osdeployment/osInfo/{uuid_list}

where {uuid_list} is one or more UUIDs of managed servers, separated by a comma. To obtain the UUIDs, use the GET /nodes.

Query parameters


Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.

For XClarity Administrator advanced functions, ensure that you have active licenses for each managed server that supports the advanced functions.

404Not foundA specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

itemsArray of objectsInformation about all operating systems that were deployed on managed server using this XClarity Administrator instance
 deployStatusStringDeployment status. This can be the following value.
  • OS Installation Completed

Results for only successful deployments are currently saved.
 hostnameStringHostname that is used for the host server
 installedOSStringOS profile that is deployed on the host server
 nameStringName of the host server
 networkSettingsObjectInformation about network settings
  dns1StringPreferred DNS server for the host server
  dns2StringAlternative DNS server for the host server
  gatewayStringGateway of the host server. This is used when the network setting is set to static in the Global OS deployment settings.
  ipAddressStringIP address of the host server. This is used when the network setting is set to static in the Global OS deployment settings.
  ipModeStringMethod for assigning IP addresses for operating-system deployment. This can be one of the following values.
  • dhcpv4
  • staticv4
  • staticv6
  macAddressLongInformation about the MAC address
  mtuLongMaximum transmission unit for the host
  prefixLengthStringPrefix length of the host IP address. This is used when the network setting is set to static IPv6 in the Global OS deployment settings.
  subnetMaskStringSubnet mask of the host server. This is used when the network setting is set to static in the Global OS deployment settings.
  vlanIdStringVLAN ID for operating-system VLAN tagging

This attribute is valid only if in VLAN mode is enabled (see GET /osdeployment/globalSettings).

 storageSettingsObjectInformation about the storage location on which the operating-system image is deployed
  labelStringStorage location on which operating system image is deployed. This can be one of the following values.
  • Local disk
  • Embedded USB Hypervisor
  • M.2drive
  • SAN storage
  valueStringStorage location on which operating system image is deployed. This can be one of the following values.
  • localdisk. Local disk drive. The first enumerated local disk drive in the managed server is used.
  • M.2drive. M.2 drive. The first enumerated M.2 drive in the managed server is used.
  • usbdisk. Embedded USB Hypervisor. This location is applicable only when a VMware ESXi image is being deployed to managed servers. If two hypervisor keys are installed on the managed server, the VMware installer selects the first enumerated key for deployment.
  • lunpluswwn=LUN@WWN. FC SAN storage (for example, lunpluswwn=2@50:05:07:68:05:0c:09:bb).
  • lunplusiqn=LUN@IQN. iSCSI SAN Storage (for example, Specifying the IQN is optional if only one iSCSI target is configured If the IQN is not specified, the first detected iSCSI target is selected for OSDN. If specified, and exact match is made.
For ThinkServer servers, this value is always localdisk.
 uuidStringUUID of the host server
resultStringResult of the request. This can be one of the following values.
  • Success. The request was successful.
  • Failed. The request failed.
messagesArrayInformation about the message that is related to the result of the request
 explanationStringAdditional information to clarify the reason for the message
 idStringMessage identifier of a returned message
 messageStringMessage text associated with the message identifier
 recoveryArrayRecovery information
  textStringUser actions that can be taken to recover from the event
  URLStringLink to the help system for more information, if available
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"items": [{
"deployStatus": "OS Installation Completed",
"hostname": "nodeC",
"installedOS": "win2019-x86_64-install-Standard",
"name": "Mehlow-SR250-2",
"networkSettings": [{
"dns1": "",
"dns2": "",
"gateway": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"ipMode": "staticv4",
"macAddress": "AUTO",
"mtu": 1500,
"subnetMask": ""
"storageSettings": {
"label": "Local Disk Drive",
"value": "localdisk"
"uuid": "C3050752827D4AD8B4D5AE60B332C4BD"
"result": "success",
"messages": []