GET /osImages
Use this method to return information about the OS images and OS-image profiles, including the associated device drivers, boot-options files, and custom files (such as configuration settings, installation scripts, software, and unattend files), that are loaded in the Lenovo XClarity Administrator OS-images repository.
Authentication with username and password is required.
Request URL
GET https://{management_server_IP}/osImages
Query parameters
Parameters | Required / Optional | Description |
imageType=OSPROFILE | Optional | Returns information for specific OS-image profiles |
id={id_list} | Optional | Returns information for specific OS-image profiles, specified by ID. Separate multiple IDs using a comma. To obtain the ID, use the GET /osImages method. |
Response codes
Code | Description | Comments |
200 | OK | The request completed successfully. |
403 | Forbidden | The orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request. For XClarity Administrator advanced functions, ensure that you have active licenses for each managed server that supports the advanced functions. |
500 | Internal Server Error | An internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. |
Response body
Attributes | Type | Description | |||||
bootFiles | Array of object | List of boot-option files that are imported and available to the OS image profiles | |||||
bundleId | String | ID of the OS bundle from which the boot file was imported | |||||
description | String | Boot-option file description | |||||
id | String | Boot-option file identifier | |||||
name | String | Boot-option file name | |||||
os | String | The operating system that is associated with the boot-options file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
osrelease | String | Operating system release that supports the device driver. | |||||
size | Integer | Size, in KB, of the boot-options file | |||||
type | String | Type of boot-options file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
version | String | Boot-options file version (for example, v1 or v2) | |||||
bundleFiles | Array of object | List of bundle files that are imported and available to the OS image profiles | |||||
description | String | Description of the bundle file | |||||
id | String | ID of the bundle file | |||||
name | String | Name of the bundle file | |||||
os | String | The operating system that is associated with the bundle file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
osrelease | String | Operating system release that supports the bundle file | |||||
releasedate | String | Release date of the bundle file | |||||
size | String | Size, in MB, of the bundle file | |||||
version | String | Version of the bundle file (for example, v1 or v2) | |||||
customConfigFiles | Array of objects | List of configuration-settings files that are imported and available to the OS image profiles | |||||
associatedFileId | String | ID of the unattend file that was optionally associated with the configuration-settings file | |||||
content | String | Contents of the configuration-settings file | |||||
customMacros | Array of objects | List of custom macros that are derived from the configuration-settings file | |||||
macroName | String | Name of the macro | |||||
description | String | Description of the configuration-settings file | |||||
id | String | ID of the configuration-settings file | |||||
name | String | Name of the configuration-settings file | |||||
os | String | Operating system that is associated with the configuration-settings file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
osrelease | String | Operating system release | |||||
type | String | Type of boot-options file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
version | String | Version of the configuration-settings file | |||||
diskUsage | Object | Information about disk usage | |||||
bootFileDiskUsage | Long | Disk space that is used by the boot-options files (such as WinPE) | |||||
configFileDiskUsage | Long | Disk space that is used by the configuration-settings files | |||||
deviceDriverDiskUsage | Long | Disk space that is used by the disk drivers | |||||
osImageDiskUsage | Long | Disk space that is used by only the operating-system image. | |||||
scriptFileDiskUsage | Long | Disk space that is used by the installation-script file | |||||
softwareFileDiskUsage | Long | Disk space that is used by the software files | |||||
totalDiskUsage | Long | Total amount of disk space used. | |||||
unattendFileDiskUsage | Long | Disk space that is used by the unattend files | |||||
driverFiles | Array of object | List of device drivers that are imported and available to the OS image profiles | |||||
bundleId | String | ID of the OS bundle from which the boot file was imported | |||||
description | String | Device driver description | |||||
devicetype | String | Device driver adapter type. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
id | String | Device driver identifier | |||||
name | String | Device driver name | |||||
os | String | Operating system that is associated with the boot-options file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
osrelease | String | Operating system release that supports the device driver | |||||
type | String | Type of device driver. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
version | String | Device driver version (for example, v1, v2, etc.) | |||||
installScriptFiles | Array of objects | List of installation-script files that are imported and available to the OS-image profile Currently, only post-installation scripts are supported. | |||||
description | String | Installation-script description | |||||
id | String | Installation-script identifier | |||||
name | String | Installation-script file name | |||||
os | String | Operating system that is associated with the installation-script file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
type | String | Type of installation-script file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
version | String | Version of the installation-script | |||||
isAuthorized | Boolean | Indicates whether the user is assigned a role that can manage and deploy an operating system. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
items | Array of objects | Information about each operating-system image | |||||
description | String | Description for the operating system image | |||||
deployStatus | String | Deployment status of the operating system image. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
id | String | ID of the OS image | |||||
isCustomizedISO | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS image is customized. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
name | String | Name of the OS image | |||||
osBuildId | String | Build number of the operating-system image | |||||
osrelease | String | Release for the operating system | |||||
profiles | Array of objects | Information about one or more OS profiles | |||||
attributes | Array of strings | ||||||
customizationOptions | Object | Information about all options that can be customized in this operating system If the base operating system for the profile does not support customization, this attribute is null. If the base operating system for the profile supports customization but does support certain child attributes, the unsupported chile attributes are returned as empty strings. | |||||
bootOptions | Object | Information about predefined and imported boot-options files that are associated with this customized OS image profile | |||||
bootFileIds | Array of strings | Boot-options file IDs that correlate to the imported boot-options files Use POST /osImages to import the boot-options file, and then use POST /files/osImages?jobId={job_id} to import the boot-options file into the OS images repository. | |||||
customConfigOptions | Object | Information about the custom configuration settings that are associated with this customized OS-image profile | |||||
customConfigFileIds | Array of strings | List of IDs for each configuration-settings file that is associated with the OS-image profile | |||||
customSoftwareOptions | Object | Information about custom software payloads that are associated with this customized OS image profile | |||||
customSoftwareIds | Array of strings | List of IDs for each software payload that is associated with the OS-image profile | |||||
customType | Integer | Customization type. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
deployDataAndSoftwareLocation | String | Path to the extracted software payload, custom files, and deployment data (such as certificates and logs) on the deployment host. The following directories are used by default.
| |||||
driverOptions | Object | Information about predefined and imported device drivers that are associated with this customized OS image profile | |||||
driverFileIds | Array of strings | Device driver file IDs that is associated with the OS-image profile Use POST /osImages to import the device drivers, and then use POST /files/osImages?jobId={job_id} to import the device drivers into the OS images repository. | |||||
installScriptOptions | Object | Information about installation-script files associated with this customized OS image profile | |||||
scriptFileIds | Array of strings | List of IDs for each installation-script file that is associated with the OS-image profile Use POST /osImages to import the Installation-script files, and then use POST /files/osImages?jobId={job_id} to import the installation-script files into the OS-images repository. | |||||
unattendOptions | Array of objects | Information about unattend files that are associated with this customized OS-image profile | |||||
unattendFileIds | Array of strings | List of IDs for each unattend file that is associated with the OS-image profile | |||||
deployStatus | String | Deployment status of the operating system image. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
description | String | A description for the OS profile | |||||
id | String | The operating-system image profile ID. This ID is made up of the OS-image name and image-profile name separated by a bar (for example, sles12.2|sles12.2-x86_64-install-Basic). | |||||
isAllowedInCurrentSecurityMode | Boolean | Note This attribute will be deprecated in a future release. Use | |||||
isCustomizedISO | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS image is customized. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
name | String | Name of the OS profile | |||||
osBuildId | String | ||||||
osrelease | String | ||||||
readyCheck | Object | Information about the whether the OS-image profile is ready for deployment | |||||
incompatibleWithThinksystem | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS-image profile is not compatible with ThinkSystem servers. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
isPlaceholder | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS-image profile is a placeholder. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
noPackages | Boolean | Indicates whether the SLES 15 installer image has corresponding packages file imported for deployment. If the profile is not for SLES 15, you can ignore this attribute. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
noWinpe | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS-image profile does not use a WinPE boot file. If the profile is not Windows, you can ignore this attribute. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
preloadedWinpe | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS-image profile uses a preloaded WinPE boot file. If the profile is not for Windows, you can ignore this attribute. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
requiresThinksystemKiso | Boolean | Indicates whether the SLES image requires a kISO image to be compatible with ThinkSystem servers. This can be one of the following values. If the profile is not for SLES, you can ignore this attribute.
| |||||
supportedOsRelease | String | Operating-system release that is supported by the OS profile | |||||
type | String | The type of OS profile. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
readyCheck | Object | Information about the whether the OS image is ready for deployment | |||||
isNotAllowedInCurrentSecurityMode | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS profile is supported in the current security mode. For customized OS image profiles, this indicates the security mode of the base operating system. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
incompatibleWithThinksystem | Boolean | Indicates whether the OS image is not compatible with ThinkSystem servers. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
size | Integer | Size, in KB, of the OS-image file | |||||
supportedOsRelease | String | Operating-system release that is supported by the OS profile | |||||
type | String | Type of OS image. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
lastRefreshed | String | Timestamp of the last predefined OS-image repository refresh | |||||
number | Integer | Number of OS images | |||||
predefinedMacros | Array of objects | List of predefined macros (configurable settings) that are provided by XClarity Administrator | |||||
macroName | String | Name of the macro | |||||
softwareFiles | Array of objects | List of custom software payloads that are imported and available to the OS image profiles | |||||
description | String | Description of the software payload | |||||
id | String | ID of the software payload | |||||
name | String | Name of the software payload | |||||
os | String | Operating system that is associated with the software payload. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
osrelease | String | Operating system release | |||||
size | Integer | Size, in KB, of the software-payload file | |||||
type | String | Type of software payload. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
version | String | Version of the software payload | |||||
supportedImages | Array of objects | Information about each supported operation system image | |||||
allowCustomBootFile | String | Indicates whether the specified image supports custom boot files. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
allowCustomConfigFile | String | Indicates whether the specified image supports custom configuration settings. This can be one of the following values.
Note If | |||||
allowCustomDriver | String | Indicates whether the specified image supports custom device drivers. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
allowCustomInstallScriptFile | String | Indicates whether the specified image supports custom installation script files. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
allowCustomPath | String | Indicates whether the specified image supports a custom data and files path. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
allowCustomSoftwareFile | String | Indicates whether the specified image supports custom software files. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
allowCustomUnattendFile | String | Indicates whether the specified image supports custom unattend files. This can be one of the following values.
Note If | |||||
allowedBootFileExtension | Array of strings | List of file extensions that are permitted for custom boot files. This can be one or more of the following values.
| |||||
allowedBundleFileExtension | Array of strings | List of file extensions that are permitted for bundle files. This can be one or more of the following values.
| |||||
allowedConfigFileExtension | Array of strings | List of file extensions that are permitted for custom configuration settings files. This can be one or more of the following values.
| |||||
allowedDriverFileExtension | Array of strings | List of file extensions that are permitted for custom device drivers. This can be one or more of the following values.
| |||||
allowedScriptFileExtension | Array of strings | List of file extensions that are permitted for custom installation scripts. This can be one or more of the following values.
| |||||
allowedSoftwareFileExtension | Array of strings | List of file extensions that are permitted for custom software. This can be one or more of the following values.
| |||||
allowedUnattendFileExtension | Array of strings | List of file extensions that are permitted for custom unattend files. This can be one or more of the following values.
| |||||
customBootReleases | Array of strings | List of specific OS releases that are supported for custom boot files Note If | |||||
customConfigReleases | Array of strings | List of specific OS releases that are supported for custom configuration settings Note If | |||||
customDriverReleases | Array of strings | List of specific OS releases that are supported for custom device drivers Note If | |||||
customInstallScriptReleases | Array of strings | List of specific OS releases that are supported for custom installation script files Note If | |||||
customSoftwareReleases | Array of strings | List of specific OS releases that are supported for custom software files Note If | |||||
customUnattendReleases | Array of strings | List of specific OS releases that are supported for custom unattend files Note If | |||||
displayName | String | Display name for the specified image, in English only | |||||
name | String | OS image name. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
releases | Array of objects | List of specific releases that are supported for the specified image | |||||
unattendFiles | Array of objects | List of unattend files that are imported and available to the OS image profiles. A custom unattend file can only be associated with 1 profile. | |||||
associatedFileId | String | ID of the custom schema file that was optionally associated with the unattend file | |||||
content | String | Content of the unattend file | |||||
description | String | Description of the unattend file | |||||
id | String | ID of the unattend file | |||||
name | String | Name of the unattend file | |||||
os | String | Operating system that is associated with the unattend file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
osrelease | String | Operating system release | |||||
type | String | Type of unattend file. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
version | String | Version of the unattend file | |||||
result | String | Result of the request. This can be one of the following values.
| |||||
messages | Object | Information about one or more messages If the result is successful, an empty array is returned. | |||||
explanation | String | Additional information to clarify the reason for the message | |||||
id | String | Message identifier of a returned message | |||||
recovery | Array | Recovery information | |||||
text | String | User actions that can be taken to recover from the event | |||||
URL | String | Link to the help system for more information, if available | |||||
text | String | Message text associated with the message identifier |
"bootdFiles": [{
"description": "Predefined WinPE wim file for Windows Server 2012 and 2016",
"failedToLoad": false,
"id": "winpe-64-base",
"name": "WinPE_64",
"os": "win",
"osrelease": "2012,2012r2,2016,2016v1709",
"size": 480224,
"type": "Predefined",
"version": "1"
"bundleFiles": [{
"description": "LXCA-provided WinPE and drivers for Windows Server 2016",
"id": "win2016-bundle",
"minlxcarelease": "210",
"name": "Windows Server 2016 Driver and Boot File Bundle",
"os": "win",
"osrelease": "2016",
"releasedate": "2018-01-16",
"size": "454 MB",
"version": "1"
"customConfigFiles": [{
"associatedFileId": "",
"content": "{\"category\": \"dynamic\",\r\n \"content\": [{\r\n \"category\": \"dynamic\",\r\n ...}"
"customMacros": [
{ "macroName": "server-settings.node.fileserver" },
{ "macroName": "server-settings.node.lampserver" },
{ "macroName": "server-settings.node.mailserver" },
{ "macroName": "timezone"}
"description": "",
"id": "2018012943821_SLES_customConfigInstallPackages.json",
"name": "SLES_customConfigInstallPackages",
"os": "sles",
"osrelease": "",
"type": "Custom",
"version": ""
"associatedFileId": "",
"content": "{\"category\": \"dynamic\",\r\n \"content\": [{\r\n \"category\": \"dynamic\",\r\n ...}"
"customMacros": [
{ "macroName": "server-settings.node.keyboardLocale" },
{ "macroName": "server-settings.node.locale" }
"description": "",
"id": "2018012943854_SLES_customConfigLocale.json",
"name": "SLES_customConfigLocale",
"os": "win",
"osrelease": "",
"type": "Custom",
"version": ""
"diskUsage": {
"bootFileDiskUsage": 436856,
"configFileDiskUsage": 36,
"deviceDriverDiskUsage": 420723,
"osImageDiskUsage": 5974153,
"scriptFileDiskUsage": 20
"softwareFileDiskUsage": 224284,
"totalDiskUsage": 7056100,
"unattendFileDiskUsage": 28,
"driverFiles": [{
"description": "LSI MPT3 SAS v8.00.00.00_k3.12.28-4-4 storage driver for SLES 12",
"devicetype": "storage",
"failedToLoad": false,
"hwplatform": "immv2,thinkserver",
"id": "storage-broadcom-mpt3sas-sles12",
"name": "lsi-mpt3sas-kmp-default-",
"os": "sles",
"osrelease": "12",
"type": "Predefined",
"version": "1",
"description": "Matrox Video v4.11.0 for RHEL 7.3",
"devicetype": "other",
"failedToLoad": false,
"hwplatform": "immv3",
"id": "other-matrox-rhel73",
"name": "dd-mgag200-4.11.0_dup7.3-5.el7_3",
"os": "rhels",
"osrelease": "7.3",
"type": "Predefined",
"version": "1",
"installScriptFiles": [{
"description": "",
"id": "",
"name": "install_custom_sw",
"os": "sles",
"type": "Custom",
"version": ""
"description": "",
"id": "2018012943641_Windows_sw-installScript.ps1",
"name": "Windows_sw-installScript",
"os": "win",
"type": "Custom",
"version": ""
"isAuthorized": true,
"items": [{
"description": "",
"deployStatus": "ready",
"id": "win2016|",
"isCustomizedISO": false,
"name": "win2016",
"osBuildId": "",
"osrelease": "2016",
"profiles": [{
"attributes": [],
"customizationOptions": {
"bootOptions": {
"bootFileIds": ["winpe-64-base"]
"deployDataAndSoftwareLocation": "C:\\lxca"
"driverOptions": {
"driverFileIds": [
"description": "",
"deployStatus": "ready",
"id": "win2016|win2016-x86_64-install-Datacenter",
"isAllowedInCurrentSecurityMode": true,
"isCustomizedISO": false,
"name": "win2016-x86_64-install-Datacenter",
"osBuildId": "",
"osrelease": "",
"readyCheck": [{
"incompatibleWithThinksystem": true,
"isPlaceholder": true,
"noWinpe": true,
"preloadedWinpe": true
"type": "predefined"
"readyCheck": [{
"isAllowedInCurrentSecurityMode": true,
"incompatibleWithThinksystem": true,
"requiresThinksystemKiso": true
"size": 7624844,
"type": "base"
"lastRefreshed": "",
"number": 1,
"predefinedMacros": [
{ "macroName": "predefined.hostPlatforms" },
{ "macroName": "predefined.hostPlatforms.licenseKey" },
{ "macroName": "predefined.unattendSettings.postinstallConfig" },
{ "macroName": "predefined.unattendSettings.reportWorkloadNotComplete" }
"softwareFiles": [{
"description": "",
"id": "2018012943447_jre-8u151-linux-x64.tar.gz",
"name": "jre-8u151-linux-x64",
"os": "sles",
"osrelease": "",
"size": 8596,
"type": "Custom",
"version": ""
"description": "",
"id": "2018012943535_eclipse-4.6.3-3.1.x86_64.tar.gz",
"name": "eclipse-4.6.3-3.1.x86_64",
"os": "sles",
"osrelease": "",
"size": 8789,
"type": "Custom",
"version": ""
"supportedImages": [{
"allowCustomBootFile": "false",
"allowCustomConfigFile": "false",
"allowCustomDriver": "true",
"allowCustomInstallScriptFile": "false",
"allowCustomSoftwareFile": "false",
"allowCustomUnattendFile": "false",
"customBootReleases": [],
"customConfigReleases": [],
"customDriverReleases": ["6.2", "6.3", "6.4", "6.5", "6.6", ... "7.5"],
"customInstallScriptReleases": [],
"customSoftwareReleases": [],
"customUnattendReleases": [],
"displayName": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux",
"name": "rhels",
"releases": [
{ "6.2": ["IMM2", "thinkserver"] },
{ "6.3": ["IMM2", "thinkserver"] },
{ "7.4": ["IMM2", "thinkserver", "IMM3v1"] },
{ "7.5": ["IMM2", "thinkserver", "IMM3v1"] }
"allowCustomBootFile": "false",
"allowCustomConfigFile": "false",
"allowCustomDriver": "false",
"allowCustomInstallScriptFile": "false",
"allowCustomSoftwareFile": "false",
"allowCustomUnattendFile": "false",
"customBootReleases": [],
"customConfigReleases": [],
"customDriverReleases": [],
"customInstallScriptReleases": [],
"customSoftwareReleases": [],
"customUnattendReleases": [],
"displayName": "VMWare ESXi",
"name": "esxi",
"releases": [
{ "5.1": ["IMM2", "thinkserver"] },
{ "5.1U1": ["IMM2", "thinkserver"] },
{ "6.5U1": ["IMM2", "thinkserver", "IMM3v1"] },
{ "6.7": ["IMM2", "thinkserver", "IMM3v1"] }
"unattendFiles": [{
"associatedFileId": "",
"content": "<!--?xml version=\"1.0\"?-->\r\n\r\n\r\n
<div className="p">
The following example is returned if the request is successful for a base operating system image.
<pre className="pre codeblock lang-json">
"description": "",
"deployStatus": "ready",
"id": "win2019|",
"isCustomizedISO": true,
"name": "win2019",
"osBuildId": "",
"osrelease": "2019",
"profiles": [{
"attributes": [],
"customizationOptions": null,
"deployStatus": "ready",
"description": "",
"id": "win2019|win2019-x86_64-install-Datacenter_customized",
"isAllowedInCurrentSecurityMode": true,
"isCustomizedISO": true,
"name": "win2019-x86_64-install-Datacenter_customized",
"osBuildId": "",
"osrelease": "",
"readyCheck": {
"isPlaceholder": false,
"incompatibleWithThinksystem": false,
"missingThinksystemKiso": false,
"preloadedWinpe": false,
"requiresThinksystemKiso": false,
"noPackages": false,
"noWinpe": false
"supportedOsRelease": "",
"type": "predefined"
"readyCheck": {
"incompatibleWithThinksystem": false,
"isNotAllowedInCurrentSecurityMode": false
"size": 4941784,
"supportedOsRelease": "2019",
"type": "base"
"result": "failed",
"messages": [{
"explanation": "",
"id": "FQXHMFC0003M",
"recovery": {
"text": "Restart the management server and attempt the operation again. If
the problem persists, contact Support."
"URL": "",
"text": "The imported operating systems could not be retrieved from the image