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GET /patterns/{id}

Use this method to return information about a specific server pattern or category pattern.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/patterns/{id}

where {id} is the unique ID that was assigned when the server pattern was created. To obtain the pattern ID, use the GET /patterns method.

Query parameters


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.

For XClarity Administrator advanced functions, ensure that you have active licenses for each managed server that supports the advanced functions.

500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

identifierStringAlways set to id
itemsArrayInformation about the pattern
 bmcOnlyBooleanIndicates whether the server pattern contains only IMM settings, including System Information, Management Interface, and Extended BMC category patterns. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The server pattern contains only IMM settings.
  • false. The server pattern contains non-IMM settings.
 containsM2BooleanIndicates whether the server pattern contains M.2 drive settings. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The server pattern contains M.2 drive settings.
  • false. The server pattern does not contain M.2 drive settings.
 descriptionStringDescription of the pattern that was defined by the user when the pattern was created
 formFactorStringForm factor of the pattern. This can be one of the following values.
  • a. ThinkSystem SR635 or SR655 server
  • f. Flex System server
  • f4sc. 4 bay (2 node) scalable Flex system
  • f8sc. 8 bay (4 node) scalable Flex system
  • r. System x or NeXtScale server
  • rc. Scalable rack system
 idStringPatterns unique ID that was generated on creation
 inUseBooleanIndicates whether pattern has been deployed to one or more servers. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The pattern has been deployed.
  • false. The pattern has not been deployed.
 nameStringName of the pattern
 nodeTypeStringType of server to which the pattern applies. This value is always sysx.
 referencedByArrayList of patterns that reference this pattern. For server patterns, this attribute is always empty.
 serverTypeStringServer type

If the type is unknown, this value is NA.

 typeStringType of pattern. This value is always Server .
 useCountInteger(Category patterns only) Number of server patterns that use this category pattern
 uriStringURI that is used to make individual REST API calls to the referenced object
 userDefinedBooleanIndicates whether the pattern is user-defined or predefined. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The server pattern is user-defined.
  • false. The server pattern is predefined.
labelStringAlways set to label

The following example is returned for a server pattern if the request is successful.

"identifier": "id",
"items": [{
"bmcOnly": false,
"containsM2": false,
"description": "",
"formFactor": "f",
"id": "46",
"inUse": true,
"name": "asdfasdf",
"nodeType": "sysx",
"referencedBy": [],
"serverType": "NA",
"type": "Server",
"uri": "/config/template/46",
"userDefined": true
"label": "name"
The following example is returned for a system information category pattern if the request is successful.
"identifier": "id",
"items": [{
"bmcOnly": false,
"containsM2": false,
"description": "",
"id": "46",
"inUse": false,
"name": "sysInfo",
"referencedBy": [],
"serverType": "NA",
"type": "SystemInfo",
"uri": "/config/template/46",
"useCount": 2,
"userDefined": true
"label": "name",