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GET /profiles/{id}

Use this method to return information about a specific server profile.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/profiles/{id}

where {id} is the unique ID for the server profile that was assigned when the server pattern was deployed. To obtain the server profile ID, use the GET /profiles method.

Query parameters


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.

For XClarity Administrator advanced functions, ensure that you have active licenses for each managed server that supports the advanced functions.

500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

addressPresentBooleanIndicates whether any address pools are present. This can be one of the following values.
  • true . The address pools are present.
  • false. The address pools are present.
commandsArrayAll the commands that are generated by the profile
complianceStatusStringCompliance status. This can be one of the following values.
  • VALID. Server settings are compliant with the profile

  • INVALID. Server settings are Non-compliant with the profile

  • NONE. Compliance has not been calculated because pattern is still activated, pending or inactive

complianceTimestampStringTimestamp when the compliance status was set to VALID.

This timestamp is specified using ISO-8601 format (for example, 2019-05-02T19:28:14.000Z). For information about ISO-8601 format, see the W3C Date and Time Formats webpage.

displayNameStringDisplayed name of the profile
dynamicPropertiesStringInternal use only
endpointIdStringID of the device the profile is deployed to
endpointTypeStringType of device the profile is deployed to. This can be one of the following values.
  • LOCATION. A placeholder bay or Flex System server in a chassis
  • RACK. A rack or tower server.
externalIdStringThe ID of the device the profile is deployed to.
forScalableNodeBooleanIndicates whether the server is in a scalable system. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This is a scalable system.
  • false. This is not a scalable system.
forScalablePrimaryNodeBooleanIndicates whether the server is the primary node in the scalable system. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This is the primary node.
  • false. This is not the primary node.
forScalableSecondaryNodeBooleanIndicates whether the profile is for a secondary node in a scalable system. This can be one of the following values.
  • true . The profile is for a secondary node
  • false. The profile is for a primary node.
IDStringID of the profile
managementPatternPresentBooleanIndicates whether a management interface pattern is present. This can be one of the following values.
  • true . The management interface pattern is present.
  • false. The management interface pattern is not present.
nameStringName of the profile
primaryProfileIDStringIf this is a secondary profile, this is a string that is the primary profiles ID
profilePathArray of stringsLocation where the server profile is assigned. The following strings are returned in this order.
  1. The chassis compute-node bay location where the server is installed.

  2. The UUID or location ID of the target server

  3. For internal use only

  4. For internal use only

  5. For internal use only

rackIdStringID of the rack that contains the server that the profile is deployed to
secondaryProfileIDsArrayIDs of any secondary profiles created as part of a scalable deploy
serverTemplateIdStringID of the server pattern used to build the profile
templateIdStringID of the server pattern used to build the profile
unitIntegerID of the unit that contains the server that the profile is deployed to
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"addressPresent": false,
"commands": [
"#11/06/2017 3:49:51 PM",
"asu set UEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.RemoteConsole \"Auto\"",
"asusetUEFI.DevicesandIOPorts.LegacyOptionROMDisplay\"COM Port 1\"",
"complianceStatus": "Invalid",
"complianceTimestamp": "2022-04-11T18:50:00Z",
"displayId": "56",
"displayName": "flex non-compliant-profile1",
"dynamicProperties": {},
"endPointId": "97C28DF7541B4657AB59A26C2640A0A3_bay7",
"endPointType": "LOCATION",
"externalId": "97C28DF7541B4657AB59A26C2640A0A3_bay7",
"forScalableNode": false,
"forScalablePrimaryNode": false,
"forScalableSecondaryNode": false,
"ID": "56",
"managementPatternPresent": false,
"name": "flex non-compliant-profile1",
"primaryProfileID": "",
"profilePath": ["bay07", "97C28DF7541B4657AB59A26C2640A0A3", "system01", "pod01",
"rackId": "",
"secondaryProfileIDs": [],
"serverTemplateId": "55",
"templateId": "55",
"unit": 0