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GET /serverCertificate/jobs/{job_id}

Use the PUT method to retrieve information about a specific job for provisioning a signed server certificates to all managed devices.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/serverCertificate/jobs/{job_id}

where {job_id} is the job ID that was returned by the POST /serverCertificate/tmp method.

Query parameters


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

responseArray of objectsResponse content
 progressDoublePercentage complete of the job. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. Created
  • 50. In progress.
  • 100. Complete.
 resultArrayInformation about the job results. There is one entry for each managed device on which cryptographic settings are being changed.
  messageBundleStringLocation where can be found if it is not located in the default task management bundle. This value is always
  messageIDStringMessage ID for the set of job tasks
  messageAttributesStringUUID that is associated with the job
  progressLongPercentage complete of the job. This value can be 0 -100
  resultStringResult of the request. This can be one of the following values.
  resultShortDescriptionStringShort description of the result
  resultLongDescriptionStringLong description of the result
  statusObjectInformation about the current status of the job
    messageBundleStringLocation where can be found if it is not located in the default task management bundle. This value is always
    messageDisplayStringTranslated label that corresponds to the message ID or to the pre-translated backup string if no message ID is specified
    messageIDStringMessage ID for the set of job tasks
    messageTimeStringTime when this message was generated
   percentageLongPercentage complete of the job
   state State of the job. This can be one of the following values.
  • Aborted
  • Blocked
  • Cancelled
  • CancelledWithError
  • CancelledWithWarning
  • Cancelling
  • Complete
  • CompleteWithError
  • CompleteWithWarning
  • Expired
  • Initializing
  • Interrupted
  • InterruptedWithError
  • InterruptedWithWarning
  • Investigating
  • Pending
  • Resolved
  • Running
  • RunningWithError
  • RunningWithWarning
  • Skipped
  • Stopped
  • StoppedWithError
  • StoppedWithWarning
  • Unknown
  • Uploading
  • Validating
  • Waiting
   substatusArrayInformation about each step in the overall task. There is one entry for each step.
    completedBooleanIndicates whether the step completed. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The step has completed.
  • false. The task has not completed.
    idStringShort name of the step
    longDescriptionStringLong message description
    messageBundleStringLocation where can be found if it is not located in the default task management bundle. This value is always
    messageIDStringMessage ID for the task
    progressStringProgress of the task
    shortDescriptionStringShort message description
    startedBooleanIndicates if the management step has started. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The step has started.
  • false. The step has not started.
     percentageIntegerPercentage complete of the task
     stateStringState of the task. This can be one of the following values.
  • Aborted
  • Blocked
  • Cancelled
  • CancelledWithError
  • CancelledWithWarning
  • Cancelling
  • Complete
  • CompleteWithError
  • CompleteWithWarning
  • Expired
  • Initializing
  • Interrupted
  • InterruptedWithError
  • InterruptedWithWarning
  • Investigating
  • Pending
  • Resolved
  • Running
  • RunningWithError
  • RunningWithWarning
  • Skipped
  • Stopped
  • StoppedWithError
  • StoppedWithWarning
  • Unknown
  • Uploading
  • Validating
  • Waiting
    userActionStringAny user action that is required
  taskidIntegerName of the job
This job ID might not be the same as the job ID that is returned by the POST /serverCertificate/tmp method.
  taskNameStringName of the job
  time_spentLongDuration of the task in milliseconds
  uuidStringUUID of the device for which this job is running
 statusStringCurrent status of the overall task. This can be one of the following values.
  • DONE
 titleStringJob title. This is always Managed System Cryptography Settings.
resultStringResult of the request . This can be one of the following values.
  • success. The request completed successfully.
  • failure. The request failed. A descriptive error message was returned.
messagesArrayInformation about one or more messages
 idStringMessage identifier of a returned message
 textStringMessage text associated with the message identifier
 explanationStringAdditional information to clarify the reason for the message
 recoveryArrayRecovery information
  textStringUser actions that can be taken to recover from the event
  URLStringLink to the help system for more information, if available