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GET /updatableComponents

Use this method to return the status of firmware updates that are in progress or retrieve a list of devices and components that can be updated..


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/updatableComponents

Query parameters

ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
action={data}OptionalThe data to return. This can be one of the following values.
  • getComponents. Returns a list of devices and components that can be updated.
  • applyStatus. (default) Returns the status of firmware updates that are in progress
The following example returns a list of updatable devices and components.
The following example returns the status of firmware update jobs.

Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

Table 1. Returns a list of devices and components that can be updated.
DeviceListArray of objectsList of devices that are being updated
 CMMListArray of objectsList of CMM components
  componentNameStringCMM component name
  uuidStringCMM component UUID
 ServerListArray of objectsList of server components
  componentNameArrayServer component name
  uuidStringServer component UUID
 StorageListArray of objectsList of storage components
  componentNameArrayStorage component name
  uuidStringstorage component UUID
 SwitchListArray of objectsList of switch components
  componentNameArrayswitch component name
  uuidStringswitch component UUID
Table 2. Returns the status of firmware updates that are in progress.
DeviceListArray of objectsList of devices that are being updated
 CMMListObjectList of CMMs
  UpdateStatusArrayStatus of the firmware update
   PhaseStringUpdate phase. This can be one of the following values.
  • Activating
  • Applying
  • Canceling
  • Complete
  • Completing
  • Initializing
  • Entering
  • Executing
  • Extracting
  • Pending
  • Performing
  • Preparing
  • Processing
  • Queued
  • Restarting
  • Starting
  • Transferring
  • Unknown
  • Validating
  • Waiting
   StateStringUpdate state. This can be one of the following values.
  • Blocked
  • Cancel
  • Complete
  • Inprogress
  • Notstarted
  • Return
   StatusStringUpdate status. This can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
 ServerListObjectList of servers
  ComponentsObjectList of server components
    PhaseStringUpdate phase. This can be one of the following values.
  • Activating
  • Applying
  • Canceling
  • Complete
  • Completing
  • Initializing
  • Entering
  • Executing
  • Extracting
  • Pending
  • Performing
  • Preparing
  • Processing
  • Queued
  • Restarting
  • Starting
  • Transferring
  • Unknown
  • Validating
  • Waiting
    StateStringUpdate state. This can be one of the following values.
  • Blocked
  • Cancel
  • Complete
  • Inprogress
  • Notstarted
  • Return
    StatusStringUpdate status. This can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Canceled
  • Failed
  • Hardware_Not_Present
  • Skip_Already_Applied
  • Skip_Already_Compliant
  • Skip_Do_Not_Update
  • Queued
  • Succeed
     ComponentStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Queued
    StateStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Blocked
  • Cancel
  • Complete
  • Inprogress
  • Notstarted
  • Return
    StatusStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
    TotalComponentsIntegerTotal number of components to be updated
    TotalCompleteIntegerTotal number of completed updates
  UUIDStringSwitch UUID
 StorageListArray of objectsList of switches
  UpdateStatusArrayStatus of the firmware update
   PhaseStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Activating
  • Applying
  • Canceling
  • Complete
  • Completing
  • Initializing
  • Entering
  • Executing
  • Extracting
  • Pending
  • Performing
  • Preparing
  • Processing
  • Queued
  • Restarting
  • Starting
  • Transferring
  • Unknown
  • Validating
  • Waiting
   StateStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Blocked
  • Cancel
  • Complete
  • Inprogress
  • Notstarted
  • Return
   StatusStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
  UUIDStringStorage device UUID
 SwitchListArray of objectsList of switches
   JobIDIntegerJob ID
   PhaseStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Activating
  • Applying
  • Canceling
  • Complete
  • Completing
  • Initializing
  • Entering
  • Executing
  • Extracting
  • Pending
  • Performing
  • Preparing
  • Processing
  • Queued
  • Restarting
  • Starting
  • Transferring
  • Unknown
  • Validating
  • Waiting
   StateStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Blocked
  • Cancel
  • Complete
  • Inprogress
  • Notstarted
  • Return
   StatusStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
   TaskIDIntegerSubtask ID
    resultStringResult of the request. This can be one of the following values.
  • informational. The request completed successfully.

    messagesArray of objectsInformation about one or more messages
     idStringMessage identifier of a returned message
     textStringMessage text that is associated with the message identifier
  UpdateStatusArrayStatus of the firmware update
   PhaseStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Activating
  • Applying
  • Canceling
  • Complete
  • Completing
  • Initializing
  • Entering
  • Executing
  • Extracting
  • Pending
  • Performing
  • Preparing
  • Processing
  • Queued
  • Restarting
  • Starting
  • Transferring
  • Unknown
  • Validating
  • Waiting
   StateStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Blocked
  • Cancel
  • Complete
  • Inprogress
  • Notstarted
  • Return
   StatusStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • Active
  • Inactive
    resultStringResult of the request. This can be one of the following values.
  • informational. The request completed successfully.

    messagesArray of objectsInformation about one or more messages
     idStringMessage identifier of a returned message
     textStringMessage text that is associated with the message identifier
  UUIDStringSwitch UUID
 TotalJobsIntegerTotal number of jobs
 TotalJobsCompleteIntegerNumber of completed jobs
 TotalTasksIntegerTotal number of tasks
resultStringRequest results. This can be one of the following values.
  • informational. The request completed successfully.

messagesArray of objectsInformation about one or more messages
 idStringMessage identifier of a returned message
 textStringMessage text that is associated with the message identifier

The following example is returned if you specify query=status.

"DeviceList": [{
"CMMList": [{
"UpdateStatus": {
"JobID": 1,
"PercentComplete": 1,
"Phase": "Applying",
"StartTime": "2015-04-13 12:50:31.077",
"State": "InProgress",
"Status": "Active",
"TaskID": 1,
"UUID": "6134AFCEA91311E199A5A45AC8953137"
"ServerList": [{
"UUID": "8BFBADCC33CB11E499F740F2E9903640",
"Components": [{
"Component": "System Prerequisites",
"UpdateStatus": {
"JobID": 1,
"PercentComplete": 0,
"Phase": "Queued",
"State": "Blocked",
"Status": "Queued",
"TaskID": 4,
"Weight": 1
"Component": "ITE",
"UpdateStatus": {
"CurrentComponent": {
"Component": "Queued"
"PercentComplete": 0,
"State": "NotStarted",
"Status": "Active",
"TotalComplete": 0,
"TotalComponents": 32
"UUID": "0CDF130FDFC211E392806CAE8B704250",
"Components": [{
"Component": "System Prerequisites""UpdateStatus": {
"JobID": 1,
"PercentComplete": 0,
"Phase": "Queued",
"State": "Blocked",
"Status": "Queued",
"TaskID": 64
"Weight": 1,

"Component": "ITE",
"UpdateStatus": {
"CurrentComponent": {
"Component": "Queued"
"PercentComplete": 0,
"State": "NotStarted",
"Status": "Active",
"TotalComplete": 0,
"TotalComponents": 30
"SwitchList": [{
"ReadinessCheck": {
"ElapsedTime": "00:00:00:01.509",
"ElapsedTimeFormatted": "1 second 509 milliseconds",
"EndTime": "2016-04-07 23:44:10.366",
"JobID": 1,
"PercentComplete": 100,
"Phase": "Complete",
"StartTime": "2016-04-07 23:44:08.857",
"State": "Complete",
"Status": "Failed",
"TaskID": 1,
"Message": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP1000I",
"text": "The command completed successfully."
"id": "FQXHMUP4545L",
"text": "The device is not ready for an update.",
"explanation": "The device did not pass validation for firmware updates..",
"recovery": {
"text": "Correct the issues discovered by validation checks."
"UpdateStatus": {
"EndTime": "2016-04-07 23:44:10.869",
"JobID": 1,
"PercentComplete": 100,
"Phase": "Complete",
"State": "Complete",
"Status": "Canceled",
"TaskID": 3,
"Message": {
"result": "warning",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP4086F",
"text": "The RackSwitch G7052 xHMCUpdates task was canceled.",
"explanation": "The task was canceled because the required task RackSwitch G7052
xHMCUpdates ( READINESSCHECK: (jobid_1-taskid_1)
that this task depends on did not complete successfully.",
"recovery": {
"text": "Try to perform the update again. If the problem persists, please
contact Customer Support."
"UUID": "0b0f5101bb8844b8b2d1c1aaeb24f446"
"UpdateStatusMetrics": {
"TotaldeviceUpdates": 6,
"TotaldeviceUpdatesActive": 6,
"TotaldeviceUpdatesComplete": 0,
"TotaldeviceUpdatesInProgress": 1,
"TotalJobs": 1,
"TotalJobsComplete": 0,
"TotalJobsInProgress": 1,
"TotalJobsPercentComplete": 0,
"TotalSupportTasks": 18,
"TotalSupportTasksActive": 18,
"TotalTasks": 93,
"TotalTasksBlocked": 92,
"TotalTasksCanceled": 0,
"TotalTasksComplete": 0,
"TotalTasksFailed": 0,
"TotalTasksInProgress": 1,
"TotalTasksSuccess": 0,
"TotalUpdateTasks": 75,
"TotalUpdateTasksActive": 72
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP4091I",
"text": "Update Status was obtained successfully."