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GET /updateRepositories/firmware

Use this method to return information about firmware in the firmware-updates repository or export firmware-update files to the local system.

To export firmware-update files, complete the following steps.
  1. Export (collect) the firmware updates as a. zip file using the PUT /updateRepositories/firmware?action=export method. The response body returns the job (task) ID in the taskid parameter.

  2. Ensure that the job for creating the .zip file completed and retrieve the name of the zip file using the GET /updateRepositories/firmware/status?tasktype=EXPORTREPOSITORY&taskid={job_id} method, where {job_id} is the job (task) ID that is returned in the previous step. The response body returns the name of the .zip file in the current parameter.

  3. Download the zip file using the GET /updateRepositories/firmware?action=export&exportRepoFilename=<file_name} method, where {file_name} is the name of the ZIP file that is returned in the previous step.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/updateRepositories/firmware

Query parameters

Table 1. Export firmware update files
ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
key=exportRequiredDownloads a ZIP file that contains the firmware-update and UXSP files to the local system.

Use PUT /updateRepositories/firmware?action=export&filetype={type} to export (collect) the files as a. zip file that you can download using this method.

exportRepoFilename={name}RequiredName of the .zip file

To obtain the file name, use the GET /updateRepositories/firmware/status?tasktype=EXPORTREPOSITORY&taskid={job_id} method. The name of the ZIP file is returned by the current parameter in the response body.

The following example downloads a zip file of firmware updates to the local system.

Table 2. Return all information about firmware updates in the repository
ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
updatesRequiredReturns all information about firmware updates that are in the repository
The following example returns all information about firmware updates.
Table 3. Return specific information about firmware updates in the repository
ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
key={key}RequiredReturns specific information about firmware updates that are in the repository. This can be one of the following values.
  • importDir. Returns the import directory for the repository.
  • importedUxsps. Returns information about all UXSPs in the repository.
  • isUpdating. Returns the whether the firmware repository is being updated.
  • lastRefreshed. Returns the timestamp of the last repository refresh.
  • publicKeys. Returns the supported keys (actions) for this attribute.
  • size. Returns the repository size.
  • supportedMts. Returns a list of all device types for which the firmware-updates function is supported.
  • updates. Returns information about all firmware updates in the repository.
  • updatesByMt. Returns information about firmware updates organized by device type.
  • updatesByMtByComp. Returns the information about firmware updates, organized by device type and UXSP.
  • updatesInUXSPByMt. Returns the information about firmware updates, organized by device type and UXSP.
mt={type_list}OptionalReturns information for one or more specific device types, separated by a comma.
This attribute is applicable only when key is set to updates, updatesByMt, updatesByMTByComp, or updatesInUXSPByMt.
with={scope}OptionalReturns information about the firmware-update versions. This can be one of the following values.
  • all. (default) Returns information about all versions of firmware updates.
  • latest. Returns information about the most current version of firmware updates.
This attribute is applicable only when key is set to updates, updatesByMt, updatesByMTByComp, or updatesInUXSPByMt.
payload={boolean}OptionalReturns information about the firmware-updates. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Returns information about only downloaded firmware updates.

  • false. (default) Returns information about all firmware updates.

This attribute is applicable only when key is set to updates, updatesByMt, updatesByMTByComp, or updatesInUXSPByMt.
managedOnly={boolean}OptionalReturns information about the device types. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Returns a list of all managed device types.

  • false. (default) Returns a list of all device types for which the firmware-updates function is supported.

This attribute is applicable only when key is set to supportedMts.
The following example returns information about all UXSPs that are in the repository.
The following example returns a list of machine types that are supported by the firmware-update function.
The following example returns information about the latest firmware updates in the repository.
The following example returns information about the firmware updates for specific devices in USXPs in the repository.

Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

The following parameters are returned when the updates query parameter is specified.

A subset of parameters is returned when the key query parameter is specified. The object that is returned matches the key value that is specified. For example, if you specify ?key=size, only the size parameter is returned.

importDirStringImport directory for the repository
importedUxspsArray of objectsInformation about UXSPs in the repository
 categoryStringDevice category. This can be one of the following values.
  • chassis
  • server
  • rackswitch
  • storage
  • switch
 displayTypeStringMachine type that displays in the web interface
 inventoryMTStringIndicates whether devices with this machine type are currently managed by XClarity Administrator. This can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

 nameStringDevice name
 supportDownloadStringIndicate whether download from Lenovo XClarity Support website is supported. This can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

 typeStringDevice type
 uxspArray of stringsList of UXSPs in the repository that are associated with the device type
isUpdatingStringIdentifies whether the firmware repository is being updated. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The firmware repository is being updated. The repository is locked until the update is complete.

  • false. The firmware repository is not being updated. Other actions can be performed on the repository.

lastRefreshedStringTimestamp of the last catalog refresh operation.
publicKeysObjectPublic keys that are used in this repository for update packages
sizeObjectInformation about the size of the firmware-updates repository
 allotmentLongAmount of space that is available
 freeSpaceLongAmount of free space
 firmwareRepoUsageLongAmount of used space, in bytes, in the firmware updates repository
 highusageStringUsed capacity. This can be one of the following values.
  • high. 85% capacity or higher
  • medium. 50% capacity or higher
  • low. 49% or lower
 selfRepoUsageLongAmount of used space, in bytes, in the updates repository
 upperLimitSpaceLongMaximum amount of space, in GB, that can be allocated to the updates repository (including firmware, OS device drivers, and management server updates)

The minimum size is 50 GB. The maximum size is dependent on the amount of disk space on the local system.

 usedSpaceLongAmount of used space
 windowsDriverRepoUsageLongAmount of used space, in bytes, in the Windows device-drivers repository
supportedMtsObjectInformation about each device type for which the firmware-updates function is supported
 categoryStringDevice category. This can be one of the following values.
  • chassis
  • server
  • rackswitch
  • storage
  • switch
 compArray of stringsList of components that are associated with the firmware update (for example, XCC, UEFI, and LXPM)
 displayTypeStringDevice type that displayed in the web interface
 inventoryMTBooleanIndicates whether devices with this machine type are currently managed by XClarity Administrator. This can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

 nameStringDevice name
 supportDownloadStringIndicate whether the firmware update can be downloaded from the Lenovo XClarity Support website. This can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

 typeStringDevice type
 uxspArray of stringsList of UXSPs in the repository that are associated with the device type
updatesArray of objectsInformation about the updates.
 applyableStringIndicates whether the update can be applied. This can be one of the following values.
  • true
  • false
 buildNumberStringThe update build number, if applicable and available.
 buildTypeStringSpecifies that this update is a GA-level update
 changeStringIndicates whether the change log file exists in the repository for this firmware update. This can be one of the following values.
  • true
  • false
 compArray of stringsList of components that are associated with the firmware update (for example, XCC, UEFI, and LXPM)
 downloadedsizeIntegerSize of the firmware-update file that is currently downloaded. After the download is complete, the download size is the same as the total size.
 errorMsgStringNot used
 fixidStringFirmware update UUID
 latestStringIndicates whether the firmware update is the latest version. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This is the latest version.

  • false. This is not the latest version.

 nameStringNot used
 OperatingSystemListArray of stringsList of operating systems that are associated with the firmware update
 originStringFirmware update file name
 payloadStringIndicates whether the payload file exists in the repository for this firmware update. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The payload file is downloaded.

  • false. The payload file is not downloaded.

 payloadFilenameStringName of the payload file
 percentageIntegerPercentage of the firmware update that is downloaded. If the download is complete, the value is set to 100.
 prereqArray of stringsList of IDs of prerequisite firmware updates
 readableNameStringName of the readme file
 readmeStringIndicates whether the readme file exists in the repository for this firmware update. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The readme file is downloaded.

  • false. The readme file is not downloaded.

 rebootRequiredStringIndicates whether the device must be rebooted after installing this firmware update. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The update requires a reboot.

  • false. The update does not require a reboot.

 releasedateStringUpdate release date
 releasedintervalIntegerNumber of months since the firmware update was released
 severityIntegerUpdate severity. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. Initial release of the update.
  • 1. Critical update release.
  • 2. Suggested update release.
  • 3. Noncritical update release.
 stateStringNot used
 supportDownloadStringIndicate whether download from Lenovo XClarity Support website is supported.
  • true

  • false

 totalsizeIntegerTotal size of the update
 uxspArray of stringsID of the UXSP in the repository that is associated with the firmware update
 versionStringUpdate version
updatesByMtObjectInformation about updates by device type
 currentStringNot used
 downloadednumIntegerNumber of updates that are downloaded
 downloadedsizeIntegerSize of downloaded updates
 jobidIntegerJob ID that currently is running
 progressDoubleJob progress. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. Created
  • 50. Incomplete
  • 100. Done
 stateStringJob status. This can be one of the following values.
  • complete
 totalIntegerTotal number of updates
 totalsizeIntegerTotal size of updates
 updatesArray of objectsInformation about the firmware update
  inventoryMTStringIndicates whether devices with this machine type are currently managed by XClarity Administrator. This can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

  mtStringMachine type
  updatesArray of objectsInformation about each firmware update
updatesByMtByCompObjectUpdate information organized by machine type and component name
  inventoryMT Indicates whether devices with this machine type are currently managed by XClarity Administrator. This can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

updatesInUXSPByMtObjectInformation about firmware updates, organized by device type and UXSP
 updatesArray of objects 
statusObjectInformation about one or more messages
 resultStringResults of the request. This can be one of the following values.
  • success. The request completed successfully.

  • failed. The request failed. A descriptive error message was returned.

 messagesArray of objectsInformation about each message
  idStringMessage ID
  textStringMessage text associated with the ID
The following example returns the import directory for the repository (?key=importDir).).
"importDir": "\/opt\/lenovo\/lxca\/data\/updates\/repository",
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following example returns information about all UXSPs that are in the repository (?key=importedUxsps).
"importedUxsps": [{
"category": "server",
"displayType": "4259",
"inventoryMT": "false",
"name": "IBM Flex System x280\/x480\/x880 X6 Compute Node",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "4259",
"uxsp": "[ibm_utl_uxsp_n2ib06p-2.30_sles_32-64, ibm_utl_uxsp_n2ib03p-2.50_sles11_32-64]"
"category": "server",
"displayType": "8738",
"inventoryMT": "false",
"name": "IBM Flex System x240 Compute Node",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "8738",
"uxsp": "[ibm_utl_uxsp_b2ib04p-2.50_sles11_32-64, ibm_utl_uxsp_b2ib05p-2.30_sles_32-64]"
"category": "server",
"displayType": "7X99",
"inventoryMT": "false",
"name": "Lenovo ThinkSystem SR590 Server",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "7X99",
"uxsp": "[]"
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following examples returns information about whether the firmware repository is being updated (?key=isUpdating).
"isUpdating": "false"
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following example returns the timestamp when repository was refresh last (?key=lastRefreshed).
"lastRefreshed": "2018-10-31T15:26:52Z",
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following examples returns information about the size of the firmware-updates repository (?key=size).
"size": {
"allotment": 53687091200,
"firmwareRepoUsage": 34685248291,
"freeSpace": 11407376384,
"highusage": "high",
"selfRepoUsage": 97299561694,
"upperLimitSpace": 158230491136,
"usedSpace": 133804243686,
"windowsDriverRepoUsage": 1819433701
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following examples returns a list of machine types that are supported by the firmware-update function (?key=supportedMts).
"supportedMts": [{
"category": "server",
"comp": "[Emulex HBA (LPe1600x) Firmware Update for Linux, Online Qlogic NetXtreme II Firmware
Utility, IBM Online SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Program - contains Lenovo Drives, Emulex
OCe14xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux, Diagnostics, Online Broadcom NetXtreme I Linux Firmware
Utility, Firmware Update for ServeRAID M5115 PSoC3, IBM Flex System FC3172 2-port 8Gb FC
Multiboot Update Package, IMM2, ServeRAID 6GB SAS\/SATA Controller Firmware Update, IBM Online
SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Program For Legacy, Mellanox Firmware Update, UEFI, ServeRAID
M1210e SAS\/SATA Controller Firmware Update, Emulex OCe11xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux,
QLogic BR series BootCode Update for 16G FC 10G CNA and 4\/8G FC HBA, IBM Flex System FC5172
2-port 16Gb FC Multiboot Update Package, Emulex HBA (LPe1205\/LPe1200x) Firmware Update for
"displayType": "7903",
"inventoryMT": "true",
"name": "IBM Flex System x280\/x480\/x880 X6 Compute Node",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "7903",
"uxsp": "[ibm_utl_uxsp_n2ib06p-2.30_sles_32-64, ibm_utl_uxsp_n2ib03p-2.50_sles11_32-64]"
"category": "server",
"comp": "[Online Qlogic NetXtreme II Firmware Utility, Emulex HBA (LPe1600x) Firmware Update for
Linux, LSI 2004 SAS Controller BIOS and Firmware Update for IBM Flex x440 Compute Node, IBM Online
SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Program - contains Lenovo Drives, Emulex OCe14xxx UCNA Firmware
Update for Linux, Diagnostics, Online Broadcom NetXtreme I Linux Firmware Utility, Firmware Update
for ServeRAID M5115 PSoC3, IBM Flex System FC3172 2-port 8Gb FC Multiboot Update Package, IMM2,
ServeRAID 6GB SAS\/SATA Controller Firmware Update, IBM Online SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update
Program For Legacy, Mellanox Firmware Update, UEFI, QLogic BR series BootCode Update for 16G FC
10G CNA and 4\/8G FC HBA, Emulex OCe11xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux, IBM Flex System FC5172
2-port 16Gb FC Multiboot Update Package, Emulex HBA (LPe1205\/LPe1200x) Firmware Update for Linux]",
"displayType": "7917",
"inventoryMT": "true",
"name": "IBM Flex System x440 Compute Node",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "7917",
"uxsp": "[ibm_utl_uxsp_cnib06p-3.20_sles_32-64, ibm_utl_uxsp_cnib03p-3.30_sles_32-64]"
"category": "server",
"comp": "[BIOS and Firmware Update for ThinkSystem 430-x SAS\/SATA 12Gb HBA(, Broadcom NX-1
Ethernet Firmware Update for Linux, Emulex OCe14xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux, Intel
v23.2 Network FW Update Release for Linux, QLogic FastLinQ Ethernet Adapter Firmware Update
for Linux, ThinkSystem RAID 530-x Adapters update BIOS and Firmware for windows and linux,
Firmware Update for ThinkSystem 1610-4P NVMe Switch Card, LXPM, Emulex HBA (LPe3100x) Firmware
Update for Linux, DRVLN, ThinkSystem RAID 930-x xGB Flash PCIe 12Gb Adapters2Gb Adapters update
BIOS and Firmware for windows and linux, ThinkSystem 810-4p NVMe Switch Card Firmware, Lenovo
Online SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Program, UEFI, QLogic Fibre Channel HBA Firmware Update
for ThinkSystem, XCC, DRVWN, Emulex HBA (LPe1205\/LPe1200x) Firmware Update for Linux, Broadcom
NX-E Ethernet Firmware Update for Linux, ThinkSystem RAID 730-8i XGB Cache\/Flash PCIe 12Gb
Adapter Update BIOS and Firmware, ThinkSystem M.2 with Mirroring Enablement Kit Firmware Update
For Anyos]",
"displayType": "7X99",
"inventoryMT": "false",
"name": "Lenovo ThinkSystem SR590 Server",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "7X99",
"uxsp": "[]"
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following example returns information about the latest firmware updates in the repository (for example, ?key=updates&with=latest).
"updates": [{
"applyable": "true",
"buildNumber": "1AON20A",
"buildType": "production",
"change": "true",
"comp": "CMM",
"downloadedsize": 0,
"errorMsg": "",
"fixid": "lnvgy_fw_cmm_1aon20a-1.8.0_anyos_noarch",
"latest": "false",
"name": "",
"OperatingSystemList": [],
"origin": null,
"payload": "false",
"payloadFilename": "",
"percentage": 0,
"prereq": ["lnvgy_fw_cmm_1aon16b-1.6.1_anyos_noarch"],
"readableName": "Lenovo Chassis Management Module 2 [CMM2] Firmware 1.8.0 [1AON20A]
18A GA",
"readme": "true",
"rebootRequired": "true",
"releasedate": "2018-06-05",
"releasedinterval": 5,
"severity": 2,
"state": "",
"supportDownload": "true",
"totalsize": 80617000,
"uxsp": [],
"version": "1.8.0"
"applyable": "true",
"buildNumber": "",
"buildType": "production",
"change": "true",
"comp": "Broadcom NX-E Ethernet Firmware Update for Linux",
"downloadedsize": 0,
"errorMsg": "",
"fixid": "brcm-lnvgy_fw_nic_nxe-",
"latest": "true",
"name": "",
"OperatingSystemList": [],
"origin": null,
"payload": "false",
"payloadFilename": "",
"percentage": 0,
"prereq": [],
"readableName": "Broadcom NetXtreme-E Ethernet Adapter Firmware Utility for Linux",
"readme": "true",
"rebootRequired": "true",
"releasedate": "2017-08-04",
"releasedinterval": 15,
"severity": 0,
"state": "",
"supportDownload": "true",
"totalsize": 5571000,
"uxsp": [],
"version": "nxe-"
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following examples returns information about firmware updates, organized by device type (?key=updatesByMt).
"updatesByMt": {
"current": "",
"downloadednum": 0,
"downloadedsize": 1,
"jobid": -1,
"progress": 100,
"state": "complete",
"total": 0,
"totalsize": 1,
"updates": [{
"inventoryMT": "true",
"mt": "7917",
"updates": [{
"applyable": "true",
"buildNumber": "",
"buildType": "production",
"change": "true",
"comp": "Emulex OCe14xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux",
"downloadedsize": 0,
"errorMsg": "",
"fixid": "elx_fw_cna_15a-oc14-",
"latest": "true",
"name": "",
"OperatingSystemList": [],
"origin": null,
"payloadFilename": "",
"percentage": 0,
"prereq": [],
"payload": "false",
"readableName": "Emulex OCe14xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux",
"readme": "true",
"rebootRequired": "true",
"releasedate": "2016-11-22",
"releasedinterval": 23,
"severity": 0,
"state": "",
"supportDownload": "true",
"totalsize": 20640000,
"uxsp": [],
"version": "oc14-"
"applyable": "true",
"buildNumber": "1.20.02",
"buildType": "production",
"change": "true",
"comp": "LSI 2004 SAS Controller BIOS and Firmware Update for IBM Flex x440 Compute Node",
"downloadedsize": 0,
"errorMsg": "",
"fixid": "ibm_fw_mpt2sas_x440-1.20.02_linux_32-64",
"latest": "true",
"name": "",
"OperatingSystemList": [],
"origin": null,
"payload": "false",
"payloadFilename": "",
"percentage": 0,
"prereq": [],
"readableName": "LSI 2004 SAS Controller BIOS and Firmware Update for IBM Flex x440 Compute Node",
"readme": "true",
"rebootRequired": "true",
"releasedate": "2015-12-03",
"releasedinterval": 35,
"state": "",
"severity": 2,
"supportDownload": "true",
"totalsize": 1436000,
"uxsp": [],
"version": "1.20.02",
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following example returns information about firmware updates, organized by component and device type (for example, ?updatesByMtByComp).
"updatesByMtByComp": {
"parameter": "MTS",
"value": [{
"comp": "[Emulex HBA (LPe1600x) Firmware Update for Linux, Emulex OCe14xxx UCNA
Firmware Update for Linux, Lenovo Online SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update
Program, Intel v22.9 Network FW Update Release for Linux, Diagnostics, Online
Broadcom NetXtreme I Linux Firmware Utility, BIOS and Firmware Update for ServeRAID
M5200 Series SAS\/SATA Controllers, IMM2, Emulex HBA (LPe1205\/LPe1200x) Firmware
Update for Linux, BIOS and Firmware Update for ServeRAID M1200 Series SAS\/SATA
Controllers(24.21.0-0016), Emulex HBA (LPe3100x) Firmware Update for Linux]",
"category": "server",
"displayType": "3633",
"inventoryMT": "false",
"name": "Lenovo System x3250 M6",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "3633",
"uxsp": "[]",
"category": "server",
"comp": "[Online Qlogic NetXtreme II Firmware Utility, Emulex HBA (LPe1600x)
Firmware Update for Linux, Emulex OCe14xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux,
Diagnostics, Online Broadcom NetXtreme I Linux Firmware Utility, BIOS and
Firmware Update for ServeRAID M5200 Series SAS\/SATA Controllers, IMM2,
Emulex HBA (LPe3100x) Firmware Update for Linux, Mellanox Firmware Update
(17B), Lenovo Online SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Program, Intel v22.9
Network FW Update Release for Linux,QLogic Fibre Channel HBA Firmware Update
for ThinkSystem, Emulex OCe11xxx UCNA Firmware Update for Linux, Emulex HBA
(LPe1205\/LPe1200x) Firmware Update for Linux,BIOS and Firmware Update for
ServeRAID M1200 Series SAS\/SATA Controllers(24.21.0-0016), ServeRAID 6gb
SAS\/SATA Controller Firmware Update]",
"displayType": "6241",
"inventoryMT": "false",
"name": "Lenovo System x3850 \/ x3950 X6",
"supportDownload": "true",
"type": "6241",
"uxsp": "[]",
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."
The following example returns information about firmware updates, organized by device type and UXSP (?key=updatesInUXSPByMt).
"updatesInUXSPByMt": {
"current": "",
"downloadednum": 0,
"downloadedsize": 1,
"jobid": -1,
"progress": 100,
"state": "complete",
"total": 0,
"totalsize": 1,
"updates": [{
"inventoryMT": "false",
"mt": "3633",
"updates": [{
"applyable": "true",
"buildNumber": "SAS-1.27.08",
"buildType": "production",
"change": "true",
"comp": "Lenovo Online SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Program",
"downloadedsize": 220516907,
"errorMsg": "",
"fixid": "lnvgy_fw_hdd_sas-1.27.08_linux_x86-64",
"latest": "true",
"name": "",
"OperatingSystemList": [],
"origin": null,
"payload": "true",
"payloadFilename": "lnvgy_fw_hdd_sas-1.27.08_linux_x86-64.bin",
"percentage": 100,
"prereq": [],
"readableName": "Lenovo Online SAS\/SATA Hard Disk Drive Update Program",
"readme": "true",
"rebootRequired": "false",
"releasedate": "2018-10-09",
"releasedinterval": 1,
"severity": 2,
"state": "",
"supportDownload": "true",
"totalsize": 220516907,
"uxsp": [],
"version": "sas-1.27.08"
"status": {
"result": "informational",
"messages": [{
"id": "FQXHMUP2500I",
"text": "Repository operation completed successfully."