getinfor command
Use the getinfor command to obtain hardware and software information for the target system through in-band or out-of-band method. By default, the inventory results are saved to an XML file.
getinfor command syntax
OneCli.exe inventory getinfor [<options>]
Parameter | Required/Optional | Notes |
--cmm | Optional | If specified, the inventory application will only obtain the information of a remote CMM.
--device | Optional | Default value: all Displays all of the supported inventory items. Device name separated by commas or space, such as: system_overview, processes Gets the inventory information for the specified items. |
--ffdc | Optional | If specified, the inventory application will retrieve the BMC FFDC log. |
--hldec | Optional | Collect the UEFI hidden logs. This option is only supported for System X. |
--htmlreport | Optional | If specified, the output results will contain HTML file report. |
--proxy | Optional | Use proxy to connect to upload server. The format is user:password@host[:port]. For IPv6 address, the format is socks5://user:password@[IPv6]:port. |
--servicelog | Optional | If specified, the inventory application will retrieve the BMC service data log. |
--smm | Optional | If specified, the inventory application will only get the information for a remote SMM. The format is user:password@IP. For the IPv6 address, the format is user:password@[IPv6]. |
--upload | Optional | This parameter can be specified with the following arguments: lenovo and server address. If specified with lenovo, the format is: --upload lenovo. The inventory data is uploaded to Lenovo Upload Facility. Users should specify the case number, or specify both machine type and serial number. If specified with server address, the format is: --upload server address. The inventory data is uploaded to the target server. The supported protocols include: TFTP, FTP, and SFTP. If not specified, no inventory data will be uploaded. |
--sftp | Optional | SFTP connection information. Format: user:password@IP[port][dir/]. The address is used to save FFDC logs for VMWare ESXi. |
| Optional | Refer to Table 2. |
inventory example
This is an example of the inventory application and the getinfor command using OneCLI.
OneCli.exe inventory getinfor --output d:\onecli\inventory --htmlreport --ffdc --upload lenovo
To collect Windows event logs in Windows OS, change the configuration item in the global.config file to ONECLI_EVENTLOG_MAX=All. For more information, refer to OneCLI global configuration file.
When downloading any executable version of the OneCLI utility (Windows or Linux) from and running this executable version by double-clicking its package, the global.config file will not be evaluated.