The UpdateXpress application supports to collect logs for a remote server.
Prerequisite:The collection function for a remote server is only supported on ThinkServer servers/WenTian servers. For details of supported operating systems, see Supported operating systems.
To collect logs, do the following:
- Launch the UpdateXpress application. See Launching the UpdateXpress application.
- In the Welcome window, click Next.
- In the Target Server window, select Manage the remote server, input the following information, and click Next.
IP address or Host name: BMC IP address or host name of the target system.
User Name: BMC user name of the target system.
Password: BMC password of the target system.
Port: BMC CIM or RSET port number. If users do not input, the default port is used.
If users are not intended to check the BMC server certificate and SFTP/HTTPS server key fingerprint, select Accept BMC server's certificate and SFTP/HTTPS server's key fingerprint by default, and click Next.
- In the Task window, select Collect Log, and click Next.
- In the Log Collection Mode window, select Collect BMC Log or Collect FFDC Log, or both of them, and click Next.
- In Log Collection Result window, check the results, and click Next.
- In the Finish window, click the log to check the updates, and click Close to exit.